Mark of the Beast theory – Summary of Evidence
- Updated:2 years ago
- Reading Time:21Minutes
- Post Words:5879Words
My scrapbook doing an evidence-check of all the “Mark of the Beast” theories
I’ll sort all this out one day. I just want a post on this subject that I can write notes in; this topic comes up so much, yet it’s so broad and there’s so much information that it’s really hard to organize or know where to start. This list is a royal mess at the moment, but I want to publish it anyway because it’s much easier to update the post when it’s published rather than in drafts, but most of the data is missing because I haven’t put it in yet. I’ll also rearrange by date when finished.
I like to explore every angle, not just disregard things before at least having a look for myself. Seems there’s so many layers to this war.
First Published: 10th November, 2022 | Last updated: 28th November, 2022
- 2021-22 – Labs all over the world sharing what they found in the covid vials – nanotech, graphene
- 2022 – DARPA – weaponized microbes that glow
- 2022 – Technology of the Beast System (Presentation of evidence)
- 2021 – Airport scanners show glowing foreheads and arms
- 2021 – Pfizer worker noticed glowing vials and an email containing graphene cover-up
- 2021 – Glowing PCR tests discovered
- 2021 – Vaccinated have a bluetooth MAC address
- 2021 – Glowing arms at Jab-side under UV light
- 2021 – Magnetic arms at injection-point & in all of us (vaccinated or not)
- 2021 – Bloodwork of everyone since June 2021 shows nano-tech and self-assembling “mysteriousness”
- 2021 – WHO / Gates / Rockefeller releases plan for global digital vaccine passports
- 2021 – Suspicious Pfizer & Moderna Patents
- 2020 – Patent – UN – Graphene Saline
- 2020 – Patent – Microsoft Patent 060606 “cryptocurrency using body data to the cloud”
- 2019 – US Homeland Security Patent – Luciferase
- 2017 – Pfizer & IBM partner for Internet of Things
- 2017 – DARPA – $65M for Matrix program to develop brain chips for soldiers
- 2016 – Elon Musk, Neuralink, Neural Lace, Graphene oxide
- 2016 – Scientists show off how graphene nanotechnology self-assembles remotely using an electric field called “Teslaphoresis”
- 2016 – Moderna Patent “Luciferase“
- 2015 – Moderna Patent – DNA chunk matches SARS-Cov-2
- 2014 – Mice light up under UV light using Quantum dot particle (study)
- Hitachi Smart dust
- 2013 – DARPA and the Brain Initiative | Mind Control – Gene-Editing
- 2011 – Quantum dots can be used to tag/mark people/animals
- 2001 – Patent – manipulate people via TV/monitors
- 1998 – Book predicts the identity of the AntiChrist as Prince Charles. (?)
- 1981 – Morgellons – fibres that glow under UV light, reproduce inside humans, connection to quantum dot military research
- Bible Prophecies
People in this post:
- Celeste Solum (Author of Dark Winter – Navigating Global Biological Warfare & Electromagnetic Radiation Protection Solutions for the Nuclear & Cosmic Superstorm Crisis)
- Karen Kingston (Bioanalyst, Former Pfizer Rep)
- Dr Carrie Madej (Osteopath & Internist, attended presentation about hydrogel & biotech)
- Victor Hugo (Friends were scanned for the mark at airport and forcibly injected)
- Joshua Phillip (Crossroads host for The Epoch Times)
- Naima Feagin (Hope Girl Blog) & Tivon Rivers (Former Navy Tech/Engineer) (Authors of
- Melissa McAtee (Former Pfizer, saw Pfizer vials glowing blue, and presented email evidence of cover-up re: graphene)
DARPA’s Ceres Seeds a New Approach to Soil Remediation (01) DARPA’s Ceres Seeds a New Approach to Soil Remediation
- Program to leverage plants fortified with microbes engineered to rid soil of spilled fuel and explosives without human intervention
- Weaponized engineered microbes
- Post-human world – we don’t need you anymore
- Weaponized engineered microbes
- Detoxify contaminants… through engineering the behaviour of plants and their associated microbial communities.
