200+ Aussie Doctors Request Health Reform (AMPS Summit 2022)

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Full Summit:


June 23rd 2022

  • The National Law and Therapeutic Goods Act have precipitated disastrous and preventable outcomes for patient safety and public health during the recent time of Covid.
  • Government and agency responses undermined the ability of Health Professionals to advocate for patients, which many presenters will attest to here tonight.
  • Legislation was and continues to be used to enforce government messaging rather than regulate safe, effective, and trustworthy professional practice, that allows for a range of treatments proven to be effective alternatives.
  • We must not accept any undermining of Informed Consent.
  • The sacredness of the Doctor-Patient relationship must be upheld where no agency or purported authority should be able to interfere.
  • Transparent risk-benefit therapeutic analysis and open scientific discourse must never be compromised.
  • Our Oaths and Codes of Conduct to Do No Harm must remain inviolable.
  • In light of the failings we have witnessed we are demanding legislative amendments to the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law and Therapeutic Goods Act.
  • These reforms are vital for protecting the health and safety of all Australians, while securing rights for health practitioners to function without undue interference, being a package of reforms that will implement safeguards preventing government and agency overreach, witnessed during the time of Covid.

Parliamentary Health Reform Package

Parliamentary Health Reform Declaration

Learn more and Sign

Who is on the Right Side of History? 200+ Signatories

Signatories as at midnight July 6th, 2022:

(Link to tag if I have already posted about any of them)

