Dental anaesthetics graphene/nanotech
- Updated:1 year ago
- Reading Time:30Minutes
- Post Words:7594Words
Someone asked the question in the Telegram group, and I haven’t been keeping up-to-date with what’s going on in this area because I’m researching elsewhere, so I took a couple of days to download about 30 of the most recent Dental anaesthetics videos, then made clips out of 20 of them to make the following compilation video.
Dental anaesthetics graphene/nanotech
List of Videos, their length, and any related references: (the original source videos, studies, their social media, websites, etc.)
Dr Len Ber MD Little Robots (1m)
“So this is what’s happening when I mixed dental anaesthetic with blood. Look at all these little machines. These are not thrombocytes. These are not platelets. These are little robots building something. This is not supposed to happen. This is not normal. Thrombocyte platelets would not be jumping like this. What are they building? Oh my god. These are little robots. Look at that. Oh my god.“ (01) MIXING DENTAL ANESTHETIC WITH BLOOD (DR. LEN BER) NANO BOT DISCO 1min (02) Mixing dental anaesthetic with my blood (03) Mixing Dental Anesthetic with Blood (04) The Function of Blood Platelets or Thrombocytes

Sasha Latypova with Dr Jane Ruby on avoiding Sustained Release local aesthetics. (1m 25s)
“So for now I would advise everyone if you’re having anything done with local anaesthetic, ask for a regular version, not sustained release. Why? Because sustained release has that hydrogel substance in it. And we don’t necessarily know how harmful it is or not harmful, but because it’s similar hydrogel substance, we think that people need to stay away from that for now. I think regular version should be fine. (05) Sasha Latypova interview with Dr. Jane Ruby [ Video ] Sasha warns to avoid any injection from big pharma including dental injections containing hydrogel 6min, 20mb
This was also found in sustained release insulin and in other things.” (06) Long acting insulin
“What was found? Did you find hydrogel? Yeah, definitely. Okay, nobody reported on sequences or RNA pieces or anything? No sequences. This is just all based on microscopy for now. But we’re finding hydrogel everywhere and hydrogel would be my number one warning sign that because they use hydrogel in the Pfizer shots and Moderna shots to keep the nucleic acids more stable, like not more stable, but like last longer. And so it’s like an insulator. And so if you see hydrogel anywhere, I would stay away from it because, for example, this dental and aesthetic company, Septodont, has a partnership with Moderna. For what reason? Yeah. (07) Moderna and Septodont’s pharma division announce long-term agreement
Matt Taylor “This one is my favourite” (4m 53s)
“This one is my favourite. So this one shows the individual lines coming out and then joining this really bizarre structure. Here’s another one that attaches here and goes off. Another one here. And then this is actually a ribbon coming into it. And then there are some of the Yanowitz bubbles. You can really see the shadow. So it has dimension to it.

Here’s the one I can’t figure out, guys. So this is a chip that was partially formed. I decided to see if it could go away. I turned off the router and started cleaning my house. I glanced-back. There’s an explosion on this corner. Watch this corner over here. It starts to dissolve and there’s this big border all the way around it. And then this corner just all of a sudden blows out.

I’ll zoom in a second, but you can you can see that there’s just so that the chip was here. It degraded down to this plus this upper part. And then watch these vortices. And this is with the router turned off? Yes, and the only thing burning house was my laptop screen, which is LCD, and the 4-watt light that’s underneath my microscope. That was the only possible energy input to this whole situation. Whirlpool.
I think I remember this guy. It’s like he takes off goes and grabs some groceries and comes back. So you’ll see him here in a second. So off he goes. It reminds me of somebody who was kind of in a rush and forgot something and had to run back to the house. So you’ll see here in a second he comes back.”
Len Bar MD Carbocaine (Dental Anaesthetic) Study Part One (9m 22s)
Hello, my name is Dr. Lin Ber. I will be presenting my latest study: Optical Microscopy Study of Dental Anaesthetic Carbocaine Introduced to Human Blood. (08) Study of Dental Anaesthetic Carbocaine Introduced to Human Blood (Part 1) 13mins (09)Optical Microscopy Study of Dental Anaesthetic Carbocaine Introduced to Human Blood Formation of Kinetically Active Micro Structures (KAMS) observed upon introducing biological material to an injectable pharmaceutical preparation … Click for full citation

A drop of Carbocaine and a drop of human blood were placed on the slip cover without touching each other. And then Carbocaine and blood came in contact once the slip cover was placed on the glass.
