Gates Depopulation Institute

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So, I knew the Gates family was obsessed with reducing and controlling the population, but I never knew that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation used to be named the Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health. Did you?

Gates Institute

Dr. Rima Laibow – Intentional Population Reduction | WHO, Gates

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The Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health Institute is located within the Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

The Gates Institute was started in 1999 under the direction of Dr. Laurie Zabin.

Since 2002, the Gates Institute’s support has enabled Hopkins faculty to collaborate with faculty from partner institutions leading to over 135 peer-reviewed journal articles. The partner institutions in turn have published over 365 articles. Journal articles have filled the knowledge gaps in population, reproductive health and family planning.

The Gates Institute has convened leadership gatherings around family planning almost annually since 2002.

  • The first four were held in Baltimore: 
    1. Family Planning in New Worlds (2002)
    2. Family Planning and the Workforce (2003)
    3. Parliamentarian Leadership Seminar (2004)
    4. Obstetric Fistula prevention (2005)
  • In 2006 the Regional Conference on Family Planning and HIV Integration was held in Ethiopia
  • In 2008 the International Research Conference on Youth and Development was held in Abuja, Nigeria. 
  • In 2009 the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP) series began in Uganda
  • Followed by Senegal in 2011
  • Ethiopia in 2013 
  • and Indonesia in 2016.
  • In 2016 over 3,200 researchers, advocates, ministers, journalists and youth gathered to discuss family planning, solidifying its importance on the global health and development agenda. 

After many of these conferences, papers were screened and edited for journal publication, with supplements occurring in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (August 2015 and November 2013), the African Journal of Reproductive Health and the Global Public Health Journal.

Advance Family Planning (AFP) is an advocacy initiative comprised of partner organizations worldwide, all working to increase the financial investment and political commitment needed to ensure access to quality, voluntary family planning.

Since 2009, the AFP SMART—Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound—advocacy approach has led to more than 500 advocacy wins across all levels of government. The wins include increased budgets for family planning, improved policies to expand contraceptive access and choice, and gained visibility for family planning.

The Institute also supports the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP), an alliance of young individuals, youth associations, organizations and communities with a common mission to support provision of comprehensive reproductive health care services with a particular focus on family planning for youth. IYAFP was born out of the 2013 ICFP and continues to grow and amplify youth voices in family planning and reproductive health, with more than 52 country coordinators as of late 2016. 

In 2015, the Institute launched 120 Under 40 to highlight the next generation of family planning champions. Over the next five years, 120 Under 40 will recognize and galvanize the accomplished, inspiring young people who are making a difference in family planning and reproductive health. The initiative shines a light on the “positive disruptions” made by young leaders in family planning, enabling others to model their behaviors and build on their success.

A year later, in 2016, the Gates Institute launched The Challenge Initiative (TCI), a global urban reproductive health program led by the Institute. TCI represents the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s single largest family planning investment – a substantial effort to mobilize and diversify resources to scale up family planning approaches already successfully implemented in urban India, Nigeria, Senegal and Kenya. TCI works in 14 countries through four regional implementing partners: Jhpiego in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda), IntraHealth in Francophone West Africa, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs in Nigeria and Population Services International in India.

The Gates Institute has also developed the Family Planning Voices Installation as a physical expansion of K4Health and FP2020’s Family Planning Voices (#FPVoices) digital storytelling initiative, which seeks to document, through photography and interviews, the stories of individuals working to improve access to family planning around the world. In 2016, the FP Voices Installation has traveled to the ICFP in Indonesia, the Women Deliver Conference in Denmark and the 120 Under 40 Celebration in New York City, and will appear at future events and meetings of the family planning community.

John Kennedy Jr. published his interview with Bill Gates in George magazine, February 1997. (a magazine founded by John F. Kennedy, Jr. who died in a “plane crash” in on July 6, 1999 at Martha’s Vineyard.) According to this Twitter post, Bill Gates said:

in 2020 the worst case scenario is an over-populated planet choked to extinction by a lung attacking virus…

However, that was not quoted by Bill Gates. Unfortunately, the magazine issue is unavailable and you can only get a copy of this edition on Amazon for the bargain price of just under USD $9k. (01)

So the only way to verify it personally (unless you are a millionaire), is to believe a Snopes fact-check article, which says it wasn’t a quote from Bill Gates, but rather a quote from Arno Karlen – a different article in the same magazine issue.

However, that Snopes article did post some rather alarming statements from Gates, albeit downplayed it to seem in a more favourable light to their funder. (02)

  • In 1997, the year this interview was published, the Gates Foundation awarded a $2.2 million grant to Johns Hopkins University to “support the Institute for Population and Reproductive Health to strengthen leadership and institutions in the developing countries.”
  • Two years later in 1999, Bill and Melinda Gates donated $2.2 billion to United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).


… genuine image from the February 1997 issue of George magazine. And this time, it is a genuine quote from Gates. He made this comment shortly after he was asked about how he keeps his personal opinions separate from his business decisions:

Related Links

The Bill and Melinda Institute for Population Control

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These globalist controllers have admitted time and time again, they want to find an “ethical” way of reducing the population. Please tell me what ethical is? Forced sterilization? Brainwashing? Condoms? Women’s lib? Bio-changes? DNA/genetic-changes? Food-intervention? What? You tell me what these globalist-pigs would consider an ‘ethical way’ of reducing the population might look like, in the minds of those who pretty much own the planet and are committed to this agenda. Follow the money trail and you’ll find many possible answers.

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Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

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