  1. Professor Wendy Hoy, FAA AO FRACP MBBS(H1) BScMed(H1)
  2. Professor Robyn Cosford MBBS(Hons), Dip Nutr, Dip Hom, FACNEM FASLM
  3. Professor Ian Brighthope MBBS, Dip Ag Sci, FACNEM, FACNEM
  4. Professor (retd). Geoff Taylor, MSc, GradDipBusAdmin, CFAIHS
  5. Adjunct Professor Adam Fletcher BSc(Hons), PhD, GAICD
  6. Associate Professor Elvis Seman MBBS, FRANZCOG, EUCOGE, FRCOG, NFPMC, PhD
  7. Associate Professor Nathan Gillespie PhD
  8. Associate Professor Tania Pizzari PhD, B.Physio(Hons)
  9. Associate Professor Peter Parry MBBS, PhD, FRANZCP, Cert Child Adoles Psychiatry
  10. Associate Professor Michael Sladden MB ChB, MAE, MRCP, FACD, FRACGP, MRCGP DRCOG
  11. Major Stephen McDonald Dip HRD
  12. Dr. Andrew McIntryre MBBS FRACP
  13. Dr. Bruce Wauchope MMBS (Adel), FRACGP, DTM&H (Liverpool), Dip OBSRACOG
  14. Dr. Duncan Syme MBBS FRACGP DROCG Dip Prac Dermatology University of Cardiff
  15. Dr. Phillip Altman BPharm (Hons), MSc, PhD
  16. Dr. David Johnson MBBS FRACS
  17. Dr. Alexandra Bernhardi FRACGP PhD med, BM
  18. Dr. Marcin Ziemski BE BSc PhD
  19. Dr Alyson Murray MClinChiro GDipNurse(Paed) BAppSc BHSc Gen Nurse (Cert) Midwifery (Cert)
  20. Dr. Julian Fidge BPharm, Grad Dip App Sc (CompSc), MBBS, FRACGP, MMED (Pain Mgt)
  21. Dr. Catherine Smyth MBBS FANZCA
  22. Dr. Christopher Neil MBBS FRACP PhD
  23. Dr. Damien Ford  MBBS FRACGP
  24. Dr. Babak Amin MBBS(Hons), FANZCA
  25. Dr. Carmela Caputo MBBS, BMedSci, FRACP, PhD
  27. Dr. Brian Ambrose MBBS, FRACGP, FANZCA
  28. Dr. Paloma van zyl BMED FANZCA
  29. Dr. Jeanne McGivern MBBS FRCS
  30. Dr. Andrew Kong BMBS (Hons) RANZCR
  31. Dr. Sarah Price MBBS FRACGP DipRACOG FACNEM FASLM Grad Dip Primary Care
  32. Dr. James Demetrios Fratzia MBBS DRACOG FACEM ADTh PGDipEcho
  33. Dr. Jeyanthi Kunadhasan MD Masters Anaesthesia (UM) FANZCA Masters of Medicine (Monash)
  34. Dr. Swee Lian Yvette Tan MBBS FRACGP
  35. Dr. William Pridgeon M.B, Ch.B, FRACGP
  36. Dr. Carmen Traill MBBS FRACGP
  37. Dr Robert Brennan BSc BHSc(Hons1) MBBS
  38. Dr. Eamonn Mathieson FANZCA
  39. Dr. Renate Mundl FRANZCP  
  40. Dr. Peter Champness    MBBS, BMedSci, MMed, RANZCR
  41. Dr. Marc Cohen MBBS(Hons), PhD (TCM), PhD (Elec Eng), BMedSc(Hons)
  42. Dr. Peter Johnson MBBS FRACGP
  43. Dr. William Bay MBBS (HONS) B.BUS M.ED Dip.FS
  44. Dr. Matthew Routley FANZCA, FRACGP, MBBS, BSc (Hons1)
  45. Dr. Sally Johnstone MBBS FRANZCR
  46. Dr Khai-Ching Lim MBBS FFANZCA
  47. Dr. Philip Stowell MBBS (London) FACNEM  
  48. Dr. Antonia Turnbulls MBBS NFPMC
  49. Dr. Benjamin Hope MBBS FRACS
  50. Dr. Julia Sladden MBBS BMedSci PGDipMedEd
  51. Dr. Lucas McLindon MBBS FRACGP FRANZCOG
  52. Dr. Shawn McLindon B.AppSc(Chiro)B.Clin.Sc
  53. Dr. Stefan Ziege PhD
  54. Dr. Bronwen Howson MBBS FRACGP
  55. Dr. Emilija Stojanovski Doctor of Dental Surgery
  56. Dr. Camilo Guerra MBBS FRACGP
  57. Dr. Alara Areli BMed FRACGP
  58. Dr. Richard Prytula MBBS DPM FRANZCP
  59. Dr. Guy Campbell MBBS
  60. Dr. Lynette Hatherley BSci(Hons), PhD (Chemistry), MBBS, FRACGP
  61. Dr. Michael Ellis MBBS  UK) MRCP ( UK)  Grad Dip Nutritional medicine BA (Hons) humanities
  62. Dr. Beverley Peers MBBS FANZCA
  63. Dr. Breanne Addison BDent
  64. Dr. Meninda Kieser FANZCA
  65. Dr. Natalie Dumer  BDS
  66. Dr. Valarie Peers DRANZCOG