So let’s get to the images. This is what the islands look like. It is my belief that they were formed because of the PH of the dental anaesthetic and so they created these confided spaces filled with red blood cells.
So let’s get to the videos. This is one hour after slide preparation. They’re quite active. There’s a lot of them. They’re trapped within this island. They appear to be creating something on some occasions. They appear to create some erythrocyte-looking structures that were not previously there. This is three hours. I chose a different spot because I wanted to see what else is going on in other parts of the slide.
So here’s a video. Quite a large structure quite active. There’s several of them. They’re all within this. 15 hours after slide preparation. What the interesting about this slide, even though it’s not really the best quality, is you can see the structures moving toward biological material. You’ll see what I’m talking about. You can see the activity. And then I spotted this structure moving toward biological material, trying to penetrate the.. uh.. ah.. it got in.
16 hours. At the same spot. So this is this structure will be basically the hero of this video. It’s circular. It has little tentacles. It’s the largest I’ve seen.
24 hours.

26 hours. This is a larger magnification. It’s a round structure with tentacles. Everything’s moving. Seems to be alive. After 26 hours, nothing should be alive in this sample.
41 hours. It’s this morning, right before I started working on this presentation. This is some still images. So basically the same round structure with tentacles. This is typical.
And finally, a video also at 500 magnification. So you can see another little moving part.
- Formation of KAMS (Kinetically Active Micro Structures) was observed in injectable dental anaesthetic Carbocaine, 3% solution upon introducing biological material (human blood).
- KAMS are not bacteria. They do not divide (average life cycle of bacteria is 12 hours), instead of dividing, they appear to merge to form KAMS that are larger in size. Not typical bacterial behaviour.
- KAMS appear to participate in creating other microstructures. Perhaps it’s guided assembly. I wasn’t able to document it clearly, but that’s what it appeared to me.
- KAMS do not appear to be biological in nature.
- Clinical significance is not clear, and further investigation is warranted.
Post Scriptum:
On the latest observation that took place upon finishing this presentation was at 52 hours following slide preparation. The observation indicated similar picture and continuous activity of Kinetically Active Micro Structures “trapped” inside the “island” filled with dead red cells.
I want to say special thanks to Dr David Nixon of NIXONLAB Australia for his consult and guidance. This is where I can be found. This is my Rumble channel and Substack. (10) Len Ber Rumble (11) Len Ber YouTube (12) Len Ber’s Academic Profile (13) Len Ber Substack
Materials & Methods:
- Carbocaine 3% – commercial dental anaesthetic by Abbot Pharm.
- Microscope: BioMedx (Olympus Optics), 40-100x optical magnification, phase contrast, with HD Camera and digital magnification
- Human blood: 58yo male (A+, double vaxxed with Pfizer).
- Study conducted Aug 18-20, 2023
DARPA Hydrogel (1m)
This is DARPA Hydrogel. It uses MOF technology. That’s Metal Organic Framework technology. And it forms into crystalline structures that look just like the images that Dr David Nixon and other scientists are finding around the world. Crystal structures that self-assemble into 3D, photonic crystals. These are used as biosensors. And these metal organic frameworks come from DARPA. DARPA Hydrogel that includes quantum dots, graphene quasi crystals, graphene oxide, and a host of other nanotech, a witches brew of Metal Organic Framework, holding all of this nanotech within Hydrogel that can be injected and programmed to self-assemble via crystallization. (14) Metal Organic Framework(MOF’s) a Darpa Injectable Hydrogel that self assembles into BIOSENSORS (15) Metal–organic framework (16) CSIRO Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFS) (17) Nature – Metal–organic frameworks articles from across Nature Portfolio (18)Yusuf VF, Malek NI, Kailasa SK. Review on Metal-Organic Framework Classification, Synthetic Approaches, and Influencing Factors: Applications in Energy, Drug Delivery, and Wastewater Treatment. ACS Omega. 2022 Dec 2;7(49):44507-44531. doi: … Click for full citation (19) Metal–organic frameworks: Structures and functional applications (20) 2021 Business Insider – A sensor injected under the skin, backed by DARPA, is meant to spot COVID-19 days before symptoms appear
Sasha and Jane again on Catalent (modeRNA) (45s)
