Pandemic-Ending information Buried – Will Truth Prevail? #MediaBias
Update: 17th June 2021 – New TrialSite News article reveals WHO’s conflict-of-interest in recommending Ivermectin (01)
Update: 15th June 2021 – A video published 5 days ago on the TrialSite News channel discussing the Indian Bar Association’s decision to issue legal notice on WHO chief scientist, Dr Soumya Swaminathan. (02)
June 5 2021:
Oh My God. I just went to check and see how the media is covering the latest news: Indian Bar Association Served a Legal Notice upon Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist, World Health Organization, over it’s disinformation campaign against the highly successful COVID-19 treatment, Ivermectin (03) and what did I find instead?
Pages and Pages of links of Facebook-owned “What’s App” suing India. Are you friggin’ kidding me? Talk about #MediaBias! Not a single news organization is covering this… WHAT? I’m so confused and shocked and am losing hope in humanity. I’m gutted.
I literally saw this as the BIGGEST news on the planet right now – more IMPORTANT and life-changing and pandemic-ending news – bigger than the Fauci emails that prove he lied under oath about the possibility it was made in a lab & that he privately admitted that vaccines aren’t needed for people who have contracted the virus, and more. (04) But apparently I’m alone in that thinking.
This should be front-page news… but what is front-page news instead?
Here’s my local newspaper today:

We actually know that Ivermectin works for preventing and treatment and for all stages of the disease and it’s cheap, safe, and effective. We have vaccines causing all kinds of harm that is being censored.
If you can’t see this is as a massive red flag, I’m sad for us all.
Every time Ivermectin is mentioned in the news or on social media, it’s censored or replaced with a massive disinformation campaign to deter people from ever seeing it or believing it. I cannot believe this, I’m absolutely astounded.
There is something seriously wrong here.
I honestly wanted to be wrong. I honestly wanted to find that everything they said on the media was right and that no harm will come to those who get the vaccine. My family are getting this vaccine. I need reassurance that it’s safe. Now I’m really concerned at how easy it is to manipulate the western world. What is true anymore? What is being hidden? What is really safe? What is really going on?
Here is the news that should’ve made front-page headlines across the entire globe:
1. Running a disinformation campaign against Ivermectin by deliberate suppression of effectiveness of drug Ivermectin as prophylaxis and for treatment of COVID-19, despite the existence of large amounts of clinical data compiled and presented by esteemed, highly qualified, experienced medical doctors and scientists.
2. Issuing statements in social media and mainstream media, thereby influencing the public against the use of Ivermectin and attacking the credibility of acclaimed bodies/institutes like ICMR and AIIMS, Delhi, which have included ‘Ivermectin’ in the ‘National Guidelines for COVID-19 management’
That, you have tweeted the following on May 10, 2021 on Twitter: “Safety and efficacy are important when using any drug for a new indication. @WHO recommends against the use of Ivermectin for #COVID19 except within clinical trials https: // — Soumya Swaminathan (@doctorsoumya) May 10, 2021”
That, the above-mentioned tweet came soon after the announcement from the State Health Minister of Goa, India on May 10, 2021 that all the adults in Goa would be given the oral drug Ivermectin (hereinafter referred to as ‘Ivermectin’) as a prophylactic (Preventive) measure, irrespective of their coronavirus status, in a bid to bring down mortality. He stated that the reason behind such prescription was the study conducted by expert panels from the UK, Italy, Spain and Japan, who found a statistically significant reduction in mortality due to Ivermectin.
That, in this vlog, at 23:40 markup, Ms. Barkha Dutt has posed a question to you on effectiveness of medicines currently being administered to Covid-19 patients in the absence of vaccines and she specifically asks your views on Ivermectin to start with.
At 24:28 markup, you have replied; “You know, evidence-based guidance and treatment, prevention is really the way to go and what we have tried at the WHO is to update our guidance as often as possible, based on the emerging data. So we have something called like the Living Guideline that we update whenever some new evidence comes out. So we got evidence on Hydroxychloroquine, Lupinavir, Ritonavir, Interferon, Ivermectin , Remdesivir and all of these, the evidence does not support its use, you know, on a wide scale for people infected with SARS CoV-2.’
(and a lot more included that I’ve edited out – see the full pdf – Penny)
To which you have responded at 26:34 as under; “There is no evidence that they have any impact on the disease progression so I would rather spend those resources on giving people good quality masks to wear. In the absence of vaccines, masks are the only vaccines. Everybody wears good quality masks, covering their nose and mouth, that is going to make a big difference at the community level and of course spend resources on ramping up of oxygen and other supplies that you need in the hospital, getting the work force there ready. You will have to supplement the work force because the existing doctors and nurses are not going to be enough to cope with the kind of load that we have seen, so those are the kind of investments that need to be made and you know these drugs really that’s not going to be the ones that have an impact.”
