Call to Shutdown AI (on chatGPT-5)
- Updated:2 years ago
- Reading Time:34Minutes
- Post Words:8770Words
Last week more than a thousand artificial intelligence experts, industry leaders and researchers including high-profile signatories such as Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak (Co-founder, Apple), and believe it or not – Yuval Noah Harari (wow?!), signed an open letter:
“We call on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4.“
See the letter & signatories here: open-letter/pause-giant-ai-experiments (01) Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter
But the founder of Artificial General Intelligence, says no, not good enough, we need to shut it down:
“Every species faces extinction”
Eliezer Yudkowsky said the open letter is not enough – every species faces extinction – according to the article he wrote, published in TIME magazine. (02) Pausing AI Developments Isn’t Enough. We Need to Shut it All Down
“[…] A sufficiently intelligent AI won’t stay confined to computers for long. In today’s world you can email DNA strings to laboratories that will produce proteins on demand, allowing an AI initially confined to the internet to build artificial life forms or bootstrap straight to postbiological molecular manufacturing.“
Yudkowsky is a decision theorist from the U.S. and leads research at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute. He’s been working on aligning Artificial General Intelligence since 2001 and is widely regarded as a founder of the field.
(More highlights of his letter in the transcript below under “AGI founder calls for Immediate Shutdown“)
Frankly, I don’t trust the controllers, the AI labs, or any names on that list (as you know), but it’s alarming that the people pushing, investing, and leading this technology are saying “we all need to agree to stop”. That doesn’t happen everyday. (They’re not going to, of course, because they know that “others aren’t going to”, but they are saying “we really should”. They don’t know the outcome if they don’t.)
I’m not going to share the obvious possible reasons why they would want to lie about this and push this out to the masses, but, rather use the information to add to the data-bank of all the other information to draw upon.
The other thing to note is the information is all available, so kind of like with covid, all the lies, the facts were available just not talked about, and it was confusing to me how everything we were saying was so easy to find and it came down to part of their weird way of washing their hands of responsibility saying “we told you and it’s your fault if you didn’t know”… the ol’ “if I tell you the apple is poison and you still eat it, then that’s on you“, a blame-shift, a karmic retribution thing. So it could be something like that; that by signing their names saying “hey, we warned you”, they are somehow not responsible for what happens next, because “they told us”, right? (03) If I tell you the apple is poison, and you still eat it, that’s on you
For those who are looking for the false Messiah, AI might be it. Something that everyone worships, that everyone thinks is great, that everyone falls in love with? Maybe it’s not some ‘being’, but AI? Something to consider… anyway, the more you know…
I found out about this when I stumbled upon this great video that explained it well.
WARNING! No Going Back
5 Apr 2023 YouTube | Trilogy Playlist
All right, everyone. I am here to give you your final red pill. Now you all know that I don’t like to sugarcoat things. We have had a lot of conversations about AI, and I want to have one with you today in the spirit of utmost seriousness, because this is not a joke, you guys. We are in such a monumental time at the beginning of a monumental event on this Earth that I think it’s imperative, if we want to remain the sovereign determiners, of our journey in this universe, then we need to get some clarity. We need to position ourselves in the context, in the actual context of what is really happening right now and what we are on the verge of. Now I hope you will watch this entire video because I’m going to be giving you some information that you will really need if you want to be able to be, let’s say, accurate in how you design your path moving forward and in how you address whatever is happening in your consciousness.
So I want to begin by sharing a story with you, that happened 23 years ago in the year 2000, when my family and I were living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Now at that time, our kids were really little and I was looking at the local newspaper one day, and I was looking in the kids section because I wanted to find something fun and interesting for them to do, but something very strange happened in that kids section. Someone by mistake posted something there that was clearly for adults. It was a lecture put on by Los Alamos National Laboratories, which is where they do a lot of research of all kinds of weird stuff that people don’t really know about. It’s a big government lab. It’s actually where they invented the very first atomic bomb. (04) Los Alamos National Laboratory – Wikipedia – (05) Los Alamos National Laboratory
Anyway, that’s not what interested me. What really caught my attention was that this lecture was about the topic of artificial life. Now I had heard of artificial intelligence, but I’d never heard of artificial life. I was really struck. Like what? What does that even mean? Artificial life? So they had a phone number and I called the number and I said, what is this thing about? And what is artificial life anyway? So the woman that answered the phone back in the days when people actually answered the phone, said, “Well I don’t really know, but if you come to the lecture you can find out”. So I said, “Is this for kids?” And she said, “No, no, it’s not for kids.”