Right, because COVID shots have no uptake anymore. By the way, recently, Moderna’s fill-finish supplier, Catalent’s revenue went down by 50%. They’re about to go under because nobody’s buying COVID shots. (21)2021 Moderna and Catalent Announce Long-Term Strategic Collaboration for Dedicated Vial Filling of Moderna’s COVID-19 Vaccine and Clinical Portfolio … Click for full citation (22)2020 Moderna and Catalent team up on Covid-19 vaccine manufacturing Moderna has collaborated with manufacturing solutions provider Catalent for large-scale, commercial … Click for full citation (23)2016 Catalent Biologics Announces Agreement With Moderna Therapeutics “entered into an agreement with Moderna Therapeutics to support … Click for full citation
They made their money, right? Well, they kind of made their money, but they also expanded because they expected Moderna was going to give them all this COVID business and COVID business went away. Nobody’s taking them, which is good news. We’ve educated the public enough about that. (24) 2023 Reuters Catalent cuts forecast, delays results again as challenges mount (25) 2023 StockWatch: Catalent Cuts Revenue, EBITDA Forecasts, Rattling Investors
The next step, they’re going to put it everywhere in all other injections. And in fact, I’ve just recently talked to David Nixon. They found it in Australia in dental anaesthetics. (26) Looking at a Drop of Dental Anesthetic Drying Under Microscope Microscopy observations with David Nixon and Shimon Yanowitz
Dr. David Nixon’s latest video drying 1 drop Dental Anaesthetic (6m 22s)
So what we’ve got on the screen here is a drop of dental anaesthetic drying out. Okay, so this is the process starting. And it’s quite a dramatic process as you will see. Now, clearly, this is not normally how liquid’s dry. At all.
This is an organization in a formation. This is a really active one. It knew it was being filmed. So it’s decided to perform. Yeah, so we’re seeing this edge form and the bubbles within it. It seems to be less active now that it’s joined up, and there’s a number of different sizes of bubbles visible, and obviously we can see layers of the bubbles. So what’s going to happen is it’s going to condense and it’s going to crystallize.
The bigger bubbles appear to condense on edges of the crystals. Ah, look there’s a chip forming. There’s another one, and another one. So as opposed to where I was doing this yesterday in this environment, there’s a lot more EMF. And I’ve certainly found that that encourages more of the chip formation. And how many minutes in are we now? Maybe three and a half minutes. Yes, something like that, not long.
I’ll remind people that this is not a remedy of any kind. This is just an anaesthetic with one job to do, which is to numb you out. And why is it doing this is a compelling question to ask. How is this beneficial in numbing your mouth?
I’m going to go double magnification and just have a closer look. We got two donuts there. Unbelievable. This was from just one time in drop of dental anasthetic.
On a happy note, I did notice that someone put a video up on BitChute that showed chip forming from anaesthetics. So at least another person is looking at this. There was no narration or anything. I think they wanted to stay anonymous, which is fine, but they definitely showed it.
Yeah, that’s quite something isn’t it? Big doughnut in the middle. Seems to be growing. Yep, look at that. Wow. And now that doughnut is making something square, it looks like. I hope that people will comment and tell us what they see too. And don’t be shy. Because nobody knows what’s really going on here everybody knows what’s going on here. (27) Dr David Nixon (28) Nanotechnology in Dental Anaesthetics (29) @DavebNixon (30)Dangerous nanotech in dental anaesthetic. These are even more advanced than those used in Covid vaxx Video link 1 | Video link 2 … Click for full citation

Matt Taylor on Maria Zeee’s show (1m 24s)
Well, it’s from a shot. It’s not from a so-called vaccine. This is actually from an anaesthetic for Dental work. So this is my appeal to the entire microscope army. It’s not just in the shots. It’s in a bunch of other products, and I think we need to get a whole army of people with microscope starting to look at every single product that may be going into the human body to make sure that it’s clean. This is in a dental anaesthetic.
We can go back more than 10 years ago, where they were talking about the miraculous benefits of graphene oxide and how and how graphene can be used in pharmaceuticals. And you know, we found over the past two years because people started digging that it’s being found in women sanitary items, it’s been found in water, and in various food items. So they’ve been putting this stuff in us for years. How about how about face masks and COVID-19 swabs? Yes, yes, absolutely. They’ve been putting this in us for years, but never in the amount that we have seen over the past couple of years as well with weather warfare. I don’t know what your stance is on that, but it’s definitely happening. And so, you know, where pathologists have told me we’re finding this in the blood of those who haven’t had the injections it makes perfect sense to me. Especially if you’re talking about other pharmaceutical products having this in them Matt.