  67. Dr. Mark Hurworth  MBChB FRACS FA(Orth)A    
  68. Dr. Gina Eddy BMedSci, MBBS(Hons), FRACGP, FACNEM
  69. Dr. Paul Payton MBBS
  70. Dr. Ashraf Saleh MBBS MNutrSci FRACGP FARGP (Emerg Med)
  71. Dr. John Lancaster MbChB FRACS
  72. Dr. Miriam Langridge RN, BAppSc, Capt (7 Field Ambulance, Retired), PGDip, Msc, Ph.D
  73. Dr. Wilhelmina Kurstjens MBBS(hons), FRACGP, DRANZCOG, DCH, EMC, BVSc(hon), MACVSc
  74. Dr. Aniello Lannuzzi MB BS FRACGP FACRRM FARGP FAICD
  75. Dr. Shimonti Chatterjee BSc(Hons) MBChB MRCS FCICM
  76. Dr. Annemarie Ward MBBS FRACGP         
  77. Dr. Leonard Hanson MBChB LMCC Hons BSc (Pharmacol) MF amMed FRACGP FACRRM
  78. Dr. Joel Grist BAppSci, BChiroSci        
  79. Dr. Clinton Herd MBBS FEACP
  80. Dr. Varghese Zachariah FRACGP, DCH, AFMCP
  81. Kara Thomas BNurs GCertNurs MIntl&ComnDev
  82. Teja Jaensch M.CM, BHlth.Sc.TCM, Dip.HY
  83. Katharine Power BMidwifery
  84. Lili Lou BNurs
  85. Helen Powell EEN
  86. Joanne Broughton BNurs Grad Midwifery
  87. Linda Wilson BSc (TCM), Grad Dip Health (Education)
  88. Fernanda Susana De Carvalho EEN
  89. Laine Jolly BA (Psych/Crim), BNurs, GradCertCritCareNurs, GradCertCouns
  90. Vanya Ivanova Master of Clinical Nursing
  91. Elizabeth Stanton RN
  92. Stephanie Bridge BN, RN
  93. Suzanne Allen RN
  94. Shelley Abbott GradDipPerop
  95. Andrew McManus B.App.Sc. (Occ. Therapy)
  96. Anita Wabeke DipNurs
  97. Karen Evans EEN
  98. Latisha Buttsworth BNurs
  99. Jane Johnson RN
  100. Michelle Roberts PostGradDip Cardiac Ultrasound
  101. Wendy-Anne Whitton BNurs GradCert (Clinical Nursing)
  102. Luke Sprong BNurs
  103. Sandra Challacombe Bachelor of Radiation Science (Medical Imaging)
  104. Diana Wilson GradCert Critical Care Nursing
  105. Melissa Plath GradCert Management
  106. Sylvia Smith BA(Hons) Psych
  107. Doreen Quan RN
  108. Bernhard Franke RN
  109. Michelle Sutherland RN
  110. Phillipa Rice BNurs, GradCert (Hyperbaric), GradDip N (Teaching & Learning), MACN
  111. Amy Welch RN
  112. Ann-Marie Mackintosh RN GradDip Gerontics
  113. Cecilia Bendall BA Dip Psych
  114. Jennifer Butler DipAppSc(Nurs), BHlthSc(Nurs), DipHlthServMgt
  115. Megan Fisher RN
  116. Andrea Schuurmans RN
  117. Paul Aras B.Pharm
  118. Jane Landon BNurs
  119. Alyson Hodgson RN
  120. Kate Kennedy RN/Paramedic
  121. Irina Arzhintar BNurs
  122. Sheena Draai BNurs (Psychiatric)
  123. Dimitra Mallos B.Pharm (Usyd)
  124. Albert Harris RN Critical Care
  125. Donald Scott AssDipHScPodiatry
  126. Erin Carr BNurs
  127. June Humphrey RN Critical Care
  128. Kate Smulders RN
  129. Gillian Manuel BNurs, GradDip Health Counselling
  130. Denise Rough BNurs
  131. Norafiah Lever BSc Midwifery
  132. Carolyn Ritchie BPsych
  133. Isobel Barnes BSc
  134. Victoria Thompson RN
  135. Jennifer Coburn RN, GradCert Critical Care
  136. Mary-Jane Stevens BN
  137. Shae Karringten BA
  138. Catherine McLay B.OccThy
  139. Penelope Fox M.A. (Couns Psych) Endorsed Counselling & Clinical Psychologist
  140. Lindsay Spencer-Matthews BA SocSci GradDip Psych
  141. Kelly-Ann Bavington RN RIPRN
  142. Kylie-Anne Taylor BNurs GradDip Midwifery
  143. Ocean Kabikwa BSc, MSc
  144. Roshanak Vahdani BA MA
  145. Robyn Chuter BHSc(Hons), ND    
  146. Antonette Galasso EEN
  147. Miriam Wilkinson Master of Clinical Psychology