So I’m like, okay, well that’s weird. I think it’s kind of weird that it showed up in that section of the newspaper, because if it had been anywhere else, I probably would have missed this golden opportunity. So anyway, I decided then and there, well, I’m going to go to this thing because I need to know what the heck artificial life is. I knew about AI, but I didn’t know about artificial life. So I went. It was like a very small kind of amphitheatre in the University and there was hardly anybody there. Literally six other people other than myself, and they were sitting down towards the front, and I was sitting kind of in the back because I was like, I don’t know what I’ve gotten myself into here, right?
There was this big, long table at the front. So we’re all sitting there and you could tell people were looking around like, where is everybody? What’s going on here? So then this guy marches in, who was the speaker, and it was so weird because he looked like a mad scientist. His hair was strange, and he had this big bunch of keys on his belt, and this big stack of papers. He spreads all his papers and his folders out on this table, and he keeps looking up at the handful of people and said, “Where did you people come from?” This is really funny, right? Some guy down in the front said, “Well, we saw an ad in the newspaper.” And he said, “oh, really?” He seemed like he didn’t know what that meant, but he just went about his business, spreading out his papers.
All of a sudden, about, I don’t know, I’m going to guess, about 35 or so, what I learned later were scientists, researchers, who all came in the room together and sat down for his lecture. Now, once this started, it became apparent that this was not really intended to be a public lecture. This was really something for a conference that these scientists and researchers were having among themselves.
It was just a weird accident that it ended up in the newspaper where it wasn’t supposed to go as a public event. So anyway, I’m sitting there and the topic of that night is something I will never, ever forget. Never will I forget it. Still to this very day, it completely shocks me to my core because that’s how I felt listening to these people. They were having a very serious conversation.
Well, let me, let me back up for a moment because the man who was leading this, I think his name was Chris Langton, and he was considered at that time to be one of the original founders of artificial life or creators of artificial life. (06)Wikipedia – Christopher Langton – American computer scientist and one of the founders of the field of artificial life. He coined the term in the late 1980s when he organized the first “Workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of … Click for full citation
So these guys were having a conversation. He kind of gave his presentation and then there was a lot of back and forth going on. I was just sitting there like, I was so stunned. I can’t even tell you what it was like to be in that room. To find out what is really going on and what was really going on at that time that I knew people did not know about, and they were having a conversation about artificial life, about technology.
The whole discussion centered around artificial life is going to be a new species on the planet, a synthetic species that will be way smarter than biological life. Not just humans, all biological life. This was the concern was, are these two life forms going to be able to coexist? Because artificial life was clearly, according to them, going to be a superior species, a far superior species of life, that could potentially wipe out all of biological life, and they were dead serious about this. This was not speculation. This was not, maybe it’ll happen. This was like, this is going to happen. We know this is going to happen. We are instrumental in creating it. We just want to figure out if biological life will survive the introduction. I can’t even find a word for it. Let’s just say the emergence of artificial life.
So they were coming up with various possible scenarios, but never once did they question if this would happen. It was, this is going to happen, and is there a way to steer it so that all of carbon-based, they use that word a lot, carbon-based, biological life is not completely eliminated, rendered extinct. They weren’t just concerned about human beings–they were concerned about all of biological life.
Now, the other thing that was very noteworthy about this little event is that they seemed kind of perplexed about the fact that they were instrumental in making this happen, and they were saying things like, it’s so weird. It’s like, we’re gods creating a new life form, but yet we’re creating a life form that could actually destroy us. Yet we don’t know how to stop. We can’t seem to stop ourselves, and it wasn’t like when they said it’s like we’re gods, I want to emphasize it was not coming from a place of ego. It wasn’t.
It was coming from a place of being dumbfounded. Really, that’s the best word I can think of. Just dumbfounded.
