Nutritional Value for Fruit & Vegies

IN Natural Healing
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  • Updated:7 years ago
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Fruit & VegNutritional Value
applesdietary fibre, vit c, vit e
apricotsdietary fibre, potassium, vit a, beta-carotene,
artichokevit c, beta-carotene,
asparagusvit b3, vit e, vit k, vit k, vit c, beta-carotene,
avocadovit e, vit f,
bananainositol, vit c, beta-carotene, b6,
beansvit b1, b9, beta-carotene, b5,
beetrootfolate, dietary fibre, vit c, potassium
berriesvit c, vit p,
blackberriesvit e,
black currentsbeta-carotene,
blueberriesvit c, beta-carotene,
broccolivit c, folate, b2, b5, e, b6, dietary fibre, b9, vit k, beta-carotene, calcium,
brussels sproutsvit c, b2, b6, vit e, folate, dietary fibre, vit k, beta-carotene,
cabbagevit c, folate, potassium, b6, dietary fibre, vit u, vit k, vit e, beta-carotene,
cantaloupevit a
capsicumvit c, b-complex, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vit p,
carrotsvit a, vit c, b6, dietary fibre, vit e, potassium, beta-carotene,
cauliflowervit c, b5, b6, folate, vit k, potassium, vit h, choline,
celeryvit c, potassium, vit e, beta-carotene,
cherriesvit c,
chilli – redvit a
citrus peelvit p
coconutvit c,
cucumbervit c, beta-carotene,
eggsselenium, vit a, vit b5, vit b1, vit b12, vit d, vit h, choline
fennelvit c, dietary fibre, vit a
figsvit c, beta-carotene,
garlicvit p, vit c, selenium,
gingeracrid resins, bisabolene, borneal, camphene, choline, cineole, citral, folic acid, gingerol, inositol, manganese, pantothenic acid, PABA, phellandrene, sequiterpene, shogoals, silicon, zingerone, zingiberene and vit B3
grapevit c, b6, potassium, vit p,
grapefruitvit c, high fibre,
kiwi fruitvit c, potassium
leeksvit a, beta-carotene,
lemonsvit c,
limesvit c,
mangovit a, vit c, b1, b6, potassium, vit e, beta-carotene,
melonvit c, folate, dietary fibre, vit a
mushroomsvit b5, vit h, PABA
nectarinesvit c, b3, potassium, dietary fibre
onionsvit p, vit c, selenium, beta-carotene,
orangesvit c, beta-carotene,
papayasvit c
peachesvit c, b3, potassium, dietary fibre, vit a, beta-carotene,
pearsdietary fibre, beta-carotene,
peasvit b6, vit c, folate, beta-carotene, b1
pineapplesvit c, beta-carotene,
plumsdietary fibre, beta-carotene,
potatovit c
pumpkinvit a, beta-carotene,
radishvit c, beta-carotene,
raspberriesvit c, iron, potassium, magnesium
rhubarbcalcium, fiber, vit c, vit a
spinachvit a, b9, vit e, vit h, PABA, vit k, vit c, folate, beta-carotene, calcium, choline,
strawberryvit a, vit c, beta-carotene,
sweet potatoesvit a, vit c, vit e, beta-carotene,
tomatoesvit c, dietary fibre, vit e, folate, vit a, beta-carotene,
turnipvit c,
watermelonvit c,




  • brocoliMindell, Earl. Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century, 2001
  • Kirschmann, John. Nutrition Almanac.
  • Borton, Benjamin. Human Nutrition.
  • Mindell, Earl. Vitamin Bible.
  • Benowieez, Robert. Vitamins & You.
  • Bosco, Dominick. The People’s Guide to Vitamins & Minerals.
  • Gottlieb, William. The Complete Book of Vitamins.
  • Kadans, Joseph. Encyclopedia of Medicinal Herbs.
  • Tierra, Michael. The Way of Herbs.
  • Ritchinson, Jack. The Little Herb Encyclopedia.
  • McCarty, Mark. Health Benefits of Supplemental Nutrition.
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