Horrific Rash Crippled Me (and Evicted)… FML x
- Updated:1 year ago
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This is the timeline of images taken by myself or friends trying to naturally figure out this bizarre rash that turned me into a cripple for weeks, months, over two years.
First published: 2 Jan 2022 | Last updated: 28 Oct 2023
If you’re wondering why I went from multiple-posts daily to “zero”, this post will explain my absence – I’ve been unable to use my hands for weeks.
I’m too stubborn to go near a GP or Hospital in this inverse world despite friends and family almost insisting every time they see beneath the bandages. I need to try and figure it out on my own because I just don’t trust the medical industry at all right now – anyone that is still working in hospitals are those under the AHPRA cult and knowingly or unknowingly committing crimes against humanity, and the thought of being around them is far worse than trying to figure it out on my own (at this stage!).
Today (Jan 2nd, 2022) is the first day I’ve been able to type after several weeks of bandaged hands and trying every remedy under the sun to try and figure out what the heck this is (btw, we still have no idea: my symptoms don’t match anything so far!).
My right hand was itchy and had a rash that came and went ever since the sanitizer mandates back in March 2020. Sometimes on the palm, sometimes on a finger. I stopped using the dodgy sanitizer but had an itchy palm every now and then that would come and go without requiring intervention.
Around Dec 5th, it started to get a bit annoying, but it had not disabled me and I was still not really treating it as anything serious. I may spray it with H202, Colloidal Silver, or CDS or put Coconut Oil on it etc. but was not really concerned.
Around December 12th it became uncontrollably itchy and getting bigger and was on both the palm of my right hand and a little on the top of my hand. On the 12th, I made a concoction of bentonite clay, activated charcoal, distilled water, calendula tea, colloidal silver etc., and had my hand in that for a few hours trying to draw out any toxins or infection, without a positive result.
Dec 21 2021 – Both Hands
Right Hand Worse & Now Left Hand Forming Blisters
I was throwing everything at it at this point, from consuming Vitamin D, Zinc, Vitamin C, Quercetin, Lysine, Turmeric, to applying clay, Calendula, H202, CDS, Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera, Colloidal Silver, Manuka Honey, and so much more. I pretty much threw the kitchen sink at it, and it didn’t love me back for it, in fact, “something” I did for sure made it worse, but because I had thrown everything at it, it was impossible to figure out which thing I was doing wrong.
Dec 22 2021 – Sulphur Overload Suspected
Now something I did had worsened both hands. On the 23rd of December, I went to a functional medicine clinic and she suspected a sulphur overload which makes sense (She didn’t know that I was doing this, but when she mentioned her sulphur theory I realized how much I had been deliberately adding lots of sulphur into my life in an attempt to heal because it’s so good for that type of thing, but maybe I overdid it).
I was using CDS daily in my water, was eating broccoli & garlic, taking sulforaphane, MSM & NAC capsules, having daily Epsom salt baths with Borax, and I had started drinking mineral spring water (which is full of sulphur). So maybe in my attempts to heal, I went overboard, so she gave me some homeopathic remedy for sulphur, zeolite, nerve tissue salts, and told me to refrain from drinking coffee or eating eggs and meat.
So the theory was that it was either an auto-immune disease (that she wouldn’t be able to help me with) or the overloading of sulphur caused my body to go into detox-mode and it was now releasing all the toxins out through my skin. In hindsight it could be the CDS that caused the blisters as not only was I drinking it, I was also applying it to my hands.
I also didn’t eat anything for 4 days, just water and juice but that didn’t seem to help (the only reason I wasn’t eating was because I could barely use my hands, but I thought that it might also be good for me anyway to not give my body anything more ‘toxic’ to deal with, but it might of also made things worse because when you don’t eat, your body goes into detox mode – and it was already in detox-mode.. ‘perhaps’).
Dec 23 2021
By the 23rd, I was unable to use my hands at all and needed to ask for help. I’m a very independent person that doesn’t like asking anyone for help and I live alone, but it was impossible to function without other people at this point.
I couldn’t open food, couldn’t brush my hair, couldn’t get dressed, couldn’t drive, couldn’t carry anything even if I could somehow drive somewhere, and it was a massive effort even just to go to the toilet.