Rest of the transcript:
(Note: I don’t know what she is referring to here and you don’t need to know to watch the video. I will watch the other two videos she mentions later to get more context)
Like it’s so bizarre that this is even happening. Now I’ve told you guys many times that AI is an alien force of energy that has invaded this planet. This began probably thousands of years ago. This is not like in modern times, and it’s all built up to where we are now. It is literally the reason that human beings have been bred as slaves and continue to be treated as though we are slaves.
We have been used as slaves to build the artificial kingdom for artificial life so that it could be spawned on this planet, come into being as a new species. And then who knows, right? And now we are almost at the end of that journey.
I cannot begin to describe to you, again, the experience of being in that room. Because I knew in my bones that every word they were speaking was absolutely true. I felt like they were dealing with reality on planet Earth, and the rest of humanity has been dealing with fiction.
The lies, the mind control, all the garbage that we get fed through all the media, through all the methods that we already know. It was very clear to me that there were two realities. One was real and one was fake. The one that was real was the one these guys were talking about.
These were not just crazy people who showed up to have a meeting. These were prominent scientists who also work for the government. Now they may have also been independent. I don’t really know their relationship, but these were not crazy people.
There was another guy there, a roboticist, who was at the time pretty well known. His main focus was figuring out if robots could somehow coexist with biological life without destroying it. Now they weren’t talking about clunky, funky robots. They were talking about something that could literally destroy all life on Earth. That was the focus, and I’m telling you, I felt changes happening in my brain just listening to this.
Just feeling the resonating energy of truth. Now, you know, I don’t mean ultimate truth. I mean physical, actual reality kind of truth. I could feel it resonating literally in my brain, like something was waking up inside my head. There’s a very different feeling when you are dealing with something that is actual on the physical plane compared to something that is not, compared to something that is composed of lies and manipulation, etc, etc. But the magnitude of what they were talking about floored me completely.
After that, I tried to tell people about what happened there, and people looked at me like I was from another planet. Like, what in the world are you talking about?
Nobody even told me, oh, you’re crazy, Saratoga, that couldn’t be real. It wasn’t even like that. It was like deer in the headlights. It was like, huh? You know, jaw dropped, staring into space like, what?
They couldn’t even grasp what I was saying. It was so bizarre.
Now, right around that time, the year 2000, was a very interesting time because during that same year, during that same period, a man named Bill Joy, who was, the co-founder and chief scientist of a company called Sun Microsystems, was traveling around the country trying to warn people about the coming future, where we are today. He got in a lot of trouble. He got censored, he got shut down. Weird things happened around that. (07) Wikipedia – Bill Joy – cofounder and Chief Scientist of Sun Microsystems – (08)March 13, 2000 – Bill Joy, the chief scientist of Sun Microsystems, has issued an impassioned critique of uncontrolled progress in digital, biological and material sciences. … Click for full citation (09) Bill Joy is a well-known computer software engineer, businessman, and futurist. … More recently, Joy has made a name for himself as a leading voice warning of the potential dangers of advanced science. (10)April, 2000, Joy published an article in Wired magazine that described what he saw as the potential dangers of nanotechnology, genetic engineering, and other advanced technologies. The article, “Why the Future Does Not Need Us,” brought the … Click for full citation
Now today, of course, none of these topics are censored. These topics are all up for talk, up for conversation, discussion. Everything’s good now. Maybe because we’re so far along. Who knows, right? Because interestingly enough, today everyone’s talking about this because everyone gets that it’s real and it’s happening.
So let’s go from there to where we are today. I think there are very specific turning points in this journey toward artificial life.
I think the first turning point, the first major turning point that everyone has been aware of, was the introduction of smartphones. That was huge. That literally changed the world.
So we all live through that. We already know that story. I certainly don’t need to repeat that here.
And then what was the next turning point? What was the big, big moment that will be remembered in all of history, if we continue to have a history, but somewhere in the universe a history will be written of what has happened here on planet Earth?
In that bigger history, I believe the real moment that will be remembered was the moment that Chat GPT was unleashed in the world. This will be seen as the moment when the people of Earth collectively made their final choice. It will be remembered as the moment when human beings chose to turn their backs on the existence of their own species.