Graphene Flagship Marketing Promotion (2m 36s)
We explain how graphene could be used in biomedical applications to improve people’s lives. This is Stan. Stan is blind, but he hopes to be able to take part in a clinical study using graphene devices that could help his eyesight go from pitch black to perceiving shades and shapes. How is this possible? Graphene has the ability to electrically stimulate the nervous system of the brain. There, it could record the electrical activity of the nerves and inject charge into the optical nerve and produce an image from an external camera.
But Stan is not the only patient that could benefit from graphene’s attributes. His best friend Anna has epilepsy. Anna is following recent studies that show how graphene could be placed into a delicate sensor, able to detect the specific areas in the brain that are responsible for the seizures. That way, clinicians could understand where exactly in the brain the episode is happening and how it can be predicted or even cured.
During her research, Anna met Sophia, a scientist. She explained one of the key advantages of graphene devices. Their multi-functionality can both record and stimulate the electrical activity of the brain, as well as locally released therapeutic agents on demand that could offer multiple treatment options.
That’s also how the doctors hope to be able to help Sophia with the effects of Parkinson’s disease. This new generation of thin and flexible graphene-based devices could minimize shaking, tremor, and other motor symptoms.
While the Graphene Flagship scientists focus mainly on blindness, epilepsy, and Parkinson’s disease, research in the use of graphene and 2D materials in medicine is expanding globally.
Some other biomedical applications currently under development include cancer treatment, tissue engineering, and drug delivery.
In addition, graphene’s thinness, flexibility, and excellent sensing capabilities makes it suitable for use in wearables, providing Stan, Anna, and Sophia basic health checks that they can monitor themselves and use to inform their doctors.
Although research on graphene for medicine is still at its early stages, tests show promising results that could offer medical professionals new, multifunctional, and more precise capabilities, and help improve the quality of life for millions of patients worldwide.
Matt Taylor talking about Stew Peters (35s)
But on the Stew Peters show, he made a really good point, which is dentists, dental hygienists, get a microscope, get some of these products, and go do this research, go and verify or disprove what Matt has said, and I’m glad he said that. So despite not being able to go through a bunch of content, which is always the case on Stew’s show anyway, it’s just sort of a “sound bite central”. But dammit, he’s just so good at pulling out the essence of everything. He just seems good at it. And so I think we got the essence out there.
Stew Peters with Matt Taylor calling for people to get out their Microscopes and Debunk (43s)
You know, this is this is Matt Taylor testing this stuff, and I think right now, basically the call would be for dentists, doctors in the dental field, people with access to these, with access to a microscope, go look at it yourself, try to discredit these claims, try to see if this is something that’s widespread or if it’s just localized in Ecuador, which I don’t think that there’s any reason to believe that’s the case, and see how far widespread this is, and then if you are a doctor at a dental facility, if you are a dentist or a dental hygienist or a technician and you look at these and you find this, are you willing to report it? Are you willing to ask the questions, why is there self assembling nanotechnology in the anesthesia that we use in our patients? (31) 5 May 2023 Report: Nanotech Found In Dental Anesthetics: Nanotech Found In Vaxx Also Observed In Dental Drugs
Len Bar Part Two – This is a replication of previous study with dental anesthetic Carbocaine, but with blood from a COVID-19 unvaccinated person, plus two update clips KAMS 419 & 500 hours after presentation (6m 38s)
KAMS (Kinetically Active Micro Structures) were observed inside those islands, trapped by dead erythrocytes.
Here’s the first observation, it’s a video, 23 hours following slide preparation at 100 x magnification, let’s see what’s going on. Very similar to what we observed in part one, a lot of activity.
24 hours, this video has 200 x magnification, so a little bit closer. 47 hours at 100 x magnification.

I got a couple of videos, this is the first. So there’s still a lot of activity. Video number two. They seem to be moving these cells, that’s how much kinetic power these structures have.
47 hours, a little bit more magnification, 300 x. And in the same spot, 500 x magnification. So the reason I zoomed in on this particular structure is because it’s different from from other structures and I named it KAMS-T (Kinetically Active Micro Structures, Type T).
This appears to be a subtype of KAMS, the characteristics of this T-model, is it has a core and it has tentacles—it has extensions. So this is an example from part one, this is an example from part two. They don’t appear to be very much alike, but I have a lot of still images later and you will see how much they look alike.