- The “Beacon” track will develop complementary plant-microbe synthetic communities that provides an overt signal – such as flowers changing color – to indicate that the target contamination has been reduced to similarly safe levels. (like when people’s arms light up at the airport)
Technology of the Beast System (02) Technology of the Beast System Naima Feagin (Hope Girl Blog) & Tivon Rivers (Former Navy Tech/Engineer) (03) Technology of the Beast System Powerpoint Presentation
Human bodies scanned at airports for Luciferase Proof of Vaccination (Video)
i.e. when people’s arms and foreheads light up when they go through an airport scanner (04) Human Bodies Scanned At Airports For Luciferase Proof of Vaccination
- T-Mobile phones will connect to Starlink for free starting next year
- T-Mobile – US Patent for Active listening using artificial intelligence for Communications evaluation
- Victor Hugo Reports on T Mobile Corruption:
Human bodies scanned at airports for Luciferase Proof of Vaccination (Images)
Karen Kingston: The patents show that nanotechnology is embedded into everyday products and every single human has been exposed.
- More and more people are becoming magnetic because of this Ai nanoweapon technology. Magnetic humans are not a consequence of an mRNA gain of function virus or vaccine. It’s a consequence of magnetic-hydrogel Ai nanoweapons infiltrating the human body.
- The SARS-CoV-2 mRNA virus sequence that was released on the globe and is found in the ‘vaccines’ would be completely useless, unable to infect cells and have no ability to produce antibodies without the lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) and magnetic Ai hydrogels.
- This also means that the COVID-19 pandemic was impossible without the LNPs.
- COVID-19 was not caused by a mRNA gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 virus. COVID-19 was caused by an Ai nanoweapon.
President Joe Biden signed an Executive Order on September 12, 2022, calling for an ‘all of government approach’ to Biotechnology across all sectors of our lives.
Whitehouse | September 12, 2022: Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy (05)Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy – September 12, 2022 … Click for full citation
Sec. 3. Harnessing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing R&D to Further Societal Goals. (a) Within 180 days of the date of this order, the heads of agencies specified in subsections (a)(i)-(v) of this section shall submit the following reports on biotechnology and biomanufacturing to further societal goals related to health, climate change and energy, food and agricultural innovation, resilient supply chains, and cross-cutting scientific advances. The reports shall be submitted to the President through the APNSA, in coordination with the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the APEP, the Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy (APDP), and the Director of OSTP.
(i) The Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), in consultation with the heads of appropriate agencies as determined by the Secretary, shall submit a report assessing how to use biotechnology and biomanufacturing to achieve medical breakthroughs, reduce the overall burden of disease, and improve health outcomes.
(ii) The Secretary of Energy, in consultation with the heads of appropriate agencies as determined by the Secretary, shall submit a report assessing how to use biotechnology, biomanufacturing, bioenergy, and biobased products to address the causes and adapt to and mitigate the impacts of climate change, including by sequestering carbon and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
(iii) The Secretary of Agriculture, in consultation with the heads of appropriate agencies as determined by the Secretary, shall submit a report assessing how to use biotechnology and biomanufacturing for food and agriculture innovation, including by improving sustainability and land conservation; increasing food quality and nutrition; increasing and protecting agricultural yields; protecting against plant and animal pests and diseases; and cultivating alternative food sources.
(iv) The Secretary of Commerce, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of HHS, and the heads of other appropriate agencies as determined by the Secretary of Commerce, shall submit a report assessing how to use biotechnology and biomanufacturing to strengthen the resilience of United States supply chains.
(v) The Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF), in consultation with the heads of appropriate agencies as determined by the Director, shall submit a report identifying high-priority fundamental and use‑inspired basic research goals to advance biotechnology and biomanufacturing and to address the societal goals identified in this section.