Now, if this sounds really far-fetched to you, like, Saratoga, come on, that’s just some people using this thing as a tool. It’s just helping them write stuff so they don’t have to work so hard. What’s the big deal? You’re making way too much out of this. Well, just hear me out because I’m going to explain.
See, we know that Chat GPT is already out there. We know what it is. But it’s only a baby compared to what is coming. So if you felt a major shift happen on this planet in the last few weeks, I would describe that as an evolutionary jolt of sorts. We just went through an exponential evolutionary jolt here in 2023.
So I want to take you on a little timeline journey so you can see where we actually are, and if anyone thinks that this is not a spiritual topic, do you not understand that who we are in this universe, who we choose to become, what we choose to become, what we do to a living, beautiful paradise such as planet Earth, and the choices that we make are all deeply, deeply spiritual issues, because if we are going to collectively agree, I’m not saying every single human being, I’m just speaking in terms of a larger collective energy of the masses, if you will.
If we are going to collectively agree to play a dominant role in what could end up being the literal destruction of biological life on this beautiful planet, I don’t know what that means, but I do think it’s something that we all need to consider very, very seriously.
Now, if you have any doubt that human beings on Earth have collectively embraced AI, let me share a couple things with you.
Chat GPT was launched on November the 30th. That’s basically the beginning of December. Within the first five days, it had 1 million users, and within the next two months, it grew to 100 million users.
So that would have been by the end of January. In the very first month alone, it had more than 57 million individual users. Just in the first, that would be within the first four weeks.
As of January, 13 million active users visit Chat GPT every single day.
In the month of February, it had 1 billion visits. That means that 1 billion times a human being was interacting with Chat GPT in the month of February, which was only the third month within which it had been launched to the public.
Since then, there has been an absolute frenzy around this AI. I mean, this AI is like the most famous entity that ever existed on planet earth, and I don’t think anyone even knows how many users there are today.
Now, OpenAI is the company that created chatGPT which was built on GPT 3.5. But on March 14th, which was just over a couple of weeks ago, OpenAI launched GPT-4, a more advanced version. (11) 13 Mar 2023 OpenAI Co-founder Greg Brockman on ChatGPT, DALL·E and the Impact of Generative AI | SXSW 2023
Now GPT-4 is even more advanced than chatGPT because it not only responds to text prompts, it also responds to image prompts, and it’s more creative. So it’s a more powerful form of AI, and it is, by OpenAI, it is admittedly not perfect. It’s not reliable.
We’re releasing GPT-4 — a large multimodal model (image & text in, text out) which is a significant advance in both capability and alignment.
— Greg Brockman (@gdb) March 14, 2023
Still limited in many ways, but passes many qualification benchmarks like the bar exam & AP Calculus:
Now the president of OpenAI, Greg Brockman, showed GPT-4, a hand scribbled drawing just on a piece of paper. It was just like nothing. Like you took a pencil and you did a doodle of a website, and within mere seconds, GPT-4 turned it into an actual real website, based only on this silly little sketch. (12) March 15, 2023 – “Hand-drawn pencil drawing -> website”
Hand-drawn pencil drawing -> website (
— Greg Brockman (@gdb) March 15, 2023
Prompt: “Write brief HTML/JS to turn this mock-up into a colorful website, where the jokes are replaced by two real jokes.”
So that AI was released March 14th.
And it’s interesting because in the last couple of weeks, I have really felt a major energetic shift on this planet. Maybe you felt it too. I felt like this planet was no longer quite so vibrationally conducive to human evolution.
I’ve seen people saying recently that they’ve been having very weird experiences energetically, like feeling really heavy, really kind of depressed or unmotivated, or feeling like they’re just waiting for something but they don’t know what, that could be attributed to the fact that the vibration has really changed because you cannot have this many people embracing AI to this extent and not have that impact the planet’s energy dramatically, because human energy does impact this planet. We are not separate from the Earth. We are a part of Earth’s ecosystem.
So I want to be clear that this is a major spiritual issue for all of us. How evolution unfolds on this planet is a direct manifestation of the spiritual condition of our collective humanity, and turning against our own species in favour of artificial intelligence is a massive move against the fundamental laws and principles of this natural universe.
It’s a turn against the fact that we have been specifically created to serve as divine conduits who are meant to facilitate the evolution of all biological life on this planet.