Additional observations:
- Videos and still images were made at 55 hours at 67 hours at 78 hours and at 95 hours following slide preparation (just one hour short of four days).
- However observations from 55 and 65 hours are emitted from this report, there is really no new information there.
So here we have 78 hours, 100 x magnification, let’s look at this video.

Here is a still image, 78 hours at 500 x magnification which appears to be KAMS-T. The core, the tentacles.
Then I got a bunch of images at 1000 x magnification.
- 1-3 same characteristics.
- 4 you can see there’s some darker spots
- 5-10 these do appear like tentacles and here, different here, different here.
- 11 okay, this is the same particle, but the tentacles are behind the structure and it’s interesting that it shows that it has some either texture or complexity. I don’t know what they actually are, but it’s interesting that from this angle it shows that complexity.
- 12-14 there’s more and you can see. Don’t know what they are. Same here.
Okay, this is the final video that I took just a couple of hours before I put this presentation together. This is at 95 hours, so it’s just one hour short of four days. 300 x magnification. (32)Study of Dental Anaesthetic Carbocaine upon introduction of blood from COVID-19 Unvaccinated Person. Part 2. … Click for full citation (33) Study of Dental Anaesthetic Carbocaine mixed with unvaccinated blood (Part 2)
KAMS 419 Hours following Slide Preparation (34) Super Quick update on KAMS 419 hours following slide preparation
500 Hours after Slide Preparation (35) 500 hours after slide preparation
Matt Taylor on Stew Peters show again (1m 27s)
I started looking selfishly at anaesthetics because I was concerned and I found some weird stuff, nothing huge. So I asked a local dentist if she could hook me up with some old anaesthetics, and I compared those too. The old stuff didn’t have it in it. The new stuff did.
And then after I put that out on Maria Zeee’s show, I got a lot of inquiries from my local community. I live in a very, very unvaccinated community, and so they wanted me to start to look at this stuff, and so I did, and it keeps getting worse.
The latest ones that I’ve seen, the ones with the latest expiration date are much more active. Same technology, different rapidity in their formations, all these things.
So the answer is yes, they’re putting it in absolutely everything and the injections are especially problematic because it goes straight to the bloodstream.
So you’re saying that there’s nanotechnology. You can see the same self-assembling circuitry that you found in the vials of these bio weapon injections that were referred to as “safe and effective” vaccines, and by places like the BBC are still being pushed onto people as they intentionally murder people. That same technology is what you’re finding in these dental products that you’re talking about? Specifically the anaesthesia that’s that’s required for a root canal or a cavity fill. That’s right and I’m assuming for outpatient surgery and those kinds of things as well. (36) SHOCKING! Nanotech That is Found In the Covid Shots Has Now Also Been Observed In Dental Drugs/Anesthetics–nanotech-that-is-found-in-the-covid-shots-is-also-now-has-been-observed-in.html
Matt Taylor with Dr David Nixon and Shimon Yanowitz (3m 18s)
This is live on the microscope right now, by the way. Excellent. So this is a this is actually a pretty good one. What’s neat about this one is it hasn’t disappeared. So it could very well be that they’ve hardened off the technology. But look at the difference in focus here. So this level up here where you can start to make out the components versus down here that’s completely out of focus.
So these are some of the details of one of the chips I grew out of the anesthetic. This is this is really convoluted. That’s actually a donut.
We can’t see it at the moment Matt.
How about that? Wow. So that’s a donut that’s out of focus. So this structure you’ve blown this one up? Yeah, this is the 40x. This is a well right here. And this is reminiscent of what we saw before, which are all the different what look like conductors, and then these kind of cascading down.
Wait a second. Is this the 40x without stitching? Yeah. Wow. This was a neat one because it was so planar. And it was so even that it was pretty easy to do tours of it. This is the edge.
There’s a better picture of the donut. Donuts. What would what do you make as the ones that are not black? Oh, and I tried to watch them moving around and they didn’t do much, but these little guys sure do; they cruise all over the place. They go back and forth like a ping pong ball. I was trying to get the intricacy of this piece. But it just looks like traces and I know that when you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail, but damn it, why else would those be there? I don’t understand. Some more components.
Yeah, but go back to the last one. There’s the one with the big donut at the bottom that looks like it’s emptying its contents. Let me see if I can zoom in. Zooming is not friendly.