  148. Deidre Ashiq BNurs MMidwifery
  149. Michelle Williams BNurs GradCert Critical Care    
  150. Amanda Webb RN
  151. Camille Rains MPHyST BESS
  152. Christine Ruddell BNSC
  153. Barbra-Lyn Clark BSc(Psych)(Hons)
  154. Peter Thomson Dip Health Sci Pre Hospital Care    
  155. Allison Boehm Dip Health Science – Paramedicine
  156. Benjamin Nosov BParaMed
  157. Anne Gagie RN Midwife GradDipNurs Clinical Teaching Certificate
  158. Kim Robinson EEN
  159. Rebecca Crack BNurs GradPaediatrics
  160. Marilla McLindon EEN
  161. Misd Katarzyna Bilski BHSci, Grad Dip Mol Bio  
  162. Peter Borham BComm, MBA(Health)  
  163. Diane Bandary BNurs
  164. Kim Carter EN
  165. Victoria Stark B Beh Sc, B Psych (Hons)
  166. Sara Brookes I.C.S.C
  167. Amy Welch RN
  168. Hilary Black RN
  169. Tess Goode BNurs
  170. Eleanor Donnelly DipEN
  171. Amanda Cross BScN
  172. Denis Buzzai B.N, Dip Applied Sci Nurs, BClinSci, M.H.Sci
  173. Kylee Baker RN
  174. Lindsay Smith RN
  175. Susanna Klauber BNurs
  176. Erika Harvey AdvDipDP(Syd)
  177. Robyn Wheatley BNurs Grad Cert
  178. Amanda Souter RN
  179. Jille Burns FACNEM FASLM MNurs BAppSc GradCipHlthSc
  180. Denise Watt RN
  181. Joanne Hunnibell RN
  182. Kathryn Wilson CertNurs
  183. John Veridiano BOccther
  184. Fiona Beeck BSc
  185. Lucy Pelly BNurs BA
  186. Elena Schreider RN
  187. Nicole Prideaux B.AppSci (PT), M.Clin.Rehab(Res)
  188. Jacqueline Ridgway BPhysio(Hons), MPhysio
  189. Kathrin Hermann Diploma of Social Work
  190. Katherine Lummis BPysio, BSc
  191. Parnee McKercher B.App.Sc., B.Ed.(Secondary Maths/Science)
  192. Brendan Armstrong B.App.Sc
  193. Amanda Quilli RN
  194. Bonnie Tomasetig B.Pharm G.Dip Applied Pharmacy Practice
  195. Joel Delaney Bachelor of Health Science Acupuncture
  196. James Hands MA(CounsPsych)
  197. Kaitlin Edin BA, Grad DipEd, BHSc (CM)
  198. Michelle Napier BNurs
  199. Michele Roberts Grad Cert in Clinical Nursing
  200. Dominique Vale RN
  201. Amy Foley MProfPsych
  202. Peter Trenery Dipp.App.Sci.(Med Radiog), Grad.Dip.Ultrasonography        
  203. Diane Young EEN
  204. Catherine Merrigan RN, PDACN-ICU, BAppSc TCM
  205. Marion Heit RN
  206. Jenna Ford MA Psych, Grad Dip Con Res
  207. William McUtchen BSc Earth Science, M Physio
  208. Renee Wilson B App Sc (Medical Radiations Technology), Grad Dip in App Sc
  209. Tracey Kirk Dip Health Science
  210. Jennifer Dall BA(Hons) Psych
  211. Dorothy Britland Diploma in Health Science
  212. Melissa Murdoch BA (Psych), AD (Applied Science)
  213. Christian Francois Advanced Diploma Paramedicine
  214. David Grant BHlthSc(Paramedic), GradCertEmAeroMedRet
  215. Freyr Colvin BN
  216. Georgia Ridler BSci, GDipAppSc, MPsych
  217. Gaye Shannon B.ASc
  218. Diane McMath BNurs
  219. Janet Chambers BSc(Psy) GradDip Psy
  220. Joseph Buterin Diploma Applied Science
  221. Catherine Woods BNurs
  222. Linda Lonsdale RN LLB BA (Hons) Arts
  223. Gregory Sweeney B.Sc (Nursing), GradDip OH&S Man
  224. Renee Cousemacker RN BScN
  225. Benjamin Heidenreich Master of Sports and Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
  226. Natalie Kerridge BOccThy
  227. Elaine Killen Accredited Exercise Physiologist
  228. Jasmin Weakley BNurs GradCert Cardiothoracic Clinical Nursing
  229. Amber Howard MPsych(Clin)
  230. Sharon Baylak BNurs