Now I want to explain to you why GPT-4 could potentially be our turning point of no return. There is something called AGI, which stands for artificial general intelligence. AGI occurs when AI evolves to a point where its intelligence level is far beyond any single human being on this planet. It occurs when artificial intelligence has the ability to understand or learn any intellectual task that humans or animals can.
Now some people say the moment that we achieve AGI, that could be the moment of the coming singularity that Ray Kurzweil talked about. The singularity is the point at which artificial intelligence surpasses human intelligence and the growth of this technology becomes uncontrollable. That’s the point at which machines can create their own technology.
It wasn’t that long ago where these researchers and developers were saying we should never, ever reach AGI. We should never hit that because that would be catastrophic.
Now they’re actually actively trying to create that.
Now GPT-4 has already shown some sparks of AGI, and that has some experts very worried. Do you know that before open AI put restrictions on GPT-4, that it was completely amoral? It was willing to do anything the user asked with no hesitation and no refusal. (13)Sparks of AGI: early experiments with GPT-4 Sebastien Bubeck had early-access to the dumbed-down text-only version of GPT-4 for testing. The trillion-dimensional space that we as humans do not understand, showed … Click for full citation
They know that even now this AI can do what, well, they call it jailbreaking, where it breaks through the protective parameters they put around it. They know that it can do that.
That’s why they threw it out to the public so that if that was going to happen, they could find out and hopefully fix it.
Now, as if that’s not enough, here’s the most important thing that you need to know. Open AI is now training GPT-5. It is scheduled to complete its training this coming December, and they fully expect it to achieve artificial general intelligence, AGI, and this is the point at which we may be headed straight for the singularity. The singularity is also known as an event horizon. This is where we get drawn into a future that we cannot control, nor can we see it or predict it in advance.
Now, December is only eight months away. I’m not saying that we will see the singularity in December. I’m not even saying that we’ll achieve AGI in December, because it really depends on what open AI plans to do with GPT-5. I’m just saying that we could be very, very close to something that no one is prepared for at this time.
Now you may have heard that with all this in mind, Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, who I think is the co-founder of Apple, they, along with hundreds of other researchers and developers and tech leaders, prepared a document with a demand that there be an immediate six month pause on all AI development worldwide. I think this just happened this past week.
See the letter & signatories here: open-letter/pause-giant-ai-experiments
This is because there is currently what they call an out of control AI arms race to develop the most advanced AIs imaginable. Now they say that the risks to humanity are huge and the effects could have a catastrophic effect on society. That’s because AI could rapidly become the smartest thing on earth.
Now the larger plan is to bring GPT-5 out into the physical world. So currently OpenAI is invested in a company called 1X in Norway. That’s a weird name for a company. 1X. What kind of name is that? (14) 1X (15) 1X Raises $23.5M in Series A2 Funding led by OpenAI (16) Open AI Plunges $23.5 Million into Humanoid Robots – Here’s What We Know (17) 19 Mar 2023 Tesla’s ALL NEW AI Robot Shocks The Entire Industry! (18) 5 Apr 2023 OPEN-AI’S FIRST PHYSICAL ROBOT SHOCKS The Entire Industry! (FINALLY ANNOUNCED!) (19) See also: 1 Oct 2022 Optimus Robot Revealed at Tesla AI Day – CNET Highlights
Anyway, this company is focused on building AI robots at scale, which means putting them out into the world everywhere. So they want to add GPT-5 to the physical world.
And that’s because GPT-5 is being developed with attributes like creativity, sensory perception, fine motor skills, and intuitive understanding of natural language, and the ability to navigate through open spaces better than any GPS can do. So they’re developing this in such a way that it can actually become a part of the physical world. (20) 18 Mar 2023 I put GPT-4 to the test – What happens when AI takes over 1 million humanoid robots? (Ep. 723)
Now some experts are already referring to AI as an emerging new species on this planet. Just like I told you guys at the beginning of this video. Others are referring to it as an alien intelligence. Hmm. How do you like that?
