[Satire/Propaganda] Gruen

  • Updated:3 years ago
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Gruen (part of the ABC propaganda mind-control team) is a show about analyzing advertising and media, and sometimes puts out pitches that are “supposed to be funny”, to comment on in their panels, or to make some kind of point. Here are some of their anti-vax and other on-topic pieces.

(Yep, I wasted my morning… moving on… )

The first video is how I found them as it was posted as a twitter-response and I wanted to source where it came from:

The Pitch: Create a campaign to win over the vaccine hesitant by PaperMoose

Oct 14,2021: YouTube | Rumble | Download on Telegram

Real comments: 👀🤷

The Australian government allocated 91 million dollars on Vaccine-Marketing. (wow I didn’t know that – I knew they paid the media millions and gave them millions of dollars in tax-breaks).

This is the panel talking about a real ad that the government put out for the vaccination-campaign:

“Arm Yourself” government advertising campaign | Gruen

Oct 19, 2021: YouTube | Download on Telegram

The Pitch: Create a campaign to win over the vaccine hesitant by AnalogFolk

Oct 14, 2021: YouTube

The Pitch: All children should be homeschooled

Oct 20, 2021: YouTube

The thing that shall not be named in advertisements | Gruen

Oct 20, 2020: YouTube

How do advertisers fight 5G COVID conspiracy theories? | Gruen

Nov 20, 2020 YouTube

Why big tobacco companies want to you to quit | Gruen

Nov 27, 2020 YouTube

The Pitch: Convince us to halve the population – Hybrid

Dec 2, 2019: YouTube

The Pitch: Convince us that everything’s f**cked

Dec 2, 2019: YouTube

The Pitch: Convince Christians to become Atheists – Banjo Bastion

Oct 10, 2019: YouTube

The Pitch: Encourage businesses to hire over 65 year olds – Chello

Oct 3, 2019: YouTube

The Pitch: A campaign to convince Australians to withdraw all and abandon the banks – Keenes

Jul 4, 2019: YouTube

The Pitch: To cheat is neat. Convince Australians that cheating is part of our DNA – Synergy Group

May 30, 2018: YouTube

The Pitch: A campaign to convince Australians to withdraw all and abandon the banks – Cooch Creative

Jul 4, 2018: YouTube

A campaign to convince Americans to hand in their guns

Aug 3, 2016: YouTube

The Pitch | Euthanasia (Australasia for Euthanasia)

Aug 9, 2013: YouTube


Penny (PennyButler.com)
Penny (PennyButler.com)

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.