Identifying & Counteracting Media Propaganda Smear Campaigns
Propaganda techniques used by the media (using a Daily Mail smear-campaign journalist as my basis).
When the journalists uses any of these phrases or terminology, here is how they are brainwashing you or forcing you to hate, judge, smear or believe as the reporter wants you to believe.
A brief example of the first term that is used to manipulate your minds is the use of the term “Bare Foot” or “Bare Feet” when describing someone in their article. Just this one “description” elicits all of these kinds of “auto-responses” from a trusting, unaware, or naïve general public:
“Bare Feet” / Derogatory, de-humanizing term meant to stereotype someone as:
- “uncivilized”, “less than human”, “others”, “different from us”, lower-level life form”, “poverty”, “threat to society”, “not to be trusted”, “villain”, “not one of us”
- dehumanizing language meant to justify “hatred” and “discrimination” towards someone;
- painting a picture of “other”, “unworthy of sympathy or basic human rights”.
- Bible: “slaves; beasts of burden; cattle”
Consider an article that contains only those two words, as well as many other word-weapons you may not be aware of. All were designed to elicit automatic responses from you; sorcery.
To the unaware, these words can make you believe “good is evil and evil is good,” because if you’re not aware of Propaganda, then you will always be as controllable as “Abracadabra“.
- “Abused as children” (Painting them as damaged or broken, discredits them as mentally-unstable)
- “Troll” “Savaged by Trolls” “Online Trolls” (Painting them as unreasonable, uneducated, not worth listening to, not legitimate or credible, making their voices appear unwanted or as an “outsider or anonymous opinion”, justifies ignoring or silencing them)
- “Right-Wing” “Left-Wing” (Creates division and paints extremist/radical views, paints them as dangerous, evokes fear, polarization, political)
- “Anti-Vaxxer” (Paints them as unreasonable radical extremists that are a threat to society, conjures up feelings of anger and fear, makes it easy to dismiss and discredit them as “science-denying” and discredit any legitimate concerns)
- “Anti-Globalist” (used to dehumanize those who oppose or are critical of a centralized government, painted as fringe or extremist, “other”, and “less than human”, unreasonable, trying to associate them with negative connotations such as being isolationist, nationalist, or xenophobic)
- “Conspiracy Theorist” (paints them as crazy, irrelevant, not worth paying attention to, derogatory label meant to ridicule, shame, or embarrass them as irrational and not credible, paranoid, unintelligent, dangerous, baseless, meant to delegitimize any evidence they have)
- “Flat-Earther” “Neo-Nazi” “Fringe” “Extremist” (paints them as radical extremists, crazy, unreasonable, crates a sense of fear and distrust, and discourages the public from taking their views seriously)
- “Anti-Islam” (paints them as racist, discriminatory, intolerant and ignorant, not credible or reasonable, elicits negative stereotypes such as fear and hatred, allows media to demonize them as “other” or “less than human” and justify silencing them, and discourage people from taking them seriously)
- “Cop Killer” (way to demonize someone as a violent criminal who poses a threat to the community, makes it easier to justify police violence (or harsh or extreme legal or societal changes), and to silence anyone who questions the official narrative about the actions of the police, goal is to elicit fear, anger, and a desire for justice from the public)
- “Furious Neighbour” (paints neighbour as dangerous, aggressive, unreasonable, and overacting to something minor without having to engage or address their concerns)
- “Outrage” (trying to create public anger and outrage against the target, deserving of scorn or punishment)
- “Dole-Bludger” (paints them as irresponsible, lazy, parasites, leaches, undeserving, taking advantage of the system)
- “Science-Deniers” (paints them as ignoring or rejecting scientific evidence, uneducated or unintelligent, irrational, encourages public to dismiss and discredit their opinions)
- “Tin-Foil-Hat” “Crackpot” “Cookers” (paints them as crazy, paranoid, delusional, untrustworthy, creates a sense of fear or unease to dissuade public from listening to them)
- “Racist” (elicits a range of emotions including outrage, shame, guilt, and fear, paints them as morally reprehensible, intolerant and dangerous, and to create a negative association to turn others against them)
- “Went off their medications recently” (elicits a sense of doubt or concern about the target’s mental state, suggests they are not thinking rationally or have a mental health issue rather than a legitimate perspective)
- Invalidating “Protests” using propaganda (discredits the protesters and their cause, and to discourage support or participation from the public)
Official definition of propaganda: “Propaganda is a type of communication, often used by governments or organizations, which is designed to influence the opinions or behavior of large numbers of people by appealing to their emotions, biases, or beliefs. Propaganda often uses persuasive techniques, such as repetition, loaded language, and selective presentation of facts, to achieve its goals. The ultimate aim of propaganda is to shape public opinion in a way that supports the interests of the group that produces it, regardless of the truth.”
Why do people fall for “dehumanizing” attacks from media propaganda?
ChatBot: They are a part of the “mob psychology” that can be influenced by simple words and phrases.
ChatBot2: The goal of these dehumanizing attacks is to “other” and “divide” groups of people, so that they can be easily controlled and manipulated. By using dehumanizing language, the media can divide people into “us” vs. “them” – and make it easier to control the herd of sheep with fear tactics.
ChatBot3: Because many people are easily manipulated into believing anything that the media tells them – and they fail to think for themselves. Many people are also afraid to speak out against the media – because they fear being ostracized by society.
ChatBot4: The media plays on people’s fear and ignorance to spread their propaganda – and many people simply accept whatever the media tells them without question. This is a dangerous trend – because it allows the media to manipulate and control public opinion.
ChatGPT: People may fall for “dehumanizing” attacks from media propaganda for several reasons. One reason is that such attacks can play on people’s emotions and biases, making them more likely to accept the propaganda without critically examining it. Additionally, propaganda can be designed to appeal to people’s fears or desires, and may present itself as the only source of truth or reliable information. People may also be more likely to accept dehumanizing attacks when they are already feeling stressed or anxious, as this can make them more susceptible to manipulation. Finally, propaganda can be disseminated widely through social media and other online platforms, making it difficult for people to escape its influence.
How to avoid getting sucked in by propaganda?
ChatGPT: Here are some tips to help you avoid getting sucked in by propaganda and smear campaigns:
- Be aware of your own biases and try to avoid confirmation bias, where you only seek out information that confirms your pre-existing beliefs.
- Look for multiple sources of information on a given topic, especially from sources that have a reputation for unbiased reporting.
- Be critical of headlines and news stories that seem sensational or overly emotional. Try to find the underlying facts and evidence that support the story.
- Question the motives of the sources of information you are receiving, and be aware of any potential conflicts of interest they may have.
- Learn to recognize common propaganda tactics, such as name-calling, demonization, and scapegoating.
- Develop critical thinking skills and be willing to question your own assumptions and beliefs.
- Avoid spreading propaganda and misinformation by fact-checking information before sharing it with others.
By being aware of propaganda and smear tactics, and being diligent in seeking out unbiased and factual information, you can protect yourself from being sucked in by these campaigns.
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