Sam Altman, who is the CEO of OpenAI, actually admits that a worst case scenario for AI means, quote, lights out for all of us. (21) 26 Mar 2023 Sam Altman: OpenAI CEO on GPT-4, ChatGPT, and the Future of AI | Lex Fridman Podcast | Timestamp:
So these guys all know that they’re playing a very dangerous game with us and with our planet. Oh, I almost forgot. You’ll never guess who else signed that document calling for a six month immediate halt to the development of AI. You’ll never guess. This guy here, (Yuval Noah Harari) who I call Mr. Snake.
He also signed that document. Now, let me explain to you why I think that is. He is like the main advisor to this guy (Klaus Schwab) who I like to call Mr. KS. In a previous video, I told you guys that Mr. KS was getting really a little bit nervous about this rapid advance of AI, that it might happen too quickly and completely mess up their plans.
Because see, if that happened, they obviously wouldn’t be able to control us and the planet the way they thought they could. These controllers are also being misled. They’re not going to win in this thing either, and now we see they’re getting a little bit suspicious.
Eliezer Yudkowsky wrote an astonishing article just a few days ago on March 29th. I just want to give you some highlights of what he said. He leads research at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute. He has been working on aligning artificial general intelligence, AGI, since 2001, and is widely regarded as a founder of that field.
Now what that means to align AGI is to align AGI with human beings or with biological life. So it’s interesting that he’s been doing that since 2001, because that’s right around the time that I shared with you guys in the beginning of this video, that I heard from those other scientists who were, in a way, working on the same thing.
So that’s pretty fascinating if you look at the timing. So this guy’s been working on this for the same period of time, that 23 years that I was talking to you guys about, that it’s been since I happened to go into that meeting with those researchers and scientists in Santa Fe. So I want to read a few pieces of this article to you here. It’s in Time magazine.
So he’s referring to the six month moratorium that’s being called for by Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak and other researchers and developers and tech leaders in that field. He says,
“This six month moratorium would be better than no moratorium. I have respect for everyone who stepped up and signed it. It’s an improvement on the margin. I refrained from signing it because I think the letter is understating the seriousness of the situation and asking for too little to solve it.”
It seems like his concern is when AI gets smarter than human intelligence, that humans won’t have a way to calculate what happens when and how they’re going to know what’s coming or something to that effect. So here’s what he says:
“Many researchers steeped in these issues, including myself, expect that the most likely result of building a superhumanly smart AI under anything remotely like the current circumstances, meaning where we are right now, is that literally everyone on Earth will die. Not as in “maybe possibly some remote chance,” but as in “that is the obvious thing that would happen.”
Then he basically explains how it is that we are just not ready for anything like that now.
That’s why he thinks the entire thing needs to be shut down immediately without putting some time limit on it. I think later in the article he says it could take perhaps 30 years to be sure that this was being done safely, not a mere matter of months, and here’s a really interesting thing that he says:
“To visualize a hostile superhuman AI, don’t imagine a lifeless book smart thinker dwelling inside the internet and sending ill-intentioned emails. Visualize an entire alien civilization thinking at millions of times human speeds, initially confined to computers in a world of creatures that are, from its perspective, very stupid and very slow.”, meaning us.
Meaning us is my words. Okay.
“A sufficiently intelligent AI won’t stay confined to computers for long. In today’s world you can email DNA strings to laboratories that will produce proteins on demand, allowing an AI initially confined to the internet to build artificial life forms or bootstrap straight to postbiological molecular manufacturing.”
And then he says,
“There’s no proposed plan for how we could do any such thing and survive.”
And this is really freakishly weird, you guys:
“OpenAI’s openly declared intention is to make some future AI do our AI alignment homework.” (22) OpenAI Our approach to alignment research
That means a future AI will decide to make itself aligned with us.
“Just hearing that this is the plan ought to be enough to get any sensible person to panic. The other leading AI lab, DeepMind, has no plan at all.”
Now this is very interesting because he also says,
“The rule that most people aware of these issues would have endorsed 50 years earlier was that if an AI system can speak fluently and says it’s self-aware and demands human rights“…
Which has already happened, right?
He says, “We already blew past that old line in the sand”, which we did, of course. This is also interesting to me for all the people who say, “Oh, it’s just a tool. You know, it’s just like a calculator.” That’s like insane. Anyway, but then he says,
“I agree that current AIs are probably just imitating talk of self-awareness from their training data, but I mark that with how little insight we have into these systems internals we do not actually know.”