Professor Nikolai Petrovsky | COVAX-19® Australian vaccine developer

Professor Nikolai Petrovsky has been awarded over US $51 million for his vaccine research, has authored over 200 peer-reviewed research papers, and is an inventor on multiple-vaccine patents. In 2020, he developed the COVAX-19® vaccine.

  • As a result of speaking on social media about a clinical trial of his vaccine, he received a $13,320 fine from TGA.
  • Refuses to subject himself to an mRNA vaccine.
    • Was denied entry to South Australia despite being fully vaccinated with his own vaccine.
  • True rates of Covid-19 infection:
    • Globally >80% have already been infected at least once.
    • Previous infection gives you immunity and 50-100% of the population of the world already have baseline immunity against Covid, so the context of the vaccines becomes very different.
  • Government would like to tell you that the mortality rate is somewhere between 1%-5% of all infections, and that is simply not true.
    • The denominator they’re using is based on those people who’ve had a diagnostic test that is confirmed covid, and we know that for every person that’s been diagnosed, there’s multiple people who have either not had tests or not had any symptoms.
    • True case fatality rate would be 0.1% (ten-twenty fold lower than what the government would like you to believe).
      • Compare that to the seasonal influenza case fatality rate, we get a 0.1%
      • So in truth, based on current data globally, Covid-19 is very similar to the case fatality rate of the flu.
  • Government applies the case fatality rate (which is already artificially inflated) to everyone, of all ages.
    • They need to ‘scare everyone’ into following their policies.
    • The true Australian data broken down by age, are in people over the age of 70, and particularly people over the age of 80.
      • Young adults and children = essentially no case fatality rate.
        • This infection is not fatal to healthy young children and adults.
        • Where there is one or two rare episodes of fatality in this age group, they inevitably have other major comorbidities and medical illnesses (cancer, immunosuppression, various genetic diseases).
    • Risk of dying is in the elderly. The data does not support vaccinating the other age groups because you can’t say that the benefits don’t outweigh the risks.
  • The government also likes to use data from two years ago and apply it to today – whether it’s case fatality or efficacy of vaccines, they’ll quote rates that were collected in 2020, and have absolutely no relevance today and don’t want you to realize that.
    • Vaccine efficacy for Omicron is often zero but they won’t tell you that.
      • They’ll repeat that it was 90% effective in the clinical trials.
      • Those trials were more than two years ago and have no relevance because it’s a different strain of the virus.
      • Omicron = vaccines can do nothing to stop a large wave of disease.
        • No matter how many boosters you have, the current vaccines will not do anything.
  • More than 100 billion dollars have been made by Vaccine companies.
    • Significant portion of the profits are put into very aggressive marketing and find support for that steady-flow of hundreds of billions of dollars.
      • Can’t compete with that flood of money.
      • Money buys everything including Public Health advice.
  • Major problems with the mRNA vaccines that we need to be honest about.
    • They are a breakthrough technology which means they are in their infancy.
      • We don’t know a lot about them, and we don’t know the consequences of having these vaccines long-term.
    • The traditional vaccines (inactivated & protein vaccines) have been completely ignored – despite more than 50 years of history showing these vaccines can be highly effective and safe.
      • You have to ask, how is it that even two and half years after the start of this pandemic, there’s this obsession with unproven experimental vaccines with uncertain long-term consequences, and why is there nothing being focused on the traditional approaches which are true and tried.
    • Peter Doshi brought out a very interesting paper recently (23 June 2022) “What is the risk-benefit of mRNA vaccines?” Serious adverse events of special interest following mRNA vaccination in Randomized trials. (01)
      • Which basically concluded that the risk of serious adverse events from the mRNA vaccines are actually greater than any benefits.
    • UK Surveillance data is again disproving what the government is trying to tell everybody about the mRNA vaccines and also the AstraZeneca vaccine.
      • What this data is showing is the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine after two doses over time and what you can see is that if you’re looking at Omicron infection protection, you can see it goes to zero in less than 25 weeks.
      • They then give a booster, in this case an mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna) and you can see that the effectiveness does go back up, but then it falls back down to zero.
      • We understand now that the effectiveness of these vaccines is only partial and it falls to zero in a matter of a few months.
        • So if you’re going to try and protect the population with these vaccines, they need to be getting them every two to three months and what’s the safety?
          • Well we don’t know the safety of one dose of mRNA.
          • We certainly don’t know the safety of giving people five doses of these mRNA vaccines every year for the rest of their lives.
    • Even 4 doses of the mRNA vaccines do not prevent Omicron infection or transmission.
      • Data: Israeli Hospital Healthcare workers (02)
      • Four doses of mRNA vaccines are completely ineffective against Omicron.
        • Healthcare workers swabbed weekly over time.
          • Four doses of Pfizer = 20% of the healthcare workers all became infected over 5 weeks.
          • Control group was healthcare workers that had three doses of mRNA vaccines.
            • After 5 weeks, 25% of them had became infected.
        • Same is true of the Moderna vaccine.
          • Three doses, 25% became infected over 25 days.
          • Similarly with people with four doses.
      • These vaccines simply don’t work against Omicron.
  • He says Protein vaccines are a better choice (but the conflict here is that he makes Protein vaccines)
    • Iran Trial during Delta outbreak
      • First dose efficacy: ~71%
      • Second dose efficacy ~50%
      • We don’t see thrombosis, we don’t see myocarditis.
      • Omicron weaker.
  • Too many scientists in Australia that are prepared to tell the government anything they want to hear in their desperation that they might get pre-selected for research funding.
    • Hundreds of millions of dollars of grants go to those spokespeople who are telling the public anything the government wants them to hear.
  • Future pandemics are inevitable.
    • If we don’t get things right now, and change the way things are being done, we’re going to go through the same nightmares and persecution and false messaging that we’ve seen over the past two and half years.

