Quest for Optimal Health – Facing the truth

Taking back control
I write about this a lot because it’s what I’m researching a lot but this post will try and tie together everything I need because I want to:
- First find out what I’m deficient in (based on my illnesses/mood and brain/body activity)
- Second find the right combination of vitamins to meet those deficiencies vitamins/supplements, etc.
- Third & Finally create diet & lifestyle ‘habits’ to replace the vitamins/supplements with real food sources as much as possible, so that I’m not a pill-popper, not at the mercy of pharmaceutical companies and the prices/dangers that entails, and that I am consistently moving towards optimal health and a happy mindset with the right solutions.
Phase 1: Facing the truth.
To look for what I need to improve, I need to face the truth about what pain points/problems I’m encountering and what the potential causes and solutions are.
If I study myself closely right now and observe myself and my lifestyle over the past 10 months, the problems I have to face are: chronic asthma, emphysema/COPD, depression, hay-fever stress, procrastination/lack of motivation, addiction (I quit smoking for 4 years and then took it up again and no matter what I try, I keep finding myself unable to quit), so maybe “self-sabotage” because I see no other reason why I would possibly still have trouble quitting when I know all the ways to quit, self-esteem issues, overweight, skin problems, insomnia.
Solutions & Dealing with Causes
Chronic Asthma/Emphysema/COPD
- Obviously smoking for the COPD, and it of course would not be helping the asthma.
- Asthma is worsened by parasites, so perhaps a parasite cleanse would help both the asthma & copd.
- Both are worsened by incorrect lifestyle so a diet/nutrition cleanup, house cleanup, product cleanup and a healthier lifestyle is also needed.
- Asthma is worsened by stress.
Buteyko breathing + the research I’m finding on my “Cure Emphysema” page, quitting smoking.
- Asthma – D, E, C, B5, B6, B12, Magnesium.
- COPD – D, E, Selenium

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