That, your act of posting the said tweet on May 10, 2021 as well as responses to the questions in the interview on MOJO STORY on May 16, 2021 against the use of Ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19, are highly unconscionable, misleading and issued with ulterior purposes and deliberate intention to underplay the effectiveness of Ivermectin in treating the COVID-19 patients as well as its use as a prophylaxis and to dissuade people from using this drug by creating doubts in the minds of people around safety of Ivermectin.
That, you have deliberately disregarded the fact that there is loads of data to prove that Ivermectin is a safe drug and has no harmful effects in general. The drug Ivermectin which was discovered in 1975, has been around for around 40 years and has also won the Nobel Peace Prize. (07) The 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine and physiology was shared between scientists which included Irish parasitologist William C. Campbell and Japanese microbiologist Satoshi for discoveries that led to Ivermectin.
That Ivermectin is also recognized by WHO as one of the ten essential medications. Around 3.7 billion dosages of Ivermectin have been given out in last 40 years and there is sufficient data to prove its safety. That, you have wilfully ignored the mountains of data that shows that Ivermectin is undeniably helpful as prophylactic in preventing contracting COVID-19 and there is compelling evidence of its effectiveness in treating active COVID-19 in hospitalized patients.
That, you have intentionally ignored the research undertaken by several doctors, scientists and their associations and alliances, who had started early on the pandemic, fervently searching for medicine/drug that would help in treatment of COVID-19. Their work which includes discussions, paper presentations, data on clinical trials, is readily available on the internet.
That, you have deliberately chosen to ignore the work of your own brethren of diligent doctors, physicians and scientists like the ‘Front Line COVID -19 Critical Care Alliance’ (hereinafter referred to as ‘FLCCC’) and the British Ivermectin Recommendation Development (hereafter referred to as ‘BIRD’) Panel
That, FLCCC is an alliance of experienced and esteemed medical doctors and scientists, who have come together at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and are working tirelessly in conducting research, studies and Randomized Control Trial (hereafter referred to as RCTs).
The website of FLCCC has ocean of information regarding treatment protocols for COVID-19, recommendations from esteemed and experienced medical professionals, testimonies of medical doctors and patients who have benefitted from the work of FCCCL. (08)
That, the FLCCC team consists of experienced, respectable physicians and scientists who possess wealth of knowledge:
1. Dr. Paul E. Marik, MD
2. Dr. Pierre Kory, MD
3. Dr. G. Umberto Meduri, MD
4. Dr. Joseph Varon, MD
5. Dr. Jose Iglesias, MD
6. Dr. Keith Berkowitz, MD
7. Dr. Fred Wagshul, MD
8. Dr. Scott Mitchell, MBChB
9. Dr. Eivind Vinjevoli, MD
10. Dr. Eric Osgood, M.D.
That, Dr. Pierre Kory, M.D., M.P.A., has testified twice (09) on behalf of FLCCC, in two senate hearings of United States of America (hereinafter referred to as “US/USA”) since the pandemic started. The first one on May 6, 2020 regarding recommendation of Corticosteroids to save lives of critically ill patients.
That, Dr. Pierre Kory in his testimony on May 6, 2021 had advanced the case for use of corticosteroids at an appropriate time on critically ill COVID-19 patients, even when all the national and international organisations were against the use of corticosteroids. It is noteworthy that the results of the ‘Recovery Trial’ which came to be published in November 2020, hailed the effectiveness of Corticosteroids that led to overnight change in the protocol. Sadly, six precious months were lost from the time that Dr. Pierre Kory had testified, till the results of Recovery Trial were published.
That, Dr. Pierre Kory, on behalf of FLCCC, has testified before the US Senate for the second time on December 8, 2020 regarding the wonder drug Ivermectin and its potential as prophylaxis and also for treating COVID-19 patients. In this testimony, he has justified the use of Ivermectin for treating COVID-19 patients based on 10 RCTs undertaken (at the time he testified).
This notice is issued by reserving our rights to initiate prosecution under sections 302, 304 (II), 88, 120 (B) and 34 and other provisions of the Indian Penal Code and under Disaster Management Act, 2005 in the appropriate Courts of Law having jurisdiction for each death caused due to your act of commission and omission.
- See updated list of the real-time meta analysis of Ivermectin trials (10)
- View all the countries currently using Ivermectin (11)
This is important, life-saving, pandemic-ending, and buried.