Dec 25 2021 (Christmas) – Both hands & arms
Christmas Day I made another mistake. Not wanting to waste the day but unable to attend my planned lunch with friends, I forced myself out in the sun for a couple of hours, grounding my bare feet on nature, and spraying on an aloe-vera concoction, and blotting out the oozing, weeping sores from my hands whilst listening to an audible book. The mistake I made was now I actually had sunburn. 2 years in isolation – I hadn’t realized how quickly the sun can damage you if you have stayed in a cave for so long.
Started to think my elimination system and possibly other organs like my liver and kidneys may not be functioning very optimally and that I should focus my efforts on elimination instead of finding concoctions for my skin.
Dec 31 2021 – Entire Front of Body & Face
In the next few days, it had extended to my forehead, and all around my mouth and temples. Hands were bright red and purple and blisters were forming on my feet – despite not walking anywhere or doing anything except sleeping or laying down. I pretty much was disabled and spent most days listening to audible books in bed.
Jan 02 2022
Dramatic Improvement in Hands (can type again, and no longer need to bandage hands).
Whilst the rash has pretty much taken over the parts you can’t see, the hands now have improved enough to no longer need to be bandaged up. I’ve had to “cut off” the dead skin (that catches on “everything”) on my hands to reveal the new skin underneath. Moisture is the most important thing at this stage. If I don’t continuously apply things that promote moisture, the hands dry up too much, crack, and weep. I still can’t open tight jars or anything requiring force, but I can now do my own laundry, dishes, can wash my hands without pain, can do most things (carefully and gently) without requiring assistance.
Currently using Dermeze Treatment Cream for moisture, eating super healthy, drinking lots of water with lemon & ginger and sometimes pink-salt, and still as confused as ever as to what this is but starting to see improvements instead of worsening, and hopefully will get the full hands back within a few days.
– Bottom & Sides of ‘both’ Feet forming big puffy blisters
– Red Rash all over breasts. Rash all over stomach. (no images)
– Woke up past 2 days with “Slits” as Eyes. Alien :)
Taking antihistamines seems to help me be able to open my eyes. I don’t recognize myself in the mirror in the mornings – it’s an alien looking back at me through the reflection hehe. I also put on a cold (refrigerated) face washer first thing and cucumber. Both the face, shoulders and especially hands seems to really want moisture, for which I’ve used all sorts of things but Dermeze Treatment Cream seems to be helping the most at this point, and I’ve just ordered the ointment version to start using tomorrow when I go collect it. If you don’t keep it moist, it cracks and breaks the skin and is rather painful and feels like you have to heal all over again.
Questions and Observations
I have had questions this entire time and I’ve been to every mainstream dermatologist site as well as every fringe or naturopathic or natural remedy site and tried everything that is available locally. I wish I’d kept a timeline of what I tried each day but today is the first time I can use my hands so that was not an option at the time.
When I saw images that felt similar, the “symptoms” that went along with said diagnosis didn’t match. No fever, no headache, no depression, no fatigue (other than not being able to do anything physically so lying down voluntarily). The toxin-release through the skin does seem like the most plausible answer at this time.
Today’s questions are:
- Why just the front of my body?
- My back and butt and back of my neck are clear of this rash – although it is on the back of my thighs and arms.
- If it was the bath or laundry detergent, then it should be my entire body that is covered.
- Could it be some of lotion of soap or chemical?
- Why do I have all these blisters on the bottom of my feet?
- I haven’t used my feet in days and especially not much in weeks?
- The foot blisters make no sense.
- There’s even a couple forming on my toes – I’m not even wearing shoes – it makes no sense to me.
- It feels like an extreme allergic reaction to something coupled with an extreme detox
- Mind is still clear
- I just have not been able to use my hands and I’ve not been able to nail either the right ‘treatment’ or the right ‘diagnosis’ and my stubbornness about not wanting to go near anything allopathic in nature – especially as the first thing they do is ‘turn off’ your bodies own healing mechanisms, so I’m trusting my body is going to figure it out and that I may never know the actual diagnosis.
- Spiritually – if the answer is spiritual, then I think I know the cause as far as an Insta-Karma type of thing
- When I’ve scrolled through the Facebook newsfeed shortly before this happened, I’ve been absolutely bewildered at how many people are not only posting their proud booster shot, but also calling for more lockdowns, more masks, more segregation, to “lockout” the unvaccinated, the ‘fear’ of “CASES!” of “OMICRON”!, friends lining up their kids for the jab, or who are lining up for another jab after being horrifically injured by their first jab, and so on
- Just the absolute brainwashing by people who have lost all common sense and logic and have given their minds over to the narrative, and when I see such things, I’ve been ‘reacting’ in my own way – even against my own better judgement.
