“Vax-Shedding” becomes Law – Rights of Vaccine-Free Removed
Germany has quietly changed its Infection Protection Act on March 18, 2022 to include “excretion” from the vaccinated to be “ingested” by others.
“In the case of a vaccination mandated on the basis of this law, or in case of one publicly recommended by the highest state health authority, or in case of a vaccination in accordance with Section 17a §2 of the Soldiers’ Act, vaccines may be used that contain microorganisms which can be excreted by the vaccinated person and subsequently ingested by other individuals. The fundamental right to physical/bodily integrity (Article 2, Paragraph 2, Clause 1 of the Grundgesetz/Constitution) is restricted in such cases.“
§ 21 IfSG (last changed 18 Mar 2022)
I also found this which also looks very suspicious to me – but was machine-translated from German using Google-translate – so I’m hoping someone with skills in the German language could please refine this translation for me?
Unless the translation is flawed, or unless I need more sleep and my brain is shut-off, it looks like they are making it illegal for anyone – regardless of their expertize (except a doctor) – to carry out in vitro laboratory tests on the most scientific-controversial ‘pathogens’ (HIV, SARS-COV-2, Hep C, and the bacteria that causes Syphilis). Am I interpreting this correctly? (My mind immediately saw this and thought, soo… a ban on anyone performing “science that could contradict the official narrative”?)
“The diagnosis or treatment of an illness mentioned in Section 6 subsection 1 sentence 1 numbers 1, 2 and 5 or in Section 34 subsection 1 sentence 1 or an infection with a pathogen mentioned in Section 7 or another sexually transmitted disease may only be carried out by a doctor take place. Deviating from sentence 1, people, regardless of their professional qualifications, are not permitted to use in-vitro diagnostics that are used for rapid tests close to the patient when testing for HIV, the hepatitis C virus, the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS -CoV-2) and Treponema pallidum are permitted.”
§ 24 IfSG (last changed 18 Mar 2022)
Other things I noted whilst scrolling around:
- § 20i SGB V – they reimburse all the private health insurance companies in relation to COVID-19 vaccinations for the year 2021. (last changed 18 Mar 2022)
- § 24 IfSG – Same as § 21 IfSG in regards to diagnosis/treatment may only be carried out by a doctor, and no in vitro diagnostics for HIV or SARS-CoV-2 (last changed 18 Mar 2022)
- § 25 IfSG – umm… “if someone is ‘assumed’ or ‘suspected’ to be ill… required by health department to have examinations including blood extractions, swabs, and tests. Only those that require additional invasive procedures that require anaesthesia need your consent? (wtf?) (last changed 18 Mar 2022)
- § 28b IfSG – nationwide air transport & long-distance public transport must wear masks until Sept 23, 2022. (last changed 18 Mar 2022)
- § 152 SGB XI – can keep extending the statutory orders for up to six months for continued or renewed risk of infection in connection to SARS-Cov-2. (last changed 23 Mar 2022)
- § 60 IfSG – I don’t understand the context of the translation, but this section is related to vaccine-damage. (last changed 18 Mar 2022)
- § 150a SGB XI – corona-bonus from 334 euros to 1000 euros to employees who worked during the coronavirus pandemic. (last changed 23 Mar 2022)
Please let me know on Telegram if the translation or my interpretation is in error.

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