Cardinal Burke on the “Great Reset” to advance an “Evil Agenda”
Just adding to my collection of any leaders that have been warning us about the Great Reset and New World Order.
Cardinal Burke: Forces of the ‘Great Reset’ have used COVID to advance ‘evil agenda’
– Dec 12, 2020 | YouTube | Website
Transcript: Timestamp 00:30 – 06:30
“Our nation is going through a crisis which threatens its very future as free and democratic. The worldwide spread of Marxist materialism, which has already brought destruction and death to the lives of so many, and which has threatened the foundations of our nation for decades, now seems to seize the governing power over our nation. To attain economic gains, we as a nation have permitted ourselves to become dependent upon the Chinese Communist Party, an ideology totally opposed to the Christian foundations upon which families and our nation remain safe and prosper. I speak of the United States, but evidently many other nations are in the throes of a similar most alarming crisis.
Then, there is the mysterious Wuhan virus about whose nature and prevention the mass media daily give us conflicting information. What is clear, however, is that it has been used by certain forces, inimical to families and to the freedom of states, to advance their evil agenda.
These forces tell us that we are now the subjects of the so-called “Great Reset”, the “New Normal”, which is dictated to us by their manipulation of citizens and nations through ignorance and fear. Now, we are supposed to find in a disease and its prevention the way to understand and direct our lives, rather than in God and in His plan for our salvation. The response of many Bishops and priests, and of many faithful has manifested a woeful lack of sound catechesis. So many in the Church seem to have no understanding of how Christ continues His saving work in times of plague and of other disasters.
What is more, our holy Mother Church, the spotless Bride of Christ, in which Christ is ever at work for our eternal salvation, is beset by reports of moral corruption, especially in matters of the Sixth and Seventh Commandments, which seem to increase by the day. In our own nation, the reports about Theodore McCarrick have rightly tempted many devoted Catholics to question the shepherds who, in accord with Christ’s plan for the Church, are to be their secure guides by teaching the truths of the faith, by leading them in the fitting worship of God and in prayer to Him, and by guiding them by means of the Church’s perennial discipline.
Too often, the faithful receive nothing in response or a response which is not grounded in the unchanging truths regarding faith and morals. They receive responses that seem to come not from shepherds, but from secular managers. The confusion regarding what the Church truly teaches and demands of us, in accord with her teaching, generates ever greater divisions within the Body of Christ. All of this cripples the Church in her mission of witness to divine truth and divine love at a time when the world has never needed more the Church to be a beacon. In encountering the world, the Church falsely wants to accommodate herself to the world, instead of calling the world to conversion in obedience to the divine law written on every human heart and revealed in its fullness in the Redemptive Incarnation of God the Son.
These grievous troubles, of course, present a formidable challenge to our daily Christian living. The impact of the crisis in the world and in the Church is profound for all of us. Many are enduring the most painful suffering, physical, emotional and spiritual, which such a situation necessarily causes. At a time when we most need to be close to one another in Christian love, worldly forces would isolate us and have us believe that we are alone and dependent upon secular forces which would make us slaves to their godless and murderous agenda.”
Cardinal Raymond Burke, Bishop, Roman Catholic Church, USA

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