This one trips me out. So that looks like a cable bundle. And then that looks like multiple connections to different traces. Yeah, that can you zoom in on this or not? It’s going to be ugly. Not that ugly. It’s outrageous. (37) Dental Anesthetics – Nano Tech – David, Mat & Shimon 40mins
Dentist uses a new technique dubbed “Magneto Thermal Technique” to limit the amount of graphene prior to injecting his patient. (2m 42s)
Technique using Heat & Magnetism they purify 1/5th of each vial from graphene (heat vial to a little more than body-temperature approx. 37°C , small powerful magnet passes over vial at least 5x top to bottom (rubber-stopper-side-down), leave magnet at bottom for 10 secs and obtain liquid from upper-part of vial. See this instruction video by La Quinto Columna (English voiceover) (38) SEVILLANO-DELGADO MAGNETO-THERMAL DEPURATION TECHNIQUE (English with Voiceover) (39) [ Album ] Anestesia Dental 10x Totalcaina Forte #singrafeno Anesthesia without graphene after magneto thermal technique Sevillano-Delgado

Ana Maria Mihalcea MD with Maria Zee Dental Hydrogel (3m)
This is the dental anaesthetic that I confirmed Dr. David Nixon’s findings. You can see this is classic hydrogel that’s in a very active form, changing, changing form. In a second, you’ll see these bubbles that I also see in the blood.

This is clearly a polymer that starts to develop things. The fact that these nanostructures and nano-microchips are developing, so you see right here, there is a chip developing.
I just want you to look here in these other areas because within seconds you see that this isn’t just a salt crystal. I mean, this is crazy how fast this develops, right? And this is the classic chips, microchip-like structures that we’ve seen. And here in 30 seconds you can see how it develops. This is live.
And this dental anaesthetic was sent to me by the scientific liaison for The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology that represents 1,400 dentists in the United States. And they just wanted to ask me, hey, can you look at our dental anaesthetics and see what happens? (40) The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology
So we need more Sherlock Holmes. There’s a lot to contemplate, and I am not saying that everything is as it is as I see it, but it sure brings up a lot of questions and part of being a scientific investigator is to be able to ask these questions and to not just “cannot see things, we cannot talk about it”. It’s very dangerous for humanity and we need to pave the way to just move forward.
I want to really encourage people to take curiosity and to try to digest some of this information because that’s how you can protect yourself. And obviously we’re working on treatments like the EDT, like the vitamin C, trying to figure out other things, but there needs to be a time for real activism because I don’t think that humanity has a lot of time if we just twiddle our thumbs and just say, oh, we’re just going to keep going like this because I don’t know how somebody can still be alive when I’m seeing rubber literally form into clots. (41) 11 Aug 2023 Dr. Ana Mihalcea – NEW EVIDENCE – Uninjected Unable to be Mind Controlled? 1hr 15m with Maria Zeee
Stew Peters with Mat Taylor again (1m 53s)
Are you willing to ask the questions? Why is there self-assembling nanotechnology in the anaesthesia that we use in our patients? I mean, I think that’s a good place to start, do you agree?
It’s just anaesthetic. So why the hell is this stuff in here? But luckily we’re out of excuses. So if it’s illegal to look at the vaxes, then fine. Now it’s not. Anybody can get their hands on this and please repeat my work. And so my approach on this is, there’s only so much that I can do. I’m getting this verified by other microscopists because of your show and because of you hooking me up with other people, other people are doing this. So this is an appeal to the microscope army to get out there, get a microscope and get a router and start doing this.
Has anybody ever asked themselves the question, why would it be illegal to look at the contents of the Pfizer vials or the Moderna vials? Why would that be illegal to do? Can you explain that, Matt? We know why. That’s a rhetorical question. We absolutely know why.
It’s illegal because they don’t want you to find the self-assembling circuitry. They don’t want you to see the nanotechnology. They don’t want you to know about the bio weapon, the hydrogen, the PEGylated lipid nanoparticles. They don’t want you to know about the absence of mRNA while they’ve been gaslighting you and Psy-oping you into believing that these are mRNA technology invented by Dr. Robert Malone.
They don’t want you to see that the empire of lives has literally lied about every single aspect of what’s inside of these vials, ultimately in syringes and then going into the arms of your children, that is causing people to die suddenly all over the planet.