(b) Each report specified in subsection (a) of this section shall identify high-priority basic research and technology development needs to achieve the overall objectives described in subsection (a) of this section, as well as opportunities for public-private collaboration. Each of these reports shall also include recommendations for actions to enhance biosafety and biosecurity to reduce risk throughout the biotechnology R&D and biomanufacturing lifecycles.
(c) Within 100 days of receiving the reports required under subsection (a) of this section, the Director of OSTP, in coordination with the Director of OMB, the APNSA, the APEP, the APDP, and the heads of appropriate agencies as determined through the NSM-2 process, shall develop a plan (implementation plan) to implement the recommendations in the reports. The development of this implementation plan shall also include the solicitation of input from external experts regarding potential ethical implications or other societal impacts, including environmental sustainability and environmental justice, of the recommendations contained in the reports required under subsection (a) of this section. The implementation plan shall include assessments and make recommendations regarding any such implications or impacts.
(d) Within 90 days of the date of this order, the Director of OMB, in consultation with the heads of appropriate agencies as determined through the NSM-2 process, shall perform a budget crosscut to identify existing levels of agency spending on biotechnology- and biomanufacturing-related activities to inform the development of the implementation plan described in subsection (c) of this section.
(e) The APNSA, in coordination with the Director of OMB, the APEP, the APDP, and the Director of OSTP, shall review the reports required under subsection (a) of this section and shall submit the reports to the President in an unclassified form, but may include a classified annex.
Melissa McAtee (Former Pfizer, saw Pfizer vials glowing blue, and presented email evidence of cover-up re: graphene)
See “Former Pfizer Staff Speak Out” post for full report
What’s in the blood?
Pathologists and those trained in live blood analysis are finding weird nano-tech-looking floating substances that they’d never seen before in every single blood sample since June 2021, and in every patient, these shapes seem to be self-assembling/growing.
- Confirmed for certain in Queensland, Australia
- (my friend and his grandma, both unjabbed). I haven’t uploaded his photos yet.
- Confirmed in the United Kingdom
- (unjabbed Children with ‘self-assembling’ Graphene(?) in their blood work)
See post: [UK] What’s In The ‘Unjabbed’ Blood? (Dr. Philippe) and any collection will be on the Vials page
Haven’t uploaded yet
Haven’t uploaded yet, and yet to test myself. I’ve seen videos so far from 4 different countries, 3 that look legitimate, (Russian hacker, QLD cemetery, USA, and one that could be just people’s other devices (on an airplane). Need to relocate them, combine any that I find into one, and add it here.
I’ve seen a few that could very well be fraudulent, particularly those on TikTok.
To be honest, I kind of avoided/ignored all these, but since finding out about the tech at airports now, I wonder if maybe there are some legitimate ones in amongst the fake-ones. There’s tonnes of videos to go through, and I honestly don’t have time right now but I will get there.
I am really focusing on my mind-control post at the moment, rather than this one, because the mind-control ones is the real evidence of how they got away with what we’re seeing right now, and I’ve so much to add to it that is important (but all posts in my drafts are also important), and this post is just a sort of “notepad” to see just what evidence we have for a “mark of the beast” theory but not my major focus.
Magnetic Phenomenon Is Real (06) Magnetic Phenomenon Is Real The Electromagnetism phenomenon in the Vaccinated (or what we now dub “Graphinated“) is real. Along with myself and other friends who are “magnetized” (jabbed or not), this is a real phenomenon – where you would do best to trust your own experience other than a “fact-checker” website funded by those that don’t want you to know you are magnetized, and something we are yet to still figure out.
Karen Kingston – former Pfizer employee and biotech analyst.
Karen Kingston is a Biotech Analyst and yet another former Pfizer employee who is speaking out. She began her career as a Pfizer sales rep in NYC. She’s a pharmaceutical and medical device business analyst over 20 years of experience in business development, marketing, sales, public speaking, and strategic consulting. As an executive strategist, her clients range from start-ups to Fortune 500 leaders, including Allergan, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic, and Thermo Fisher Scientific.