- I personally do not want to respond in a ‘reactive’ way, I want to bring forward love and understanding and inclusiveness, so we can band-together against the tyrants in charge of this whole operation and move forward to the solution-focused perspective, but definitely have been triggered by friends who are stuck in the mainstream-media version of events and seeing how fearful they are of “cases!” and seeing how easily manipulated they are by the ‘fraudulent statistics’ and tactics the mainstream media and governments are using for the other agenda.
- I was starting to feel like I was going down a track I didn’t want to go down, that I should stop getting baited by the segregation caused by the media and go back to being more understanding and inclusive.
- So spiritually – this could definitely be something that “took me out of the game” for a few weeks to reflect on this.
I’ve only found one blog with someone that seems to have suffered the same thing as me, and he took a different route. If you think you know what it is and you have telegram, feel free to comment on this telegram post.
Jan 05 2022
Hands improved but still hurts to type because fingertips still need healing.
Feet were so blistered over the past few days that I couldn’t walk.
It’s like as my hands were improving, the worst of it went to my feet instead. Blisters all over both feet.
Took a bath last night and drained out an extraordinary amount of liquid – do not at all understand what’s going on, but do feel like I’m on the mend.
The face has improved heaps.
The body, which was so red, has started to lighten.
Yesterday I made a DMSO concoction (50ml DMSO, 15ml Colloidal Silver, and 40ml Distilled Water) and I’m now trying that. It stings a bit but I really hope that it works.
Today I woke up and one of my breasts has a new big lump on it. I remember reading in the DMSO book that this can happen – that some part of the body may start to form a lump that will excrete shit the body wants to remove. Looking forward to using DMSO daily to see what happens.
Feeling hopeful that I’m on the up and up.
Jan 07 2022
Bandages back on hands, sigh. Fingertips still damaged too so still can’t type like a normal person (but at least can type a little bit).
Haven’t had any visitors lately so no new photos.
I really can’t sleep, the pain and busy-ness of whatever repair work is being done on my body is too much. When I try and sleep, all I can feel is something going on in my hands and feet and it’s just impossible to ignore and get any sleep, in fact the only time I’ve noticed that I can sleep is when I’m in the bath – it seems the water must put the restoration work into dormant mode – although sleeping in the bath is not ideal lol.
Might have to order some sleeping tablets or melatonin next week when I get paid to see if that helps.
Also getting lumps forming after using DMSO – will make the assumption that it’s eradicating more toxins out of the body, but will take it day by day to see if it’s actually seemingly doing a good thing or a bad thing.
Yesterday my hands started getting worse, so I took a trip and got 3 more creams to try from the chemist, and they seem to have dried it out even though they promised the world (to restore moisture barrier). I don’t know what else to try, so today I’ve re-bandaged the hands and don’t have anything on them – see if “not” putting anything on them helps? Ideas?
Jan 17 2022
Progress update. Good news and bad news. Good news is that most of the rash across my body has lowered immenesely and even though when I went to the pharmacy a couple of days ago, he freaked out and said I need to urgently see a doctor (“Not going to happen unless I find one that isn’t cuckoo and corrupt”), from those who saw my body from the start, it definitely looks as though it’s healing.
However, bad news is my feet and hands have worsened.
What have I tried recently?
Hmm… last week I went to the Indian grocer and got all these Indian Ayurveda remedies – from Neem Seed Oil, to Black Seed oil and a combination of various concoctions written in Hindi that I’m trying internally (too lazy to get up now to get the details). I’ve only been taking them about 4 days and putting them on my hands and feet and not really noticing a big difference, but hoping the internal one that I’m taking 1 tablespoon a day of will work some magic with my blood or with detoxifying.
For baths, I’ve lessened the amount of Epsom Salts and only use 1 cup per bath now, and the last few baths I’ve added about a 1/4 cup bicarb soda, 1tsp-1tbsp of coconut oil, about a lid-full of Borax powder and then different essential oils depending on the day. I’m about to have another bath now and I’ve put in Lavender oil, Tea Tree Oil, Neem Seed Oil, Black Seed oil, and Turmeric (just cos I had a dish with that concoction left over from last night – so I just chucked the dish with the remainder of ingredients into the bath).