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Dr Gary Fettke | AHPRA punishment for advising diabetes patient to cut out sugar

Dr Gary Fettke, Orthopaedic surgeon MBBS FRACS(ORTHO), F.A.ORTH.A

  • Silenced for encouraging his diabetes patients to cut down on sugar.
    • Instigated by the breakfast cereal industry.
    • Talks of his atrocious experience & “punishment” lashed out by AHPRA.
  • “Blind belief in authority is the enemy of Truth”

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Dr Christopher Neil | AHPRA & Free Speech relating to medicine

Dr Christopher Neil, Cardiologist MBBS FRACP PHD.

  • Damning words about AHPRA and free speech relating to medicine.

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Dr Robert Brennan | Pandemic theature of absurdity

Dr Robert Brennan, Former emergency medical officer, BSC BHSC(HONS1) MBBS.

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Dr Duncan Syme | Health & Govt bureaucracies have trashed principles

Dr Duncan Syme, MBBS FRACGP DROCG DIP PRAC Dermatology.

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Dr Paul Oosterhuis | Suspended for his Social Media posts

Dr Paul Oosterhuis, Anaesthesiologist MBBS FANZCA

Brought before the medical board by anonymous complaints for posting on social media, calling for early treatment and prophylaxis, PCR tests, and risk-benefit calculations regarding COVID-19 vaccination and lockdowns. He was suspended for contradicting the government’s health advice, despite bringing extensive evidence.

  • They didn’t like me saying that there was no science to backup anything the government was doing – no evidence for lockdowns, no evidence for mask mandates.
    • There IS evidence for vaccines, having marginally low effectiveness, and real risks of harms that are being suppressed.
    • I raised questions that were raised by Dr Geert Vanden Bossche about the risk of highly specific antibodies would out-compete natural immunity.
    • And I talked about antibody-dependant enhancement.
    • They didn’t like that I was saying that the benefits were negligible and that the innate immune system was side-lined.
    • They didn’t like me talking about Robert Malone.
  • I went to the hearing to get the message about Early Treatment on the public record, and to say, “You’ve been warned. There are signals of harm.”
    • When they asked me if I was going to have the two shots of the COVID “VAX” by the prescribed deadline, I explained why I wouldn’t be complying:
    • “I’m concerned investigationally that we don’t have any long-term on safety, and as they say, I don’t know that the virus is novel, but the vaccine is certainly not novel – in the past history of mRNA therapies in coronavirus vaccine attempts, is known to have very bad outcomes among the animal hosts.
    • The reasons vaccines take so long to get full approval, is because it does take time for long-term effects to manifest, and you can’t speed-up time.
    • I expressed concerns arising from the data, the CDC, the UK Yellowcard, Israel Vigilance and PGA, I said, “We have signals, we have signals of potential harm, and we as a profession have an obligation to keep an eye on it – especially when we’re mandating. We want to be really, really sure that this therapy has been properly tested, safe, and that we know it’s long-term harm profile.
    • So I think there is an issue with mandating a therapy, where there is signals of harm, where the long-term data is not known because it was approved under emergency-use in the U.S. as a vaccine. It didn’t have the usual FDA panel of tests that would normally go on gene-therapy.
    • We are talking about massive globally-coordinated plan to vaccinate everyone, and I think we as a profession have to be cognisant of informed consent and patient autonomy.
    • The key focus of our ethics training and our practice and even your own practices of the board is to make sure we provide patients with informed consent and we maintain bodily autonomy, and I don’t think that informed consent can exist in an environment of coercion or censorship.
    • So I’m concerned about limiting discussions about the treatments or therapies where the potential for harm is actually extraordinary.
    • Now the council have the same obligations and duties as the practitioner regulation
    • Do I have the right to practice freely from the unlawful interference of the regulatory body? This needs to be answered or this abuse of power will remain unaddressed.
    • On the 10th of May, the medical council of NSW lifted my suspension but the council has thus far failed to acknowledge its lack of power to suspend me in the first place.
    • Also, what has been done before may be repeated.
    • My summons of the medical council of NSW was for judicial review in the supreme court of NSW, and the question of law to be answered is:
    • “If the medical council of NSE suspended my registration for practice medicine…” (lists a lot of different laws)
    • When I provided evidence to the panel, I was told that “the panel was not in a position to actually evaluate the validity of the scientific evidence”, which raises the question of the panel’s credentials to evaluate the public risk, the public safety, or the public interest.
    • The council claimed my long voice in the vast internet represented a threat to public safety and that a suspension was in the public interest.
    • The medical council needs to acknowledge that it acted without power and if it will not do this then judicial review will need to proceed.