I was already deeply concerned when I personally got censored when I first posted about the Ivermectin International Conference (12) on my profile and received an account warning (and it was subsequently removed from newsfeeds). I was like huh? This is not from the ‘fringe’ – it’s not conspiracy or misinformation – it’s not even in the same realm of what I would consider ‘conspiratorial’ because this is real world data, that has been analysed by the same people they have used to analyse the effectiveness for other mainstream drugs. (13) (14)
The same people you ‘trust’ to determine the safety for other drugs, the same people you ‘hire’ to analyse trials – is being shown the door on this one. This one ‘cannot possibly be true’ because it’s too cheap, too effective, too long ‘out of patent’, too ‘widely available’, has ‘too much safety data’, would save billions of lives, is too high-up on the list of essential medicines, or is it that you have invested too much in these vaccines to offer a simpler, safer solution? Because if it was just a matter of ‘unproven data’, then the research of those you normally ‘trust’ to analyse the data, should hold some weight for you. No, something else is going on here. And it stinks. This cheap, effective, successful treatment is being suppressed, along with anything else that doesn’t promote the ‘vaccine’ being the ‘cure-all’ – which it doesn’t even do. (15) What about those who can’t be vaccinated? Why are you vaccinating kids now ‘to protect grandma’, when you can at least offer a safer alternative to the most vulnerable?
WHO has either made serious mistakes in their analysis or deliberately undermined Ivermectin and other early treatment drugs, in favour of vaccinating the world” (16)
Last week, a couple of Facebook employees leaked documents (17) revealing what they employ to remove any content that looks like ‘vaccine-hesitancy’ (which according to W.H.O. is one of the ‘top ten greatest global health threats’), (18) and even posting comments that you might be “worried about your grandma or kids taking the vaccines”, is enough to get you flagged for post demotion, like demotion, post-warnings, or account warnings.
So this is huge and ‘properly planned’ (this time). And ties in well with their ‘theoretical, but now exceedingly prophetic’ ‘fake pandemic’ exercise (19) they held just weeks (October 2019) before the virus was announced (December 2019) (and we’ve now discovered that the virus may of actually been in circulation since August 2019) (20).
One of the segments (Segment 4) (21) of the ‘fake pandemic’ exercise had a focus-discussion on how to ensure that “even global leaders couldn’t share contradictory information” and that “social media organizations, search engines, major news media, carefully-selected celebrities, world-religious leaders“, and so on, would be ‘encouraged or enrolled’ to ‘spread the same universal message’.
What if that one universal message is misinformed, unreliable, wrong, or corrupt?
On a more positive note, States in India that have re-deployed Ivermectin, are starting to have a turn-around:
The nation of India has included ivermectin in their national protocol and, as TrialSite recently reported, in states where the treatment is in wide use an unprecedented reduction of cases is now reported.
Unprecedented Pandemic Turnaround in Uttar Pradesh with Dramatic Decline in Cases (22)
Three Indian states, including Goa, Karnataka and Uttarakhand, have authorized ivermectin as a prophylaxis along with vitamin D during the pandemic. (23) (24)
Now Maharashtra, home to about 126 million people and the city of Mumbai, filed an action with the Mumbai high court yesterday directing the central government to file an affidavit based on public interest litigation (PIL) that too calls for ivermectin and vitamin D as a prophylactic regimen in the COVID-19 protocol. (Found a mention of this in a couple of articles, but no direct source – have requested references/source – Penny)
According to the Times of India article, (25) Dr. S M Tayde representing the health services of Mumbai had a response submitted opposing the PIL, declaring no new advisory is necessary given the state of Maharashtra already has issued a state-wide protocol incorporating ivermectin for a course of treatment for COVID-19 patients in combination with home isolation and or hospitalization.
This protocol was enacted on April 8, 2021. Apparently, the matter will be dealt with in June. (Cannot locate direct reference to this either – Penny)
In the meantime, an unprecedented turnaround in the nation’s most populated state has been supported by an aggressive, population-wide scheme using ivermectin-based home medicine kits.
Mumbai Move for Ivermectin Prophylaxis While Uttar Pradesh Smashes COVID-19 (26)
(Found graphs posted on various articles (below), apparently direct from the sources, but could not find a way to look up the results directly myself – Penny)

So, essentially, this was a legal move to persuade the national government to add to its national ivermectin protocol use as a prophylaxis as well as a treatment once an individual has been infected with the virus.
TrialSite notes that since Uttar Pradesh, the nation’s most populated state, implemented an aggressive, population-wide ivermectin regimen, the COVID-19 case count absolutely plummeted. An amazing turnaround that’s been completely ignored by all the media. Of course, the correlation between the Uttar Pradesh embrace of an ivermectin-based population-wide regimen and the dramatic turnaround in COVID-19 cases cannot be statistically correlated without further study.
The World Health Organization (WHO) touts (30) the local action in Uttar Pradesh, including the “medicine kits” proactively given out but suppresses the fact that Ivermectin is used. How about local media? Are they suppressing this information too?
According to the Hindustan Times, (31) the state accounts for 74.55% of the new COVID-19 recoveries. And the press censorship of state health authority-sanctioned ivermectin use applies even to local Indian media. A number of factors are attributed to the striking turnaround from a local track and trace program as well as health department door-to-door screenings, which of course includes the ivermectin-based medicine kits.
Mumbai Move for Ivermectin Prophylaxis While Uttar Pradesh Smashes COVID-19 (32)
But I’m losing hope for the rest of us.

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