Fave Quotes / Excerpts / Summaries from my blog posts:
You can’t solve problems from the same level of awareness that created them.
In the beginning, there is the Infinite One. This is the source of All That Is. Infinite consciousness. Intelligent infinity. It is the undifferentiated absolute. Within it is unlimited potential, waiting to become. Think of it as the “uncarved block” of your Taoist traditions.
There is unity. Infinite intelligence and infinite energy – the two are one. Within them is the potential for all creation. Infinite intelligence does not recognize its potential. It is the undifferentiated absolute. This state of consciousness could be termed as “being”. Infinite energy, in contrast, recognizes the potential of “becoming” all things in order to bring any desired experience into being. Infinite intelligence can be likened to the central heartbeat of life, and infinite energy to the spiritual life-blood which pumps out from the Infinite Creator to form the creation.
Infinite intelligence, becoming aware of itself, seeks to experience itself, and thus the “One Infinite Creator” is born or manifest. In effect, the Creator is a point of focused infinite consciousness expressing infinite intelligent energy. The One Infinite Creator, also becoming self aware, seeks to experience itself as Creator, and in so doing, begins the next step down in the creational spiral.
The majority of humans on the earth, who could be considered shall we say “lukewarm” (not Positive, not Negative), will experience a period of (what will feel ecstatic) zero-point time. These people will for a period feel totally at one with the Creator, giving them an encouraging reminder and glimpse of who they really are, before the veil of forgetfulness once again descends. Then they will be transported to another third density planet (a kind of Earth replica), to continue working upon themselves and learning that life here is all about making choices.
When you remember who you are and you know it deep within the core of your being, you will know and recognize your invisible connection to All That Is. And in so doing, joy, thanksgiving, and service will be the natural outpouring result from your grateful heart. When you work upon yourself and learn to know the creator within you, being of service to others will be natural for you.
Be good to yourself. Cultivate a genuine love for life and for being. Be genuinely thankful to the Infinite Creator every day for bringing you into being and for his bountiful provision. You have survived this far, have you not? You may not have everything you want, but you have everything you need in order to complete that which you incarnated here to do. Give thanks for that. Desire to serve flows naturally from a grateful heart.
Guard your thoughts carefully, as they are more powerful than you may imagine. If you see doom and gloom, then that is what you are projecting. The world is your mirror. It reflects back to you what you are putting out. If you do not like the reflection life is showing you, then change that which is causing it.
When you are coming from a place of love for and service to your Creator, a life of service to others will become a natural outflowing from that. Always look for ways that you can be of assistance to your fellow beings. Be of encouragement to others. Build people up, and do not put people down. Be a beacon of light in a dark world.
Ever heard about “angels in disguise”? Look and see the divine spark in the heart of all beings. Treat them as you would like to be treated yourself, and as you would your Creator if he was speaking directly with you. “For even as you do it to the least of these, you do it unto me”.
Never take what another says to you as “Truth”. Your purpose here is to find your own truth. Sometimes others can help you to do so by offering guidance, but for their truth to become your truth, it must pass through the test of your discernment.
Remember that this current physical body you carry around with you is not who you are. It’s just the vessel for your essence. That infinite being living within and around your body, namely your soul, is who you really are. The part of you that thinks, and feels, and loves.
Loving and accepting someone as they are does not mean accepting abusive behavior. But it does mean loving and accepting the person (soul), not the soul’s behavior. The behavior is not who they really are. The soul within is who they are.
Do you look at a person and concentrate, to a greater or lesser extent, upon the things that you dislike about them and wish would change, or the qualities that you like and admire in them? Remember that we have said that all thought, word, and deed is creative. You get back what you send out. So when you send out the thought “Why is she so hard to live with?” or “Why is he always behaving like this?”, ask yourself, what exactly are you doing? Simply notice your negative thoughts as they arise. Literally “catch yourself” as you are having them. And then change your perspective.
Always monitor your thoughts and pay attention to their quality, because what you think about is directly related to what you will see around you, and what life will show you. That is the difference between conscious and subconscious creation.
Your main purpose in the game is to work upon yourself. It is to grow, develop, and transform yourself into a more positive and loving being.
Whenever you find recurring circumstances, it is because you are being presented with opportunity after opportunity to work upon these issues until you get it right.
You must learn to trust in your inner guidance, no matter what others may say. That is the ultimate test – to trust what you know deep inside as your truth, even when the whole world tells you that you are wrong.
Be as a light shining in the darkness. Do not burn others with your light, but rather allow them to be drawn to your light.
By raising our own frequency, we become candles in the dark; lighthouses on the shore. Others see the light and will follow. This is the “quiet movement” which will set humankind free.
Service (to others) is not going out and martyring yourself and saying, “I’m going to save you.” Service is doing the work yourself and living in such a way that everyone you touch is affected by your journey.
She understands that what she sees before her is a manifestation of consciousness and, therefore, can become malleable.
You all incarnate for very different reasons.
The ideas that you hold, prescribe your experience of what is to follow.
When you lift your world, you also lift the world for everyone you will ever meet and those you may never meet.
Accept the self just as you are and you will begin to understand that there is nothing other than where you are. It is only an illusion that there is a world beyond you.
The moment you decide that you are a victim to something, you give it great power, it becomes your god.
Like it or not, you have come to learn, and you grow and evolve through all your experiences. All of them.
You cannot be the light and hold another in darkness.
“Look at me, look at me, look at me! I have scaled the mountain! How victorious I am!”… is someone that is truly at the base of the mountain.