- Evidence of Graphene Oxide in EUA ‘VACCINES‘ (Moderna and Pfizer)
- August, 2021 (Powerpoint Presentation)
- Suspicious Patents under the guise of Health & ‘VACCINES”
- Totalitarian Vaccine/Social Credit System Patents & Mandatory Apps
- October, 2021 (Powerpoint Presentation)
- Vaccine patents that detail the evil intent
- October, 2021 (PDF Presentation | Video) (07) Karen Kingston – Biotech Analyst – PDF Presentation – Vaccine Patents
Bioweapon Vaccine by Karen Kingston – November, 2021 (Video)
What’s in the placebo shots? We don’t know. FDA forbids a Freedom of Information (FOI) request asking about the ingredients of the placebo in Pfizer’s clinical trial. THE PLACEBO!
Subject of Request: ingredients of the ‘placebo’ in the clinical trial NCTR04368728
We are denying your entire request. Specifically, we are denying records from an unapproved product application
See post: FOI: Ingredients Of The ‘Placebo’ In Pfizer Trial [FDA]
2021 – WHO / Gates / Rockefeller releases plan for global digital vaccine passports (08) Digital documentation of COVID-19 certificates: vaccination status: technical specifications and implementation guidance, 27 August 2021
2020 – Patent – Microsoft Patent 060606 “cryptocurrency using body data to the cloud”
WO/2020/060606 Cryptocurrency system using body activity data
- See suspicious patents post for more details
Worldwide Patent for a saline shot that contains graphene by the Director General of the UN’s International Vaccine Institute – the only international organization for vaccine development in the world. I wish I was kidding. I wish I was wrong. But this is one doozy of a coincidence?
Saline Containing Graphene Patent
“The physiological saline solution containing dispersed graphene of the present invention is intended to be used as a therapeutic agent for viruses such as MERS, SARS, and corona. When the virus and graphene powder meet, the graphene powder and the virus are attracted and adhered to each other with nano-cohesive force. If graphene powder adheres to the body and spikes of the virus, the virus does not function properly and cannot multiply and eventually dies.”
- 김한식. (2020). [Patent KR20210028062A]. Physiological Saline Containing Graphene. (09) Patent “Physiological Saline Containing Graphene” KR20210028062A (10) 김한식. (2020). [Patent KR20210028062A]. Physiological Saline Containing Graphene.
Full details & rant: [RANT] “Saline Containing Graphene” (Patent)
Luciferase Patents (11) Fusion proteins containing luciferase and a polypeptide of interest (12) Delivery and formulation of engineered nucleic acids
Joshua Phillip (Crossroads host for The Epoch Times)
A patent owned by Moderna clearly shows that lipid nanoparticles (“LNPs”) are fully programmable self-assembling technologies that can contain gels and hydrogels. (Suspiciously, it matches the description of what labs all around the world are finding in the vials)
Haven’t referenced this one yet, it will be in Karen’s video though in section: 2022 – Patent Walk-Thru – Nanotech in all of us | Karen Kingston (Video & evidence)
The US military has revealed $65M of funding for a ‘Matrix’ program to develop a ‘brain chip’ allowing humans to simply plug into a computer. They say the system could give soldiers super-senses and even help treat people with blindness, paralysis and speech disorders (13) DARPA Reveals $65 Million ‘Matrix’ Program To Plug Soldiers Brains Directly Into A Computer The US military has revealed $65M of funding for a ‘Matrix’ program to develop a ‘brain chip’ allowing humans to simply plug into a computer.