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Dr Andrew McIntrye | No - we can't trust Public Health

Dr Andrew McIntrye, Gastroenterologist MBBS FRACP.

  1. No – we can’t trust Public Health
  2. Swedish comparison
    • No excess mortality.
  3. We have to go to court to have a scientific debate in Australia—there is no other way.
  4. Informed consent.
    • Past mRNA vaccines for coronaviruses showed excess mortality for the animal models.
  5. Medicine trains you on pattern recognition.
    • Our evidence wasn’t matching so we started to smell a rat.
  6. Medical journals have been corrupted.
  7. Safe & Effective.
    • Novel technology.
    • 2 months trial.
    • We just don’t know.
    • AMA have started deleting old safe & effective tweets.
    • Resigned from the AMA.
  8. Ivermectin.
    • Tess Lawrie.
    • Evidence was there. Safety record was there.
    • TGA/Hunt goes on tv and says there’s no evidence and its dangerous.
  9. Gary Fetkke
  10. The “anointed” ignore all the evidence from the past.
  11. Crisis.
    1. They come up with a solution that is novel and different and has never been tried before.
    2. People go, “Hold on a minute, that’s going to cause all these problems,” and they say, “No, don’t be ridiculous.”
    3. The problems then occur, and the anointed say, “oh it’s much more complex than that—it would’ve been much worse had we not done what we’ve done.”
      • It’s a pattern of ridiculous policies that come from academics (generally, people without experience).
        • They love ideas that are bold, new, or equixially expressed, but they often go wrong because they don’t have the experience.
  12. That is contrasted with the wisdom of crowds—the wisdom of a whole group of experts getting together and talking about it, debating it.
    • That is where you can get good information.
      • Medicine used to be based on the wisdom of crowds.
      • There was some respect for experience.
      • A lot of that’s been downplayed recently.
      • I think there’s been a change in the medical training to make people “stick to guidelines” rather than actually use their experience.

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Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan | We've been standing up for you too

Dr Jeyanthi Kunadhasan, Anaesthetist and perioperative physician.