Last night and today I’ve been spreading Black Seed oil on my hands and am trying Foot & Heel Balm from DU’IT on my feet.
The feet are atrocious – hard cracked skin, blisters, and looks raw and injured in several areas making it difficult to walk, but it’s the hands that have me stumped. My hands are constantly insanely itchy, it takes everything for me not to scratch the shit out of them.
If I happen to wash my hands (currently washing with a need-seed oil facial wash for something new), when I pick up a tea towel, hand-towel or my microfibre towel to dry my hands, I cannot stop rubbing the towel on my hands – for minutes, and then it’s painful because even though I’m trying my best not to scratch, the pressure I’m using with the towel is enough to punish me.
I’ve been re-bandaging my hands the past 3 days – because when they’re bandaged, it’s stopping me from scratching. The hands seem to be reverting, worsening. It’s got me stumped – really. I cannot figure what antidote to use – or what the hell this is. I’m wondering whether CDS is not to blame at all, but some other toxin – something else that I haven’t figured out.
I don’t know whether I’m healing or not. Because the rest of the body seems to be healing well, the face has cleared up, and the front of my body, but the hands are becoming much worse, but at least I can type again, albeit slowly and painfully and annoyingly, and at least I can drive myself around and carry groceries etc – I don’t need “home help” from my loving friends anymore, I can be independent again, but I am optimistic that it’s improving, yet very concerned that my hands seem to be deteriorating and still very stumped that I cannot for the life of me figure out what caused this or what is the right treatment.
What the hell. It doesn’t help probably that I have been watching a lot of “the spike protein is the bioweapon/poison” testimonies lately – making both the jabbed & the poison the potential culprit that we have to try and evade, now I’m starting to wonder if it’s some kind of bioweapon/poison that I’m dealing with – because if the spike protein “or whatever the hell they are doing to us” is so determinantal to our immune system – impairs our DNA repair, potentially mutating certain genes (such as our cancer-regulating genes since discovering their patent for the discovery of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes), and causing all kinds of mayhem that accelerate whatever is already injured in the body – even things we weren’t aware of – ensuring that whatever a person’s current dysfunction is blamed rather than the jab, then, because the current health workers and scientists are still being bamboozled by the health authorities and still in a “All Hail an Experimental Jab as our one and only Health recommendation” – who is left to find an actual antidote to this bioweapon? That’s what’s on my mind today. Anyway, bath time.
Jan 21 2022
Everything has improved except my hands are getting so much worse. Covered in tiny red lumps (at times, and currently). When I bend my fingers it hurts. I can’t open bottles at the moment.
The past few days they have been insanely itchy and although I’ve been a good girl and not used my nails – I will either put something on them (like black seed oil or neem or ointment or something – even my natural handwash under a tap, and rub the shit out of them).
If I’m getting that insane feeling, and I’m not near a tap or not at home, then I grab anything – a tea-towel, facewasher, etc and I cannot stop rubbing the hands together and squeezing every part of my hands until the point that it stings. Why is this happening? What is the cause?
Interestingly my feet have improved heaps the past few days since I’ve been non-stop wearing socks and for a couple of hours a day wearing shoes, so maybe it’s the “uncovered” things – the fact that my hands are “exposed” to some kind of chemical or toxin or something. Although I did try and wear gloves yesterday and today, and it seemed to be ok – until it wasn’t and the insane itchiness and reaction started up again.
Still a mystery, still have no idea what the antidote is. Today tried clay in the gloves, that seemed to have made it worse – or maybe it’s working as designed and detoxing something out through my hands. I also tried Iodine which burned. And black seed oil – which – did a really weird reaction after the iodine and turned my entire hands into some kind of white “this makes no sense” reaction so I washed it all off. So stumped and out of ideas.
Feb 2 2022
Things seem to improve and then worsen. Last night was the worst it’s been for a while – the pain, the itchiness. Hands have blown up again today – red and blotchy and inflamed.
So new theory to try today – is it fungal? If it’s fungal, it can be something that can ‘re-infect’ if there’s something in my house perhaps? Or is some kind of auto-immune thing?