Pfizer & IBM became partners in 2017 “to transform healthcare into the 21st century” by attaching sensors to the body and environment to the “Internet of Things”. (14) Pfizer – IBM – Collaborate – Internet Of Things – 2017
Scientists in 2016 were excited to share how for years they’ve been able to get graphene nanotechnology to self-assemble remotely using an electric field (called Teslaphoresis). (16) Teslaphoresis | Self-Assembly Of Nanotubes Using An Electric Field
- MSH3 Homology and Potential Recombination Link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site
- Patent in Question:
- Modified polynucleotides for the production of oncology-related proteins and peptides
- Related Blog Posts:
- U.S. patent number 9,587,003 [Application Number 15/015,684] was granted by the patent office on 2017-03-07 for modified polynucleotides for the production of oncology-related proteins and peptides. This patent grant is currently assigned to ModernaTX, Inc.. The grantee listed for this patent is Moderna Therapeutics, Inc.. Invention is credited to Stephane Bancel, Tirtha Chakraborty, Antonin de Fougerolles, Kenechi Ejebe, Sayda M. Elbashir, Jeff Lynn Ellsworth, Justin Guild, Paul Hatala, Matthias John, Atanu Roy, Jason P. Schrum, Susan Whoriskey, Kristy M. Wood.
- US10501513B2 Modified polynucleotides for the production of oncology-related proteins and peptides
- US9587003B2 Modified polynucleotides for the production of oncology-related proteins and peptides
News articles:
- Scientists claim Covid virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that ‘matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began’
- Scientists Discover DNA Chunk in COVID That Matches Moderna Patented Sequence from Before Pandemic
- Moderna sued over Covid-19 vaccine-related patents
- Patents Prove SARS-CoV-2 Is A Manufactured Virus
- (This one is related to other Moderna shenanigans in regards to COVID, not specific to this particular patent)
See also:
Spike Genes Have Patented DNA Sequences. This is Dangerous. post
In 2014, the mice were lighting up under a UV light with a quantum dot particle.
- 2014 “By injecting mice with quantum dots — a special kind of nanoparticle that is light-sensitive, semiconducting and glows when exposed to UV light — researchers from the University of Toronto are seeking to quantify the accumulation of nanoparticles within tissues.
- This image shows collections of the particles under the skin of mice when they’re illuminated with UV light. The work, published in Nature, shows that the concentration of quantum dots in the skin correlates with both the injected dose and their accumulation in other organs. Now all that remains is to establish what that may mean for human safety.”
- Nanoparticle exposure in animals can be visualized in the skin and analysed via skin biopsy (17)Sykes, E., Dai, Q., Tsoi, K. et al. Nanoparticle exposure in animals can be visualized in the skin and analysed via skin biopsy. Nat Commun 5, 3796 (2014). … Click for full citation
- This image shows collections of the particles under the skin of mice when they’re illuminated with UV light. The work, published in Nature, shows that the concentration of quantum dots in the skin correlates with both the injected dose and their accumulation in other organs. Now all that remains is to establish what that may mean for human safety.”
DARPA and the Brain Initiative
“To read and write human brains and alter the human body’s DNA and turn you into something you wouldn’t otherwise be – using gene-editing technologies like CRISPR”
- The White House announced the BRAIN initiative in April 2013 (18) The White House announced the BRAIN initiative in April 2013
- DARPA and the Brain Initiative (19) DARPA – The Brain Initiatve.
- DARPA, US Dept of Interior (DOI) and The Center for Strategic Communication at ASU “Mapping the Narrative Comprehension Network and its Persuasive Effects” (supposedly for ‘religious extremism’ – I call bullshit.) (20) Toward Narrative Disruptors and Inductors: Mapping the Narrative Comprehension Network and its Persuasive Effects
- Funding by: US Department of the Interior (DOI): $2,057,390.00
- the research group will “selectively alter aspects of narrative structure and brain functions via Transcranial Magnetic Simulation (TMS) to induce or disrupt selected features of narrative processing.”
- For further details, see magnetic mind control under the DARPA-BenSwann section and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation section
Voices from DARPA Podcast Episode 61: Manta Ray: Unleashing Robotic Undersea Endurance (21) Voices from DARPA Podcast Episode 61: Manta Ray: Unleashing Robotic Undersea Endurance
- For over 10 years, they’ve been unleashing robotic creatures under the sea
A 2011 book titled ‘Quantum Confinement Effect’ describes how quantum dots can be used to create tags, “so to mark people or animals’. There are decades of successful research where they use quantum dots, not just to label an animal or human, but then to tag, mark and trace and communicate with, if you will, the heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney and brain.