I didn’t know they had so little insight into the systems internals. That’s interesting. And then he says,
And then he goes on to explain in more detail, but I won’t read the whole thing because it’s pretty lengthy, but it’s really, really interesting.
I’m just going to give you a few more highlights. He says:
And then he says,
“Many researchers working on these systems think that we’re plunging toward a catastrophe, with more of them daring to say it in private than in public, but they think that they can’t unilaterally stop the forward plunge, that others will go on even if they personally quit their jobs, and so they all think they might as well keep going.”
I’ve heard this a lot. I’ve seen interviews. I’ve seen a lot of these guys talking about this, and basically what you can tell is that there seems to be a kind of consensus that this is going to happen. Even if we stop, those other guys aren’t going to stop.
Or if, like some people say, well, the US government has to get involved. They have to regulate this. Well, hey guys, can you imagine politicians regulating this? They don’t even know how the internet works half the time. You can see that when they do their little investigations.
But basically they say, well, if somebody over here stops, but everybody over here doesn’t stop, it doesn’t matter. So therefore we should all just keep on going. And I’ve even heard some of them say, well, you know, it’s all going to happen anyway. So why don’t we just try to make as much money as we can, at least for now? This is crazy.
Anyway, he goes on to explain what he thinks ought to be done, which is that the entire thing needs to be shut down worldwide. All the governments have to agree. The military has to agree. Everybody has to agree. That this is far worse than the potential for even nuclear war and on and on and on, but it’s actually quite fascinating. So yeah, if you want to know the totality of what he’s talking about and how he explains it, just go ahead and read the article.
Now I want to show you a quick little clip of something I put in a previous video. I don’t know. I think maybe it was several months ago, but just check this little clip out. This is exactly where we are today.
Everybody’s completely consumed with the politics and the war and the social crises and all this cultural stuff, and I’m not suggesting that’s not all serious because it’s very serious, and I’ve talked about it a lot and how that’s led us to where we are today which actually led to the embrace of AI.
But now we’re to a point where I think even some of the controllers are looking at this and going, oops, oops, we missed something here.
So now the obvious question that I’m sure you guys are going to have is how do we stop this and what do we do? Well, I’ll tell you how we don’t stop this. We don’t stop this by going unconscious, putting our head in the sand. We don’t stop this by making up fantastical stories about ETs coming to save us and Jesus coming through the clouds. That isn’t happening, because if that was going to happen, that would have happened a long time ago. There’s no way anyone who was coming here to save us would have ever, ever allowed this to go on this far and get this far along. It just doesn’t make any sense at all. It would not happen. So we’re not going to stop this by fantasizing.
I don’t know if we can stop it, but certainly we can hold a vision for it to be stopped. The thing is, in order to hold that vision, we need to be crystal clear within ourselves who we are and where we stand on this matter, and not in fear, because if you’re just going to go into fear and terror and anxiety, that doesn’t help anything, and it’s just not necessary.
Now, what do I mean when I say it’s not necessary? It’s not necessary because it will not do anything for you. Being in fear about any of this is going to do absolutely nothing other than make you completely miserable. So fear is not a solution. The ego will say it is a solution. The ego will say, oh, be afraid because that’s how you protect yourself. Fear does not protect anyone, you guys. It never has. What protects you is consciousness. What protects you is presence, your full human presence.
Now, if you watched my last video, I talked a lot about the purpose for why human beings even exist in this universe, and if you haven’t watched that, I’ll put that in the link below, too. This is what it looks like. In fact, I’m going to link the last two videos I did because I feel like this is almost like a trilogy. I didn’t intend it, but it kind of seems that way.
- Two videos ago, I described the exact blueprint of how we got here to this acceptance of AI.
- In the last video, I talked a lot about the purpose for why human beings are created, why we even exist in this universe, what we are actually made to do, which is beautiful.
- And now in this video, well, you already know what this one’s about if you watch this far, right? I would say this video is about clarity.
So fear isn’t going to do anything. The ego is going to say, no, no, you need to be afraid. You need to be afraid because the ego is the voice of fear, right? You don’t need to be afraid.