Going on the theory that it could be fungal – I have just got back from the chemist with some over-the-counter anti-fungal ointments. Trying one of them on left hand, and a different one on the right hand.
Left hand = Clotrimazole 10mg & Hydrocortisone acetate 11.2mg
Right hand = Terbinafine Hydrochloride 10mg
“Please work, this is ridiculous, I can’t live like this.”
This is insane that after everything I’ve tried, that I still don’t know what it is or how to resolve it.
I haven’t updated this post in almost 3 months.
Same story. Basically, it improves, worsens, improves. So update today is:
Whole body is healed. Hands & Feet continue to improve – worsen – improve – worsen but never actually get “healed” like the rest of my body. Hands & feet are constantly itchy or stinging. Red, inflamed. Hard to walk. Cannot use hands easily. I haven’t “figured it out”.
I caved and went to the doctor about a month ago, and got prednisolone tablets & prednisolone ointment. The tablets worked, it was a 5 day treatment and I had 3 days of clear hands for the first time in 6 months.
The downside was – I couldn’t sleep a wink. Not a minute of sleep while I was on it. I couldn’t even read a sentence, my brain was “gone”. My friends & I had a dinner but I was just “observing” the whole time – not participating in the discussion because I was just “out of it”. So although I got my hands back for a few days, it is clearly not the “solution”.
The ointment also helped remove the constant itchiness/pain… until it didn’t. I do still use it everyday but it seems to have waned in effectiveness. I went to a different doctor, and he prescribed the same thing (the ointment).
What does it mean when the prednisolone worked? What should I be looking at to discover the cause/cure? Since steroids reduce inflammation, I guess I should start there.
I’m currently making a calendula, nettle, pine, and other herbs concoction/oil as I tried calendula cream on my hands and feet yesterday and it removed the constant-itching but I used the entire jar in one night and I can’t afford to buy anymore unless I miraculously get an income, so I’m trying to create my own concoction out of ingredients I already have.
I spray DMSO on my hands and feet after every bath. I still take regular (3 x a week) baths with Epsom, Borax (although I’ve just ran out), Lavender or Eucalyptus or Tea Tree oil, and Bicarb soda.
I cannot wash my hands under normal tap water without a bout of extreme itchiness or pain, and drying my hands on a hand-towel or tea-towel or any material afterwards ends up in a constant insane rubbing that I can’t seem to stop, so I avoid the tap water like the plague at the moment.
I’m drinking calendular/nettle/green tea.
My diet could be improved (I eat healthy foods, but not much of a variety) without money, I’m very limited on what I can try.
I’d add images but keep forgetting to ask friends to take a photo when they are here.
Radiation Poisoning (Hypothesis)
A friend visited from the Sunshine Coast and she’s pretty intuitive and the healthiest person I know. She, along with other friends suggested that I’m “plugged in” and that I need a break from the computer. I agree. But I was like, but why my feet? Another friend added in the conversation “it’s entering your hands and trying to exit through the feet!”
You know what – it’s not far-fetched of an idea. I spend 20 hours on this thing every day, I’m on the computer more than anyone else. Constantly researching, typing, having 100’s of tabs opening, taking notes, trying to connect-the-dots. For someone that is anti-agenda, I certainly am “plugged-in” just as they want us to be.
I am wearing arthritis gloves – this is my cheap “substitute” for EMF-shield gloves which I can’t afford and adding an additional barrier between myself and “everything” and is a lot more convenient than constantly wearing and adjusting bandages.
Hypothesis’s that haven’t been ruled out:
- Inflammation caused by radiation-poisoning
- Auto-immune disorder that needs DNA-correcting (i.e. more sulphoraphane & broccoli in my life)
- Some kind of lingering infection that I haven’t “nailed” – that my body somehow cannot eradicate
- Whatever poison they are doing to us that is harder to correct than our Go-To’s – something under the skin is really unlike anything I’ve ever experienced in my entire life, and 6 months of this is really unheard of for me considering all the natural concoctions that always worked in the past.
- Something I’m doing “for health” that is suddenly “not healthy” – ie one of the supplements I’m taking is tainted
- Water – I drink a lot of water, via the filter but the filter is cheap and is not removing all the impurities. Don’t know how to solve this one without money.
“Beau’s Lines” Nails Analysis
Another hypothesis. Found that even though all my nails are very strong, they have a horizontal line extending over all fingernails (but not on toenails).
