Stop falsely claiming the “unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated” – The Lancet
A paper published in The Lancet has an urgent warning to high-level government officials to stop falsely claiming that “the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated for COVID-19.”
“There is increasing evidence that vaccinated individuals continue to have a relevant role in transmission”
“It is wrong and dangerous to speak of a pandemic of the unvaccinated,”
It warns that “historically, both the USA and Germany have engendered negative experiences by stigmatizing parts of the population for their skin color or religion.”
Ending with an urgent plea, “to stop the inappropriate stigmatization of unvaccinated people, who include our patients, colleagues, and other fellow citizens, and to put extra effort into bringing society together.”
COVID-19: stigmatising the unvaccinated is not justified – Nov 20, 2021

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