Life Detox Update – Week 3
Week Three Accountability notes
Week Three Accountability notes
Week Two Accountability notes – Baby steps I guess.. still not in “go-getter” mode
Eye Bags = Kidney/Heart problems? Thinking of Quitting Smoking today. Last night I went to a Psychic Development class & talking about synchronicity with psychic reading yesterday and what showed up last night.
Week One Accountability notes – I thought I would do better than this… but managed to at least do “something” each day
Baby-steps back to “automatic” health and vitalty
Non-Perishable Health Products I’ve bought over the past year and a half including where I purchased, why, and how much.
Camping meals over 2 days
Every time I find any information on how to help/cure emphysema/COPD, I will update this post with the notes and references.
If we believe that a particular food is giving us a benefit, then it will give us a benefit, and if believe that food is toxic, then we will get sick from it. That our mind, our deep-seated beliefs internally are the real cause/cure or vitality/poison.
As mentioned in Phase 1 – Quest for Optimal Health – Facing the truth, this is Phase 2 – the Plan. Research To get to this point, I had to research the following health related stuff: Facing the truth (being […]