They don’t want you to know what’s in the anaesthetics that’s being used at your dental office. They don’t want you to know what’s in the lettuce that they’re spraying and what they’re growing in these fake meat laboratories. They don’t want you to know that it’s in your food, in the sky, in your aerosol sprays, and everywhere else virtually in every other aspect of your life. They want you encoded with the nanotechnology and they’re going to do it by any means necessary. They will not stop unless they are stopped. Matt Taylor, thank you so much for your findings. Appreciate it. God bless you.
Matt Taylor wanted to tell Stew about what to look for under the microscope (42s)
So what I was doing this, my plan on Stew was to say that when you get your microscope and you get an injection, you start to look at it, you might see something forming like this. And this is when you start paying attention, because when there’s a quick change, you know that either these bubbles are going to start to come together, or these ribbons are going to start to form.
So when you see something organized, that’s when you start paying attention. And then you’ll see these forms starting, these starting to coalesce. And as soon as you see anything different from a bubble, then you know that something’s happening. So I was just going to let people anticipate what they might see when they start to look at this stuff. I’m basically trying to psych people up to go get a friggin microscope and help us out.
Dental Anesthtic Xylonor seen under a microscope (1m 17s) (42) Dental Anesthtic Xylonor seen under a microscope
Interesting Engineering Promo “The Miracle Material: Graphene” (5m 58s)
Graphene is an amazing material. Yet it was only discovered in 2004.
This is the thinnest lightbulb and it’s made from graphene.
This is materials lab and is graphene a wonder material. “Graphene is my best bet for the next disruptive technology”. ~ Andre Geim (43)Sir Andre Konstantin Geim is a Russian-born Dutch-British physicist working in England in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester. Geim was awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics jointly with Konstantin Novoselov for his … Click for full citation

Graphene is a single thin layer of graphite. The soft flaky material used in pencil lead. A diamond and graphite are forms of carbon, yet they have widely different natures. Diamonds are incredibly strong while graphite is brittle. Graphene’s atoms are arranged in a hexagonal arrangement. So when graphene is isolated from graphite, it takes on some miraculous properties. It is a mere one atom thick. The first two dimensional material ever discovered.
Graphene was discovered by Andre Geim and his students. (hmm, experiencing Mandala effect, but ok).…Geim set Da Jiang the task of obtaining as thin a sample as possible by polishing a one inch graphite crystal. During research Geim and a PhD student named Konstantin Novoselov discovered that graphene had a pronounced field effect. The response that some materials show when placed near an electric field. This would then go on to earn Geim and Novoselov a Nobel Prize in physics in 2010.
Silicon is defined by its ability to field effect and many researchers believe that graphene could replace silicon because of this.
Tymoteusz Ciuk (ITME): “They have developed full technology of a graphene based magnetic field sensor. This sensor were produced by graphene on silicon carbides.“
Research into graphene was ignited and scientists across the world were startled by their findings.
Konstantin Novoselov: “We started to see it first in composite material applications, in sport goods. Now it goes into advanced cars. Now we’re already starting to see it being used for electronics, for printed electronics”.
It is one of the thinnest materials known to man. Yet it was 150 times stronger than an equivalent weight of steel. It is as pliable as rubber and could stretch to 120 percent of its length.
Unfortunately it does come with some negatives. For example, graphene cannot be turned off. A device that cannot be turned off consumes way too much power. The electrons go super fast thanks to graphene but it can’t be turned off. Some scientists believe that the real issue is business.

(what? no mention of the dangers to the human body? I guess if you don’t mention it, it doesn’t exist? lol. Those who don’t get paid millions of dollars to toe the billion-dollar narrative line, are concerned about the toxicity). (44) Graphene Toxicity Reports & Scientific Publications (45) Toxicity Of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles (Paper) (46) Dead Graphene Whistleblower One (47) Dead Graphene Whistleblower Two
Silicon is the go-to material for semiconductor chips and the industry is based around this. For graphene to become the norm then it first needs to work with silicon in existing production lines.
Outside of semiconductor use, graphene has been used in bulletproof vests that have twice the stopping power of a kevlar vest or 10 times better than a steel plate.
Batteries were capable of charging to full in five seconds.
Researchers have developed graphene enabled electro-chromic glass that can switch between solar heating and radiative cooling modes.
Graphene has been found in the concrete industry. Scientists at the University of Exeter developed a new method to add the material to conventional concretes. “We learned here at Exeter recently how to combine the lightness and the stiffness of graphene into an ordinary material like concrete to make a new form of concrete that goes under the name of Concrene.” The technique is to add water stabilized graphene dispersions to a concrete mix resulting in a material with double the strength and four times the water resistance.
