[Dr John B.] What’s In The Vials? (Pfizer Microscopy)
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine (Comirnaty): A microscopy analysis.

(2/n) Focusing on the border of the drop (yellow arrow) reveals tiny particles of different sizes and light refraction properties:
(3/n) Zooming in, the larger particles were found to have a diameter of about 1 µm.
For comparison:
(4/n) The smaller particles are about 0.5 µm (= 500 nm) in diameter:
(5/n) Some particle aggregations were also visible in the liquid:
(6/n) Fiber-like structures can also be seen. Their diameter is in the nm-range. (Remember, a human hair has a diameter of about 70-90 µm). Some of them look like a continuous fiber (a, c), some have branches (b, d).
(7/n) More fiber-like structures. A ring-like structure was seen once (d).
(8/n) A further class of particles: comparatively large and with unique light refraction properties. They come in different shapes (e.g rod-like, squares):
(9/n) More of these objects:
(10/n11/n) A few unusually shaped objects were found, e.g. a 45 µm long ribbed structure (b) and a particle of about 10 µm in diameter with some “spikes” attached (d).
(12/n) Parts of the liquid crystallized after about 15 min. Encapsulated areas can be seen with crystallized objects of different sizes inside. It’s almost beautiful.
(13/n) Sometimes, these encapsulated crystallized areas (white arrow) contained objects with different light refraction properties to the particles surrounding them (yellow arrow):
(14/n) Oval-shaped encapsulated crystallized structures can be seen:
(15/n) These oval-shaped encapsulated crystallized structures have complex internal sub-structures with compartmentalization and particles of different sizes:
(16/n) One oval-shaped encapsulated crystallized structure was found attached to a fiber-like object (yellow arrow) with a diameter of about 10 µm:
- The Pfizer-BioNTech #Covidvaccine contains particles and objects of different sizes, shapes and light refraction properties
- Complex aggregates and crystallization of these particles and objects were found
- The nature (chemical properties, elemental composition) of these particles and objects is unknown
- Careful interpretation of these images is required
- The objects could simply be the ingredients of the vaccine – or contaminants
- There is an urgent need to further investigate the ingredients and purity of the #CovidVaccines
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Anonymous Pathologist & Scientist Dr. John B.
Telegram Thread | Twitter Thread (Oct 3, 2021)
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