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Celeste Solum – Synthetic Biology [Part 1]

Celeste Solum is a former FEMA employee and researcher specializing in nanotechnology and synthetic biology. She says this is a plan to completely replace all forms of biological life with synthetic biology, and details the ways in which the globalists are doing it. She backs up all of her research with published government documents, medical journals, and insider knowledge. (1 clip, 2 video interviews).


Intra Body Nano Network – Part 3/5 (Meat & Potatoes – the Main Evidence)

Part 3 of 5 of the Intra Body Nano Network by Mik Andersen. Part three is really the meat & potatoes of the presentation. It goes through what is in the scientific literature regarding micro and nano sensors, carbon nanotubes, graphene and graphene oxide nanosheets, Micro and Nano routers. micro antennas or plasmonic nanoantennae microsensors, micro node signals (TS-OOK) and how our phone, tablet or can be used as the gateway.
