13yo Maddie de Garay [Update 9 Months Later] Permanently Injured from Pfizer Trial

IN C19 Prey
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Maddie De Garay was 12 when she enrolled (along with her 2 older brothers) in the Pfizer Phase 3 Trial for Kids, and was Paralyzed for life. She’s 13 years old now and 9 months later, Maddie’s mum Stephanie gives an update warning parents if this happens to your child – you are on your own – doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and the government will not help you“.

Maddie de Garay – Permanently Injured in Pfizer Trial

Update from Maddie de Garay’s mum – 9 Months Later – Permanently Injured – Pfizer Trial:

Maddie’s mum Stephanie gives an update on Maddie and reaching out to the world to warn that if this happens to your child – you are on your own – doctors, pharmaceutical companies, and the government will not help you.

“They will blame everything on anxiety”

Maddie is not alone, there are countless others reaching out to her every single day, and you will literally be living a nightmare.

In late July 2020, the US-based Pfizer-BioNTech phase 3 trial of adolescents aged 12-15 years began, 1131 were administered two-doses of the vaccine and 1129 were given a placebo. Maddie de Garay, aged 12 at the time, was one of the 1131.

Less than 12 hours after her second dose in January, Maddie’s health fell apart. She experienced severe abdominal pain, painful electric shocks on her spine and neck, ice-cold hands and feet, mysterious rashes, peeling feet, reflux, gastro, vomiting, pins & needles, and eventually led to the loss of feeling from the waste down and the inability to swallow liquids or food. Dizziness, Convulsions, Passing Out, Heavy Periods with clots of blood. Decreased vision, memory loss, mixing up words, extreme fatigue, and sadly, more than that.

She’s been confined to a wheelchair and has to use a feeding tube. She’s been repeatedly hospitalized. The pain, we’re told, is often excruciating.

9 Months later and they still have no real answers.

She’s trapped in her body that does not remotely work like it did before. She’s 13. (01) (02)

She also shared her testimony on Nov 1, 2021:

Senator Johnson’s Expert Panel on Federal Vaccine Mandates. (03)

Before Pfizer was approved for emergency use in children in the USA, they had an FDA committee meeting. Steve Kirsch spoke of Maddie’s condition and experience with the FDA, CDC, and Pfizer asking why there has been no investigation that I think everyone should listen to: (04)

FDA – Advisory Committee – Sept 17, 2021

Steve Kirsch – Executive Director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund
(Double-Vaccinated before he found out these vaccines were harming people)

“Heart Attacks happens 71 times more often following these vaccines
– compared to ANY other vaccine”

  • Nobody is paying attention to the elephant in the room.
  • CDC says they have not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines deaths.
  • We are led to believe that the vaccines are perfectly safe and this is SIMPLY NOT TRUE.
  • Over 14,000 death reports in VAERS and no causality?
  • There are four times as many heart attacks in the Pfizer six-month trial report – that wasn’t bad luck – VAERS shows heart attack happens 71 times more often, following these vaccines, compared to ANY other vaccine.
  • In all 20 that died that got Pfizer, 14 died that got the Placebo. Few people notice that. (no statistical difference)
  • If the net All-Cause Mortality is negative – Vaccines, Boosters, and Mandates are all nonsensical.
  • Even if the vaccines provided 100% protection (which they don’t) – it still means we KILL TWO PEOPLE to save one life. 150,000 people have died from the vaccines.
  • All attempts to meet with the FDA & CDC to discuss have been stonewalled.

  • Maddie De Garay was 12 when she enrolled in the Pfizer Phase 3 Trial for Kids, now she’s Paralyzed for life.
  • She was just 1 of 1,131 kids in the treatment arm and paralyzed less than 24 hours after her 2nd Pfizer shot but Pfizer reported her cases as “abdominal pain” rather than “permanent paralysis”
  • Today, she has no feeling below her waist, she can’t hold her head up on her own, she has to eat through a feeding tube. Physicians don’t know how to treat her.
  • She was never ejected from the trial.
  • I called Janet Woodcock (FDA Commissioner) who promised an investigation – there has been no investigation. She’s never been contacted by the FDA or CDC, and has received zero compensation.

Actual Adverse Reactions

Symptom Incidence rate elevation over normal (X factor)

i.e. 473 = 473 times the expected incidence rate

  • Pulmonary embolism 473
  • Stroke 326
  • Deep vein thrombosis 264.3
  • Thrombosis 250.5
  • Fibrin D dimer increased 220.8
  • Appendicitis 145.5
  • Tinnitus 97.3
  • Cardiac arrest 75
  • Death 58.1
  • Parkinson’s disease 55
  • Slow speech 54.3
  • Aphasia (inability to talk) 52.3
  • Fatigue 50.9
  • Pericardial effusion 50.5
  • Headache 46.4
  • Chills 45.6
  • Pericarditis 44.9
  • Deafness 44.7
  • Myocarditis 43.2
  • Haemorrhage intracranial 42.5
  • Abortion Spontaneous 41.3
  • Cough 38.5
  • Bell’s Palsy 36.6
  • Paraesthesia 29.5
  • Blindness 29.1
  • Dyspnea (difficulty breathing) 28.4
  • Myalgia 28.4
  • Dysstasia (difficulty standing) 27.8
  • Seizure 27
  • Thrombocytopenia 25
  • Anaphylactic Reaction 21
  • Suicide 18.3
  • Speech disorder 17.2
  • Convulsion 16.3
  • Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) 16.3
  • Paralysis 16
  • Swelling 14.3
  • Diarrhoea 11.9
  • Neuropathy 11.2
  • Multiple organ dysfunction syndrome 11.1
  • Depression 8.9


Pfizer-listed Adverse Reactions

  • severe allergic reactions;
  • non-severe allergic reactions such as:
    • rash, itching, hives, or swelling of the face;
    • myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle);
    • pericarditis (inflammation of the lining outside the heart);
    • injection site pain; arm pain
    • tiredness;
    • headache;
    • muscle pain; chills; joint pain;
    • fever;
    • injection site swelling; injection site redness;
    • nausea; feeling unwell; vomiting;
    • swollen lymph nodes (lymphadenopathy);
    • diarrhea;


Browse CovidKids:


Free Books to Recruit (Brainwash) Your Children into Life-long Pharma Slavery!

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(1) TGA FOI 3727 – Pfizer injury data.
(2) Australian gynaecologist Dr. Luke McLinden found that (50% – 74%) had miscarriages after taking the jab.


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Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.