I did an image search to see if that would give me a clue as to mineral deficiency or cause. From what I can see so far, it looks closest to “Beau’s Lines”. Only 30 mins research-in says it could be from a viral infection, disease, or deficiency. So I’ll try and learn more:
- “These lines are caused by diseases that affect the entire body, including malnutrition, heart attack (myocardial infarction), liver diseases, severe infections (such as mumps, measles, pneumonia, and others), and metabolic disturbances, including poorly controlled diabetes.”
- “Beau’s lines are band-like depressions extending from one lateral edge of the nail to the other.”
- “Exact cause unknown… severe acute illness such as fever, heart attack, exposure to extreme cold, psychological stress, and poor nutritional status.” (01) Singal, Archana, and Rahul Arora. “Nail as a window of systemic diseases.” Indian dermatology online journal vol. 6,2 (2015): 67-74. doi:10.4103/2229-5178.153002
- “The width of the transverse groove relates to the duration of the disease that has affected the matrix.“
- “The presence of Beau’s lines on all 20 nails is usually the result of systemic disease such as mumps, pneumonia, coronary thrombosis, Kawasaki disease, syphilis, and hypoparathyroidism” (what about 10 nails? lol)
- “Horizontal fingernail lines are mostly noted as a clinical sign of an existing medical problem. White horizontal lines can be a specific sign for arsenic poisoning. Horizontal dents can be a result of malnutrition, uncontrolled diabetes or circulatory problems.”
- “Beau’s lines could signal disease or just be a remnant of an old injury”
- “Sometimes, though, they point to a skin disease like eczema, psoriasis, or chronic paronychia (an infection of the nail folds that makes the skin swollen and red), so inspect your skin and fingertips for signs of redness and rash.”
- “It takes about 6 months to grow a nail, hence its easy to determine the timing of the past events just by looking at the different positions of the horizontal ridges”. (fascinating – these lines for me are happening about a 1/3 way up from the cuticle – so suggests about 4-5 months ago, which correlates when all of this started…)
- “Cause could be:
- Malnutrition, vitamin deficiency of B12, Zinc, Protein.
- Coronary thrombosis, thyroid, and kidney-related issues.
- Skin diseases.”
- “Beau lines associated with COVID-19” (02) Alobaida S, Lam JM. Beau lines associated with COVID-19. CMAJ. 2020;192(36):E1040. doi:10.1503/cmaj.201619
- “Other causes of Beau lines include localized trauma and systemic triggers such as febrile illness, severe malnutrition, pemphigus, Raynaud disease, Kawasaki disease and chemotherapy. There is no specific therapy for Beau lines, as they self-resolve if the underlying condition has resolved.”
Deficiency of B6 can cause nerve damage called peripheral neuropathy.
- “Symptoms may include burning, shooting and tingling pain in your arms, legs, hands and feet. Some describe it as a “pins and needles” feeling.”
- “Burning, shooting pains in your limbs, hands and feet can be caused by nerve damage from B6 deficiency or overdose.”
- “The classic clinical syndrome for vitamin B6 deficiency is a seborrheic dermatitis-like eruption…”
Finally I see results!
For the past 3 days there has been a massive improvement to my hands – you know, the hands that I haven’t had use of for over 6 months, even whilst struggling to do research and typing all day, it takes a full day to do a blog post because my hands were um. “Fucked.” yep, that’s the most accurate word.
Anyways, I’m on the mend, I can use my hands again and not using any meds or anything – no, not even the supplements seemed to be the answer, and god knows I spent every last dollar trying the next thing, let alone the cost of bandages and ointments and so on. This injury bled me dry.
What was the cure, the antidote? From what I can tell it can only be 3 possible things:
1.) I made a slow-cooker vegetable curry – in it I threw a mixture of “whatever vegetables I had on hand”, a tin of tomatoes, and stacks of curry, turmeric and garlic.
2.) I had my phone “away” from me – I plugged my phone in to charge “away” from where I was sitting.
3.) A third-party “unknown” change. ie. if the place I get coffee suddenly changed milk or something – some “unknown” factor that has changed that wasn’t my doing is always a possibility.
