Canadian Lawyer & Doctor on Corrupt Institutions
Three great clips from a discussion between Dr. Julie Ponesse, Dr. Crystal Luchkiw and lawyer Michael Alexander on the Bureaucratic Tyranny and Hope.
Canadian Lawyer Michael Alexander says that so many institutions have been corrupted—we need a Second Enlightenment.
Canadian Lawyer Michael Alexander | Corrupt Institutions -( Universities, Journals, Public Health, WHO, Gates )- and Julie Ponesse says we need to get back in touch with who we are and what we believe in, and if we don’t stand up, there are consequences not just for you but for all.
“Coming out of this – so many institutions have been corrupted-the universities, the journals, public health-look at the World Health Organization-it gets a billion dollars a year from Bill Gates and the Gavi alliance, which was founded and is still funded by Gates.
I mean, we need a second enlightenment. Re-assess fundamentally how our institutions work, and peel away the layers to see what’s really going on underneath. It’s there for you to see if you want to look. It’s something that’s hidden in plain sight.
But I don’t think in Canada we can get away with saying we are a democratic country unless we have new rules in place, that guarantee transparency and accountability in all our governing institutions.
I tried to figure out how Health Canada works a couple of months ago-and I’m trained to do that-I can’t figure it out. This is a real problem—how is the average citizen supposed to figure out how this major agency, which is responsible for our fate in medicine and medical care—is supposed to work?
Hopefully, when we win some cases, we will get some public recognition that we have not been told the truth about this virus and how to deal with it. “
We need to get back in touch with who we are and what we believe in and – not holding onto that isn’t without consequence, right, I think people have this idea that “oh well, it’s not that important – if I don’t stand up for what I believe in I can hide in the safety of the shadows” – but there’s a consequence to that too, not just for the individual but for the group.
I just really appreciate how candid you’ve both been in your discussion today because it’s not sensationalist in my mind – it’s important to balance out the information that—if you just turn on the news, you don’t get anything like this, and it’s so important for people to hear both sides of a very complex but singularly focused sort of story, and I’m tremendously grateful to you today, and I think many people will be as well.
Dr. Crystal Luchkiw : This is a profound moment in human history
Dr. Crystal Luchkiw on people shutting down when you challenge the narrative. May be dealing with the Collateral Damage for decades. This is a profound moment in human history that most people don’t recognize. There’s hope in the communities that are being built and the character building that is emerging. Hope lies in how we treat one another and human dignity.
“You know.. the vaccination is the ‘elixir’, it’s the ONLY thing and everyone has to do it or we’re stuck.“
But that is absolutely not true-there’s never ‘one solution’ for ANY given problem, and so it’s this perpetual kind of-I don’t know, it’s like people are stuck in the same belief system. It isn’t working, and if you look at the way things were in 2020, 2021, and 2022, they’re getting worse and worse and worse.
So when we look at the measures that have been put in place for “The Greater Good” (and we could talk forever about what that means), I’d argue that they’re not doing anybody any good.
So at what point do we pause?
At what point do we reflect on the actions that we’ve taken so far?
Has anybody ever come out and said, “Hey, something isn’t working?”
Q: Do healthcare professionals think the pandemic response is successful?
I don’t know that they’ve looked at it-I’m not sure-it’s hard to engage, people kind of shut-down when you start to ask questions that challenge their world view, and I certainly don’t have that opportunity very often, in a non-threatening kind of sense or way, and so that’s how I’m trying to get this exploration idea out there and this pause-idea, and we are approaching a point of no-return I fear.
It’s a difficult thing to sort of see through the forest when we’re sort of right at the beginning of the pathway.
I think ultimately, we’re going to be dealing with this for decades, most certainly the collateral damage for decades, maybe longer. This is a profound moment in human history that I don’t think people really recognize, and it’s hard to say exactly where it’s headed.
I’m hopeful that the humanistic side of the abuses and the harms that we’re bringing forward into the court systems won’t be denied or dismissed, and that maybe that’s a place moving forward because in any crisis, those should never be dismissed and not thought of.
If you have a whole concept of something with a bunch of moving parts within it, when those moving parts start to break down, the entire system starts to break down-the whole thing will break down eventually, so I think we’re approaching this kind of time almost where there’s got to be some kind of pause and reflection from amongst a lot of people, and that’s certainly where I’m trying to contribute and Michael as well.
I think some of it may happen with some of our physician court cases, and so hopefully some precedents can be set, but there’s a lot of – so much quality character-building happening amongst a lot of people. There’s communities being built and shaped, and there’s a lot of positives that are really kind of emerging out of all of this, and that’s where I think hope lies.
Hope lies in how we treat one another.
Human dignity is top priority in that, and we can always find ways to shift from there. So I’m pretty hopeful.
Canadian Lawyer on Bureaucratic Tyranny -( WHO | Regulators | Academia | Courts | Doctors )-
Canadian Lawyer Michael Alexander brings up many good points on Bureaucratic Tyranny -( WHO | Regulators | Academia | Courts | Doctors )-
And an eradication of Morals & Ethics that has affected our culture due in part to a Technocratic Education and lack of Critical Thinking being taught in schools & universities, as well as the Bureaucratic takeover of industries where if you do speak up – you don’t get grants, funding, and everything has moved top-down.
He also brings up the hive-mind/group-mind bias that has been instilled, “success of the group” means “success of the individual”.
Some judges are just accepting the narrative from public health & government as accepted-fact, without question.
Dr. Crystal Luchkiw brings up that the documents are coming out that are very different than the public messaging.
She also brings up using morals & ethics in her practice (before she was suspended), that people need to learn who they are and live in integrity.
Michael Alexander then brings up that there’s been an attack on Freedom of Speech for decades, that he remembers when he was young, if you had a difference of opinion, your neighbour would say, ‘yeah well, it’s a free country, you can think what you want’- people used to say that – but nobody says that anymore. Now we have a habit of shutting down speech.
- 2 June 2022: Hope lies in how we treat one another and in human dignity | Julie Ponesse & Dr. Crystal Luchkiw “Dr. Julie Ponesse speaks with Dr. Crystal Luchkiw and lawyer Michael Alexander about practicing medicine during the pandemic and the many unfortunate abuses taking place.”
- Dr. Julie Ponesse Website

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