Event 2021 – Part 6 (ADE, Vaccine Efficacy)

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1.) Fleming Documents
2.) Antibody Dependent Enhancement
3.) Do the Vaccines Reduce your Risk of COVID?
4.) What does Vaccine Efficacy Really Mean?
5.) How did they decide covid diagnosis?
6.) Pfizer Vaccine Efficacy (from EUA documents)
7.) If I’ve already been infected, should I get Vaccinated?

Event 2021 Notes (Source)

Part 6

Fleming Documents

Go to FlemingMethod.com


You will find 60+ papers detailing much of what the presentation was about, & a lot of things that weren’t, including information that relates to the argument of whether you want to be having antibodies.

Antibody Dependent Enhancement

Last year, the Osaka Japanese group published a paper talking about Antibody Dependent Enhancement (preprint). This Antibody Dependent Enhancement attaches to part of the spike protein, and when it does that, it opens up the spike protein to make it more infective. They discovered that part of the reason why people in hospitals were not doing better even when they made antibodies, is because the antibodies they made might have too much antibody to where it exacerbated the infection.

Interested in this section as I have been trying to wrap my mind around this since a few researchers published papers about the Absolute Risk Reduction not included in the vaccine data. (See Vaccines Failed To Disclose Absolute Risk Reduction To Exaggerate Efficacy).

Do the Vaccines Reduce your Risk of COVID?

There are a lot of terms used regarding Vaccine Efficacy. You should know 3 terms.

(05)Event 2021 – Part 6 – Rumble

The relative risk reduction. This is what you’ve heard so much about, the 95%, the 94%, the 65%. This is how many people got diagnosed with covid in the vaccinated group vs people who got diagnosed in the non-vaccinated group.

There is a more important term for you to understand, and that’s absolute risk reduction: a comparison of those groups that says ‘what’s the “REAL” difference between those groups?”

Then there’s the number needed to vaccinate, which is ‘how many people would you have to vaccinate, to try to reduce one person from being diagnosed with covid.

What does Vaccine Efficacy Really Mean?

(06)Event 2021 – Part 6 – Rumble

This means the # of people who got vaccinated that were diagnosed with covid. This is one example from Pfizer. Compared to the people who did not get vaccinated who got diagnosed with covid. When you do the math, it gives you 0.05. 1 minus that number tells you vaccine-efficacy. Multiplied by 100 gives you percent.

How did they decide covid diagnosis?

So how did they decide who made the diagnose of covid? You had to have 2 things, you had to have a positive PCR-test, and you had to have a set of symptoms.

(07)Event 2021 – Part 6 – Rumble

Pfizer – same symptoms you would get with ‘any‘ infection – viral, bacterial, fungal, tuberculosis, etc.
Moderna – same problem, same issue. They’re what you’d normally have for symptoms – ache’s and pains, muscle discomfort, cough, runny nose, that type of thing.
J&J – Belgium company which btw, Belgium pulled this from the market.

If I've already been infected, should I get Vaccinated?


Penny (PennyButler.com)
Penny (PennyButler.com)

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.