“We are nice, but we are just too many” (Clips)
The single focus of group-think is their desperate desire to cull us by the millions or billions—get vaccinated.
Sadhguru Over-Population Reel 2018, 2019, 2021
“They want more souls, I want less–Get Vaccinated”
Sadhguru – compilation of clips from:
- 2018 World Population Day “Award a prize to healthy women who choose not to have kids”
- 2019 World Economic Forum India Economic Summit “They want more souls, I want less”
- 2019 United Nations Convention of Combat Desertification, Conference of Parties (UNCCD COP 14)
- 2021 “Get Vaccinated“
- Added edited clip to the end from Dr Mark Trozzi “If you want to survive, do some homework.”
- Posts tagged “United Nations“
Jane Goodall – DAVOS 2020
Global Issues “Wouldn’t Be a Problem” if Human Population Was 94% LOWER at WEF (2020)
“.. and finally… you cannot hide away from human population growth because it undermines so many of the other problems – all these things we talk about wouldn’t be a problem if the world was the size of the population that there was 500 years ago” ~ Jane Goodall – famed for ‘Gorillas in the Mist’
(World population in 1500: 461 million.)
- Source “Securing a Sustainable Future for the Amazon | DAVOS 2020”
- (https://youtu.be/9XKm0MUIJQs?t=1902) (timestamp approx 30min)
- World Economic Forum, Jan 23, 2020
- Posts tagged “World Economic Forum“
Negative Impact of Population Growth by the year 2020
Rumble | Telegram | C-Span (1994)
David Rockefeller terrified of population growth, urges the Business Council for United Nations to find a satisfactory solution to the problem.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1994 | Annual Ambassadors’ Dinner
During the annual ambassadors’ dinner, held to honour the United Nations diplomats and secretariat officials, the U.N. Business Council awarded its annual medal to David Rockefeller. Secretary General Boutros-Gali introduced a video describing the founding of the United Nations and the history of the Rockefeller family’s involvement in world affairs.
- Source: (David’s Speech starts at around 40min mark)
- https://www.c-span.org/video/?60201-1/annual-ambassadors-dinner
David Rockefeller thanks Media for Covering their asses all these years
David Rockefeller, billionaire, CFR, founder of the Trilateral Commission, June 1991, Bilderberg meeting:
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine, and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.
“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
- CFR (https://www.cfr.org/)
- Trilateral Commission (https://www.trilateral.org/)
- Bilderberg (https://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/)
- Posts tagged “Rockefellers“
- Posts tagged “Bilderberg“
Gates Reel “Vaccines & Population Growth”
00:00 Ted Talk “World today has 6.9 billion people, headed up to about 9 billion… If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, REPRODUCTIVE health services, we could LOWER THAT by 10-15%”
00:35 Sanjay Gupta: 10 billion dollars over the next 10 years to make it the year of the Vaccines, what does that mean exactly?
“Well over this decade, we believe that unbelievable progress can be made both in inventing new vaccines and making sure they get out to all the children who need them – we can cut the number of children who die every year from about 9 million to half of that if we have success on it, the benefits there in terms of reducing sickness, reducing THE POPULATION GROWTH, it really allows the society a chance to take care of itself, once you’ve made that INTERVENTION.”
01:15 “But if we go back to the key-metrics, which is what the foundation looks at…. Can we drop the number of children who died per year in half, and get the reduction in sickness and POPULATION GROWTH that comes with that – that is sort of, front of mind all the time”
01:41 “We see now there’s a type of foreign assistance for vaccines, or for AIDS treatment, that are incredibly effective, these are all about saving lives, and the good news is that as you make those breakthroughs, the POPULATION GROWTH in the country goes down – these are all about saving lives.”
- Posts tagged “Bill Gates“
Laurie SCHWAB Zabin: Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population Control
“LAURIE SCHWAB ZABIN served as member of Planned Parenthood with Bill Gates Sr.. She was recruited by then president of Planned Parenthood, Alan Guttmacher, in 1962”. 2008 – History of Bill Gates Sr, Johns Hopkins, Planned Parenthood and “Population Control” by Laurie Zabin
- Gates Depopulation Institute
- Posts tagged ‘Johns Hopkins‘
All of our problems are the result of overbreeding among the working class… The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.
Stanley and Boris Johnson – Population Control Reel
Rumble | Telegram | Post with Refs
Reel containing many clips from Stanley & Boris Johnson in regards to Population Control, Depopulation, and the underlying detest they have for the “lowly humans”.
Mandating the jabs are part of the plan for depopulation
Rumble | Telegram | Full Testimony on Odysee
A quadrillion-dollar enterprise is at work against us, intentionally decimating and culling the human family. Using synthetic molecules by design for the purposes of sterilization and population-control. “There’s too many people on the planet, we need to get rid of (and in the words of Bill Gates) at least 3 billion people need to die.” Mandating the vaccines is part of the plan for depopulation. ~ Dr. Robert O. Young
- Clip from: Dr. Robert O. Young ITNJ Testimony about the coming genocide, vaccines and the luciferians – as well as how he came to realize that germs don’t cause disease.