- In 2007, there was another study showing the biodistribution of Quantum Dots in Living Mice. So yeah, they’ve been at this a while and have had lots of time to experiment. (22)Schipper ML, Cheng Z, Lee SW, Bentolila LA, Iyer G, Rao J, Chen X, Wu AM, Weiss S, Gambhir SS. microPET-based biodistribution of quantum dots in living mice. J Nucl Med. 2007 Sep;48(9):1511-8. doi: 10.2967/jnumed.107.040071. Epub 2007 Aug 17. PMID: … Click for full citation
Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors
- US Patent US6506148B2 – Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors (23) Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors US Patent US6506148B2
- Explainer Video about Patent US6506148B2 This Patent Proves They Can Remotely Hijack Your Nervous System – June 5, 2021 – 13 mins (24) US Patent US6506148B2 This Patent Proves They Can Remotely Hijack Your Nervous System – Video – June 5, 2021 – 13 mins
The same inventor has 15 more patents, 10 of them to do with remotely-manipulating the nervous systems & memories:
- Hendricus G. Loos Patent Search
- US5899922A Manipulation of nervous systems by electric fields (25) US5899922A Manipulation of nervous systems by electric fields
- US6167304A Pulse variability in electric field manipulation of nervous systems (26) US6167304A Pulse variability in electric field manipulation of nervous systems
- US6081744A Electric fringe field generator for manipulating nervous systems (27) US6081744A Electric fringe field generator for manipulating nervous systems
- US5935054A Magnetic excitation of sensory resonances (28) US5935054A Magnetic excitation of sensory resonances
- US5800481A Thermal excitation of sensory resonances (29) US5800481A Thermal excitation of sensory resonances
- US6091994A Pulsative manipulation of nervous systems (30) US6091994A Pulsative manipulation of nervous systems
- US6017302A Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems (31) US6017302A Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems
- US5995954A Method and apparatus for associative memory (32) US6017302A Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems
- US6238333B1 Remote magnetic manipulation of nervous systems (33) US6238333B1 Remote magnetic manipulation of nervous systems
1998 – Book predicts the identity of the AntiChrist as Prince Charles. Interesting…
The Antichrist and a Cup of Tea, – January 1, 1998 “…presents the fascinating saga of the British Monarchy’s centuries-long endeavor to establish a “New World Order,” and for the first time, gives hard evidence to suggest the identity of the AntiChrist.”. A second edition is being published due in 2023. Learn more: Amazon | Free PDF | Author Video in 1999 | Author Video in 1999, Slideshow | Author Interview in 2020
Even more fascinating, because the UN/WEF “Crowned” him in the Agenda 2030 Sustainable development crown-light-show last month, at the 50th anniversary of the WEF, which was most bizarre.
The following video is a discussion talking about the book and it’s findings: YouTube | Download Mp3
Apparently it’s calculated as Prince Charles because:
- his name calculates to 666 in both English and Hebrew;
- the symbols in his heraldic achievement or coat of arms are identical to those of the “first beast” of Revelation 13;
- he claims descent from David, Jesus, and Mohammed, but is most likely from the tribe of Dan and Odin (Satan);
- he literally serves the red dragon (Satan), which was central to his 1969 investiture as the Prince of Wales;
- he wants to be the King of Europe;
- he heads the United World Colleges;
- he steers the environmental ethics and business agendas of over 100 of the world’s largest multinational corporations.
full disclosure: I don’t really follow the mark of the beast theory, but I’m always interested in exploring every angle to add to my repertoire of knowledge to draw from
Smartdust aka microchip dust is a system of many tiny microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) such as sensors, robots, or other devices, that can detect, for example, light, temperature, vibration, magnetism, or chemicals. The concepts for Smart Dust emerged from a workshop at RAND in 1992 and a series of DARPA ISAT studies in the mid-1990s due to the potential military applications of the technology. (34) Smartdust – wikipedia (35) What Is Smart Dust By Hitachi?