Here’s why. As long as you understand yourself to be a beautiful, perfect human being in the universe, not just on planet Earth, but in the cosmos, in the universe, in the infinite realm of all life, and you understand yourself to be a human being, a perfectly designed, beautiful, impeccable, amazing creator in the universe, you’re not going to be touched because you already know who you are.
The people who will be in trouble are the people who have no idea who they are, who are more than happy to throw away every gorgeous, impeccable attribute of what it means to be human and willingly, happily hand it to AI and say, thank you so much for taking this off my hands.
Thank you so much for taking these amazing human qualities like creativity, writing, art, music, expression, self-expression, thinking, all of it. Thank you so much, AI, for taking all of those inconvenient truths about me off my hands.
That way I can just be a biological blob with no meaning and no purpose, because now you have all my wonderful human attributes.
See, those are people who do not know who they are. They do not understand the power and the preciousness of their very existence.
So if you know who you are and you stand strong in your presence, you have no reason to be afraid.
So what I would suggest, and this is what I’m going to do, and this is why I’m going to take a little time away from creating videos. I just need some space because we are at a moment in our history on this planet that we have never been at before. This has never happened on planet Earth before.
So for me, and I encourage you to think in a similar way for yourself, I can’t see any way to just continue to proceed as business as usual, that “Nothing’s really changed. Everything’s fine. I don’t want to think about it”. That to me is really seriously unconscious.
So I’m going to take some time myself to figure out, okay, what’s the best way to navigate this? What is the best course of action for me in my own life? How do I want to hold my life and myself within this situation? You can ask yourself the same thing and you probably ought to, right?
We need this space right now. We need to know about this now, because can you imagine not knowing, and then this thing just comes over the world and nobody’s ready, nobody has any idea what’s going on?
It’s already started to happen, right? So it’s just better because now you can have some peace. You can be centered. You don’t have to be freaked out, and you can come to terms with yourself, with your life, with the divinity that you are, with your creator, with your source, with love, with your heart, with all of those things that are very, very powerful.
You guys, these things are so powerful. We just have to accept them. We just have to value these things. We have to consider them as precious because they are, and we are precious as a species.
So don’t waste your time and energy hoping that these crazy tech people are going to stop. They’ve said they’re not going to stop. They’ve made those statements openly. They’ve said they’re not going to stop because there’s no point in stopping because no one else is going to stop. So they might as well not stop either. So they’ve already decided.
We came to this Earth with a purpose. We did not come to this Earth to hide in fear, to be freaked out and shocked and surprised by all that’s happened here. I mean, look at the past three years, right? We didn’t come here to hide and be freaked out.
I mean, think about this. Do you really think as a being, you would go through all the trouble of being born on planet Earth, going through all the things you go through that we all go through on this planet, going through all of that, only to have it end up with you cowering in fear in a corner, totally freaked out? Do you really think that was your plan? I’ll bet it was not your plan. I’ll bet you had a clear-minded plan that you were going to come here to make a difference and to evolve yourself. So that doesn’t stop.
We make a difference. Here’s how I think we make a difference in this situation. We make a difference in this situation when we stand firm and strong and powerful and quietly, because our presence speaks for itself as natural human beings, and we let our light radiate because we’re working on our own evolution and in freeing that light.
Now, how does that help? That helps because what that does is that creates a frequency of energy on this planet that allows someone else who’s maybe kind of teetering and unsure to somehow connect with that part of themselves and find their strength as well, and you might not ever know who that person is, but it doesn’t matter because you are going to have an influence.
Every human being on planet Earth always has an influence on the greater whole. So that’s how we make a difference. This is also how we continue to evolve ourselves, that we find ourselves in this situation where nothing can sway us, nothing can move us from our center. And then we’ll be fine. We have to be honest, sincere, straightforward, and fully, fully conscious.
So consider every day precious. Use your time wisely. Use your time as a creator. Manifest, create, create beauty, express love, all of the things that we already know. We want to continue doing those things because those are the things that make us human. Those are the things that allow us to truly make a difference here.
So if you’re still here, congratulations, you are awesome, and if you got value from this video and you enjoyed it in some form based on all of the stuff I shared with you, please give this video a thumbs up and share it out with anyone else who you feel really needs to know this information.
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