[Dr John B.] What’s In The Vials? (Moderna Microscopy)
Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine: A microscopy analysis.

TimTruth.com does a quick run-through of DrJohnB’s images here:
(1/n) A microscopy analysis of a Moderna #Covidvaccine sample.
A fresh sample was analyzed with bright field and phase contrast microscopy. The cold chain was maintained and rigorous hygiene standards were applied.
These are the results:
(2/n) Particles and structures of different size and light refraction properties are visible in the vaccine when focusing on the border of the drop (yellow asterisk).
(3/n) Higher magnification reveals a wide spectrum of structures, including for example a rod-shaped structure (yellow arrow) with a length of about 14 µm (i.e. about twice as long as a red blood cell).
(4/n) The smallest particles visible under the microscope have a diameter of around 300 nm.
(5/n) Many particles are visible having a diameter in the range of about 0.6-1 µm:
(6/n) Rod-shaped structures with and without particles attached were found (yellow arrows).
(7/n) Multiple curved structures with a length of about 5-10 µm were detected. These interesting structures often had a thickening at one end or both ends:
(8/n) Conclusions:
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Anonymous Pathologist & Scientist Dr. John B.
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