For decades and perhaps much longer, people have been finding fiber-like strands extruding from the skin in various colours (they start as white but accumulate blue and red dyes into themselves), they fluoresce under UV light and grow and reproduce inside the body. The types of dyes that accumulate first appeared in the context of Quantum dots from military research in 1981 / ’82 (~ Harvard).
See post: Morgellons

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01 | DARPA’s Ceres Seeds a New Approach to Soil Remediation |
02 | Technology of the Beast System Naima Feagin (Hope Girl Blog) & Tivon Rivers (Former Navy Tech/Engineer) |
03 | Technology of the Beast System Powerpoint Presentation |
04 | Human Bodies Scanned At Airports For Luciferase Proof of Vaccination |
05 | Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy – September 12, 2022 |
06 | Magnetic Phenomenon Is Real |
07 | Karen Kingston – Biotech Analyst – PDF Presentation – Vaccine Patents |
08 | Digital documentation of COVID-19 certificates: vaccination status: technical specifications and implementation guidance, 27 August 2021 |
09 | Patent “Physiological Saline Containing Graphene” KR20210028062A |
10 | 김한식. (2020). [Patent KR20210028062A]. Physiological Saline Containing Graphene. |
11 | Fusion proteins containing luciferase and a polypeptide of interest |
12 | Delivery and formulation of engineered nucleic acids |
13 | DARPA Reveals $65 Million ‘Matrix’ Program To Plug Soldiers Brains Directly Into A Computer The US military has revealed $65M of funding for a ‘Matrix’ program to develop a ‘brain chip’ allowing humans to simply plug into a computer. |
14 | Pfizer – IBM – Collaborate – Internet Of Things – 2017 |
15 | Elon Musk’s Connection With Graphene Oxide |
16 | Teslaphoresis | Self-Assembly Of Nanotubes Using An Electric Field |
17 | Sykes, E., Dai, Q., Tsoi, K. et al. Nanoparticle exposure in animals can be visualized in the skin and analysed via skin biopsy. Nat Commun 5, 3796 (2014). |
18 | The White House announced the BRAIN initiative in April 2013 |
19 | DARPA – The Brain Initiatve. |
20 | Toward Narrative Disruptors and Inductors: Mapping the Narrative Comprehension Network and its Persuasive Effects |
21 | Voices from DARPA Podcast Episode 61: Manta Ray: Unleashing Robotic Undersea Endurance |
22 | Schipper ML, Cheng Z, Lee SW, Bentolila LA, Iyer G, Rao J, Chen X, Wu AM, Weiss S, Gambhir SS. microPET-based biodistribution of quantum dots in living mice. J Nucl Med. 2007 Sep;48(9):1511-8. doi: 10.2967/jnumed.107.040071. Epub 2007 Aug 17. PMID: 17704240; PMCID: PMC4146342. |
23 | Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors US Patent US6506148B2 |
24 | US Patent US6506148B2 This Patent Proves They Can Remotely Hijack Your Nervous System – Video – June 5, 2021 – 13 mins |
25 | US5899922A Manipulation of nervous systems by electric fields |
26 | US6167304A Pulse variability in electric field manipulation of nervous systems |
27 | US6081744A Electric fringe field generator for manipulating nervous systems |
28 | US5935054A Magnetic excitation of sensory resonances |
29 | US5800481A Thermal excitation of sensory resonances |
30 | US6091994A Pulsative manipulation of nervous systems |
31, 32 | US6017302A Subliminal acoustic manipulation of nervous systems |
33 | US6238333B1 Remote magnetic manipulation of nervous systems |
34 | Smartdust – wikipedia |
35 | What Is Smart Dust By Hitachi? |
Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.