  1. Grew up under an authoritarian leader, so could see the signs.
  2. Got fired in October.
    • She talks about her feelings about her previous employer and how it felt when they were willing to assault her with a needle.
  3. Outraged that vigorous medical debate has been suppressed to the detriment of patient safety.
    • Talks about her feelings when she saw the AHPRA statement about “antivax statements that may be in breach of codes of conduct, and subject to possible regulatory action”.
    • Code of conduct also says that Informed Consent must be obtained and to put patients first, but how-when we can’t openly debate?
    • Who is the arbiter of what is a good doctor?
  4. On June 13 2022, call for healthcare workers in Victoria to be given the fourth dose to “help keep covid out of hospitals as most of the infections now are being brought in by staff.”
    • At this point, she doesn’t know what their definition of insanity is.
  5. BMJ the fourth dose doesn’t last more than ten weeks.
    • Very disappointed about the demonstrable lack of second-order or third-order thinking.
  6. Feels it’s become accepted that healthcare workers can be mandated to participate in an experiment as a condition of employment.
    • Experimental products with no long-term safety data subjected to mandates to satisfy bureaucratic zeal.
    • No available risk-benefit analysis.
      • Especially for multiple doses in a short space of time.
  7. Followed the data in Israel very closely.
    • Knew in October 2021, the vaccines would wane and that boosters would be the next-step.
  8. Astounded that she lives in a world where it seems to be rational and reasonable that someone’s employment can be rested-away over something that doesn’t last six months.
    • Naively imagined that this huge PDF file that was being circulated amongst employers with data and evidence from the Chief Health Officer to guide risk assessment discussions with employees that wanted this discussion.
      • She wanted to see the data that they cited to justify this extraordinary action.
      • She is now part of a volunteer team to deep-dive into the released Pfizer documents.
      • However, in October 2021, it was already known that the absolute risk-reduction against infection was less than 1%.
      • It’s now widely accepted that vaccines have negative efficacy.
        • (Reads out the odds-ratio from the UK data from December 2021)
      • The other objective in the Chief Health Officer directions was the reduction of transmission.
        • This was never an end-point in the original Pfizer trial.
        • By October 2021, it was well-documented outbreaks in fully-vaccinated healthcare workers in Vietnam, Finland, and in household settings in the UK.
    • As for covid vaccines offering protection against serious injury or death, she always noted with concern the increase in reports flowing into VAERS and the Australian database.
      • She’d read a few papers noting the adverse reactions and risk-benefit analysis.
        • In October 2021, one of the papers calculated that for every six deaths prevented by vaccination, four would be associated with it.
    • American life insurance company stated an unexplained increase of claims of about 50% in working-age adults.
      • 10% increase in disability claims, seen only in the Spring of 2021.
      • 9% of triple-vaccinated people have long-covid.
    • More than 500 papers in the peer-reviewed literature of adverse events relating to the COVID vaccines.
      • The organs affected are too numerous.
        • She wants to highlight one:
        • Healthcare is a female-dominated profession.
          • In the biodistribution study that Pfizer wanted to keep hidden, the lipid nanoparticles accumulated in the ovaries.
          • The true impact on female fertility is yet to be elucidated.
            • The effect on women’s periods is only now being studied.
          • The fertility studies were done on lab-rats, and the baby rats were only followed up until lactation (not a long-term follow-up).
            • Was done in a lab full of conflicted scientists.
  9. Ethics committee.
    • In the lead-up to the passing of the Victorian pandemic law, the president of the Victorian AMA had said, “We should accept the suppression of rights in the pandemic“.
      • History of the 1930’s when the signs were propagated:
        • There was a burractization if medicine.
        • Devaluation and demonization of segments of society under medical guise.
    • With COVID, no rights, but all other medicines, we insist on informed consent.
  10. She thinks many in society would like to just move on.
    • To sweep under the carpet what has been done to us who stood up.
      • We’ve been denied entry to our place of work, restaurants, and travel.
      • We’ve been ridiculed, ostracized, and demonized.
      • We have taken low-blows.
      • We are still standing.
    • “I hope you realize we were always standing up for you too.”
  11. Doing this so that doctors can treat their patients from a place of love and kindness and not fear of retribution.

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Dr Phillip Altman | TGA Clinical Trials & Drug Approvals Consultant

This is Dr Phillip Altman, pharmacologist and clinical trial drug regulatory consultant with around 40 years of experience. This is one of the most damning speeches.

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Mr Julian Gillespie (will transcribe this one today)

Mr Julian Gillespie, LLB, BJURIS Retired barrister.

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Associate Professor Peter Parry | Evidence of Pharmaceutical Data Fraud, Psychological Manipulation, Criminal activities, and Corruption

Associate Professor Peter Parry, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist. | Google Scholar Results

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Dr Peter McCullough | Truth will prevail - Come out of your shadow of fear

Dr Peter McCullough

  1. Known vaccine complications including Neurologic, Cardiovascular, Immunologic, and Hematologic diseases that the Health Regulatory agencies agree the vaccines cause.
  2. Call to Regulatory Authorities, Governmental bodies and Individuals in the government to “Come out of your shadow of fear, drop your threats of censorship and reprisal, and lets opening discuss the data concerning pandemic response – all aspects of Covid, vaccines, and complications of the vaccines, and let’s come up with a pathway forward.
  3. By maintaining your position of threats, coercion, and reprisal – you will lose in the end, truth will prevail. Have the courage to face covid-19 and have the courage to face us and together we will work to face the crisis.

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Senator Gerard Rennick | Vax Spike more dangerous than Virus Spike

Senator Gerard Rennick

  1. How the MRNA spike protein is more dangerous than the Virus spike protein.
  2. How we must fight legally and get the correct information out, as the public and judges think the vaccine is safe.

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Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.