Even though graphene is being researched in multiple areas, its cost is still high. The price of graphene can range anywhere from $100 to $450,000 per pound. This of course depends on the quality. Unfortunately, not all graphene is created equal.
(Well, we can guess why certain pharmaceuticals are hiding behind IP’s…) (48) Time For The Truth On The Presence Of Graphene In The Shots “280 Unlisted Materials in Secret Formula protected by IP”
You can of course have lesser quality for cheap, but the best is required for the advancements we seek. In the future, graphene could become the wonder material that many scientists believe it has the potential to be. We will just have to wait and see what happens. (49) 31 Jul 2022 The miracle material: Graphene (50) The Miracle Material: Graphene
Holistic Dental Books
- 2018 Holistic Dental Care: Your Mind, Body, and Spirit Guide to Optimal Health and a Beautiful Smile Amazon | Telegram
- 2013 Holistic Dental Care: The Complete Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums Amazon | Telegram
- 2010 Cure Tooth Decay: Heal and Prevent Cavities with Nutrition Amazon | WestonPrice Presentation | Website | Telegram

Papers talking up Graphene for Dental Anaesthetics:
- 15 Nov 2022 – Science Direct Understanding interactions between graphene and local anesthetic molecules applied in dentistry – Towards the prolonged effects of local anesthesia
- “Recent findings have shown that the controlled release of anesthetic molecules via adsorption by nanomaterials is a promising approach to prolonging the effects of local anesthesia. In this work, we have addressed the interactions between graphene and the best-known dental anesthetic molecules: novocaine, lidocaine, and articaine, intending to contribute to developing drug-carrier agents suitable for pain management.”
- Buy our fantastic invention…
- 9 Oct 2022 – Science Direct – Printed graphene-based electrochemical sensor with integrated paper microfluidics for rapid lidocaine detection in blood
- This one talks about Topical lidocaine patches being the fourth-most prescribed pain reliever in the US in 2018 and how over dosage can kill or cause heart/nervous system negative side effects, severe inflammation, and seizures, but then, they talk about others creating some kind of nano-network sensors to detect lidocaine using some kind of bimetallic nanoparticles, and some problem with practicality, but “to address this need, we have developed a printed graphene-based electrochemical sensor that takes advantage of all printing processes and nondestructive NIR treatment for rapid curing of the electrodes with desirable sensitivity and surface functionality for effective detection of lidocaine”
- There are heaps more, but let’s face it, you’re not going to read them anyway, and if you are a researcher, you already know where to find them.
More photos and videos that I didn’t include in the video:
- Len Ber MD – Formation of Frequency-Respondent Micro Structures in Dental Anaesthetic Carbocaine Rumble 16min (51)Microscopy Study of Dental Anaesthetic Carbocaine: Observing Formation of Frequency-Respondent Micro Structures (FRMS). … Click for full citation
- Dr. Juliana Varao, Brazil – Dental/graphene Telegram Video 110Mb
- Self assembling Quantum Dot Nano Technology under microscope. Anon. Rumble. (24s)
- Anestesia dental MEPIVACAINA Normon 3% -40x- #grafeno Telegram Album
- Dr. Liliana Zelada Rück Anestesia dental Lidocaina SSWhite. 18 Aug 2023. #grafeno Telegram Video 8min, 1Gb
- alemania,17.08.23 fluido dental para enmudecer dientes #congrafeno Telegram Album
- Anestesia Dental Lidocaina de SSWhite. 18 Aug 2023.#grafeno Telegram Album | Mirror | More Photos
See all my vaxxed/unvaxxed vial/blood posts on this page: What’s in the Vials?
See all Graphene posts: Graphene

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02 | Mixing dental anaesthetic with my blood |
03 | Mixing Dental Anesthetic with Blood |
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43 | Sir Andre Konstantin Geim is a Russian-born Dutch-British physicist working in England in the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester. Geim was awarded the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics jointly with Konstantin Novoselov for his work on graphene |
44 | Graphene Toxicity Reports & Scientific Publications |
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49 | 31 Jul 2022 The miracle material: Graphene |
50 | The Miracle Material: Graphene |
51 | Microscopy Study of Dental Anaesthetic Carbocaine: Observing Formation of Frequency-Respondent Micro Structures (FRMS). |
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