- Full Testimony: https://odysee.com/@HumanitysVault:a/Dr.-Robert-O.-Young-ITNJ-Testimony-about-the-coming-genocide,-vaccines-and-the-luciferians:e
- Posts tagged “Dr. Robert Young”
Rabbi “Rome is the New World Order”
Rome doesn’t belong to Italy – it’s a different leadership. 99% of what you know is not the truth. The Matrix is genius – we think we see the truth, we see nothing. Rome is a group of men that work together with one agenda – the New World Order. A government that will control the entire world. A secret government. They control everything. Governments, Media, Facebook, Google, Netflix. Everything is owned by them. They create wars. Everything that you’ve been learning the last 50 years of life is a lie. Agenda, control world, reduce population. The elite should rule the world, the rest will be their slaves. They worship Lucifer. Their way of thinking is that Lucifer is the God of Light, and our God is the God of Darkness who brings all the problems to the world, and that their serpent went into the garden to tell Adam & Even ‘who the real God is”. They serve him as their master. For thousands of years it’s been a secret society, a shadow government. The armies and governments and nations and all the money in the world are controlled by them. WWI, WWII, Federal Reserve, NASA, CIA, JFK Assassination. 9/11. Afghanistan. War on Terrorism. We’ve been fooled. United Nations terror organization built by the New World Order. Freemasons. Hitler was a puppet. Lies, deception, manipulation. Nothing is what you think it is. Rome is the New World Order.
- Clip from: The fall of the NWO – Rabbi Alon Anava – 5 May 2020
- https://youtu.be/ea1FHdzpTWw
- Transcript/Notes/Download:
- https://pennybutler.com/rabbi-nwo
Prince Philip in 1984: Human Population “Reaching Plague Proportions”
“We do, in fact, have all the tools, assets and knowledge to avoid the collapse of which this report warns, but only if we act decisively now.”
- On the official website of the Prince of Wales, prince Charles commended Paul and Anne Ehrlich’s latest population study published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society on January 9, 2013, calling among other things for globally provided “back-up abortions” to avert overpopulation catastrophe.
Dennis Meadows: How the Population Must be Reduced to 1-2 billion
- Dennis Meadows Interview p1/4 (The Limits to Growth, Climate Change, Population Growth)
- Dennis Meadows Interview p2/4 (Science & Heart to Heart Communication)
- Dennis Meadows Interview p3/4 (Economics, Globalisation, Responsibilities, Personal Fear)
- Dennis Meadows Interview p4/4 (A ‘peaceful collapse’ & many revolutions…)
We are so far. So far, globally, we are so far above the population and the consumption levels, which can be supported by this plan that I know in one way or another, it’s going to come back down. So I don’t hope to avoid that. I hope that it can occur in a civil way, and I mean, civil in a special way, peaceful.
Peace doesn’t mean that everybody’s happy, but it means that conflict isn’t solved through violence, through force, but rather, in other ways, and so that’s what I hope for, and that we can, I mean, the planet can support something like a billion people, maybe two billion, depending on how much material consumption you want to have.
(We’re at 8 billion)
If you want more liberty and more consumption, you have to have fewer people and conversely, you can have more people. I mean, we could even have eight or nine billion, probably, if we have a very strong dictatorship, which is smart. Unfortunately, you never have smart dictatorships. They’re always stupid. So, but if you had a smart dictatorship and a low standard living, you can have it, but we want to have freedom and we want to have a high sense. So, we’re going to have a billion people, and we’re now at seven. So, we have to get back down. I hope that this can be slow, relatively slow, and that it can be done in a way, which is relatively equal. So that people share the experience and they don’t have a few rich for everybody else to deal with it. So, those are my hopes. Pretty pessimistic hopes, you know, but that’s what lies ahead.
Posts tagged “Depopulation“
- Paul Ehrlich wants us dead
- Mike Yeadon’s (censored) democide & digital ID warning to Croatia [Dec 2023]
- NZ C19-Vax Massacre Data [Liz Gunn]
- US Rep. Trying To Stop Edible MRNA Vaccine Research…
- Vaxxed Death count Southern Hemisphere [New Paper]
- The Great Awakening [Documentary]
- Why we need to stick together
- David Rockefeller – A Brief Timeline
- David Rockefeller (C-SPAN Clips)
- [RANT] Rockefeller’s 1994 Depopulation Speech
- Harris says the quiet part out loud…
- Melinda Gates July 2020 (All I hear is Eugenics)
- The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal [Documentary]
- [Legal] Bioweapon evidence [May 23, 2023]
- WEF want us dead
- [2015] Self-Assembling Nano, Smart Dust, Geo-Engineering since 1945
- [Part III] Mass-mind-control (2000-2022)
- [Part II] Mass-mind-control (1945-1999)
- Covid Vaccines deliver 5G Nanotechnology (La Quinta Columna)
- [Book] 180° Unlearn The Lies You’ve Been Taught To Believe
See also: Insider Dr Lawrence Dunegan recalls a meeting he attended in 1969 regarding the plans for the New World Order including population control, digital banking, bio-tracking, surveillance, and the hijacking of medicine and society. 4 hours of audio. I’ve clipped some out to present here to compare and reflect on how it relates to what is going on right now.
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