Seeing an immediate improvement after having the curry though, and seeing how quickly everything is dramatically changing for my hands, I’m now thinking that whatever was in that curry, whatever nutrients my body needed, or whatever antioxidant or whatever miracle was in that pot, somehow gave my body the “boost” it needed to ramp up it’s repair work.
So now I’m on a mission to make sure that I get a daily boost – even on my limited “let’s say almost-nothing” budget – I reckon I can still manage a boost by making some convenient changes to my diet.
Well after that last photo you saw on May 30, things escalated quickly to the point where my fingers were going black and I had to get over my ego and call an ambulance as I couldn’t use my hands at all and my feet were weeping (which also got worse after I went to hospital). It’s a big deal for me because most people probably feel relieved when they go to hospital whereas I see it as walking into Satan’s den, fully expecting that I might just wake up and my hands will be amputated or something—zero trust for the Rockefeller establishment—and wouldn’t let them just randomly do things without a logical explanation that I agreed with.
To cut a long story short, spent a week in hospital, they don’t know what it is, and I am now 99.99% certain it’s toxic mould exposure in my apartment (so next phase other than slowly-healing whilst using Rockefeller medicine to suppress symptoms to be able to at least use my hands to research what I can do), is getting onto the real estate agent to acknowledge, take my requests seriously instead of gaslighting/dismissing me, confirm the mould problem, and do something about it.
My entire body is now covered in a red raw rash from neck to toe; my hands and feet are bandaged and fake-healing with the ointment (suppressed with steroids and body won’t heal completely until I can locate cause; stop being contaminated with the toxin; and detox the mould safely and slowly from my body).
June 12 photos of hands and feet:
Debilitating and Evicted
So you’ve probably noticed I haven’t posted much in the past couple of months. That’s because my hands were completely unusable again. Particularly my hands and especially my fingertips which means – no research or typing possible except one little tap at a time from whichever finger let me, so it forced me to stop researching and focus on seeking answers.
In regards to the wall of mould/moisture at my apartments, I notified the agent/landlord and as a response, they have evicted me to “do the necessary renovations” but are very careful not to put mould on their paperwork. So I am in a situation where my hands don’t work and now I’ve been evicted for the very reason I notified them about; that could be the cause of this crazy health condition.
I don’t know for sure if it is caused by the mould, nor how to test to see if it is, but considering that’s a “known” thing that can harm health, it should be urgently dealt with. Unfortunately sending them this information seems to have manifested an eviction at a time where it’s impossible to pack/move/clean.
Anyway that’s the update. I’m looking at my legal options but as you know I don’t like conflict and don’t like dealing with any kind of drama or legal crap and just want peace in my life and to heal quickly.
Trying to mitigate the stress (so as not to exasperate or cause more harm to my health), by sending peace and forgiveness out to those who are doing this to me, and in the meantime trying to get a better headspace and seek other ways to heal.
Moving out could be a blessing, as if it heals me, then I will have found the cause/cure, but I don’t know how to move when I’m broke and unable to use my hands. Even picking up a cup is painful, let alone touching water, packing boxes, and doing an end-of-lease clean.
Evil never ceases to amaze me. The lack of humanity in this world, the lack of compassion, the lack of taking responsibility for the harms done to others, the lack of kindness. Somehow I’ve ended up in a place where they are doing the opposite of everything ‘good’ would do.
Anyway, still looking for answers, more urgently now than ever before but trying to remove any “desperation” energy. Now trying to change my mindset and see if the “woo” can help heal and provide the ideal answer to this situation. So, mindset, and seeing if I can ween myself off coffee so that I can completely cut out dairy to see if that will help. Will also research mould detox methods and see if there’s anything I’m not already doing, and I will try and manifest a healthy place to live that I can afford and some help with moving.
In case this world is of our own creation, can I please ask that anyone who reads this, bless this situation, please visualize peace, happiness, and freedom for all, forgiveness for those doing evil, and hold space for me to be completely healed and thriving. We have nothing to lose by trying this, but I suspect that being angry and stressed about the situation or focusing on how cruel it is, is probably not going to provide a good outcome and will keep me in the opposite state of where I need to be to heal. Rather, forgiveness and optimism and imagining the ideal outcome, happiness, peace, thriving, and imagining “easily packing boxes”, and having moved into the most perfect location to help all of us find solutions, happiness, good health, and peace. xo
If you think you know what it is or have ideas, feel free to comment on this telegram post.

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Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.
DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.