Former DARPA/DoD Scientist on Neuro-AI Mind-Control & Virus Weapons on ‘Ignorant Humanity’ [2019]
Dr. Robert Duncan, a former DARPA, Department of Defense, CIA, NATO, and Harvard computer scientist (in neural networks, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and EEG controlled robotics), enthusiastically presented a remote lecture titled “The Ethics of Neuroweapons and Neuro-Technologies,” which went through neurotechnology advances that he’s excited about and then switches the lecture to a warning of the dark side of these advances: neuroweapons and advanced mind-control technology that totalitarian governments (US, Britain, China, and Russia) are using to mind-control societies, armies, and other governments right now.
[0:00:00] The Ethics of Neuroweapons and Neuro-Technologies
[0:02:59] Positive Applications of Neurotechnologies
[0:08:10] More Applications
[0:13:27] Other Neuro-Technologies
[0:15:53] The Dark Side of Weaponized Neuro-Technologies = Neuroweapons
[0:18:52] Definitions of Dial-in Lethality. Neuroweapons and Audio Perceptions
[0:35:36] Hacking the Human Mind
[0:43:23] Human Research and Experimentation
[0:46:24] Modernized MK-Ultra research (neurohacking)
[0:50:33] Brain-Nome, Brain Project, Cognitive Models
[0:55:01] Military and Intelligence Gathering
[0:58:59] Remote Interrogation and No Touch Torture
[1:00:16] S.A.T.A.N. = Silent Assasinations Through Adaptive Neural Networks
[1:03:54] Warning to Humanity
[1:15:47] Demonstrable Effects of Parameters of Synthetic Intelligence Networks
[1:23:21] AI-in-the-Middle Attack Architecture
- The Empathy Machine – Facebook has been working on, how do you “clone” other people’s emotions onto another person. using direct neural manipulation & interfacing in the hive-minds at the speed of thought via an internet connection, behaviour & mood modification using electroceuticals, accelerated education – we can clone skills & education, “correct” prisoners, and renting “dreams” and “experiences”.
- Neuro-Technologies – neurobionics & neuro-robotics, brain to computer interfacing, mood alterations, hive minds and neurocommunication, brain-nets, creating a meta-cortex for more intelligence.
Dark-side – downsides is political control over the minds of society and armies via electronic control of the brain.
- Lecture played a clip of the Long Range Acoustic Delivery (LRAD) crowd-control sonic weapon that was used on families at the Canberra freedom rally in January 2022, as well as tech that can send a message to the ear of a person without anyone else being able to hear it. (02)
- MIT laser hearing effect that can create a beam of sound that is transmitted into the brain as speech.
- Holographic brain patterning via ultrasound to change the synaptic connections to alter brain patterns.
- Radio/Microwave hearing effect (Frey) that is a non-lethal, no-touch, torture device already used by CIA & CCP.
- Anytime you can focus electromagnetic energy onto a specific point, you’re going to heat the tissue.
- We can kill you while you’re sleeping or fry your brain or internal organs,
- increase cancer, damage the DNA,
- & sensitize the target using neuromodulation methods.
- Uni of Nevada, US Airforce consigned them to develop a battlefield non-lethal dopamine weapon, to flood the brain with dopamine to disable and disorientate them.
- You can unlock certain DNA strands using certain radiofrequencies, which can include cancer-causing ones. You can also alter the body to re-uptake of ionic ions such as sodium, potassium, and calcium, etc.
- Can use a cold virus to give a viral infection to all of humanity, and make them susceptible to whatever frequency we want their brains to be susceptible to.
- Using neural dust (tiny microchips), which is so small you can inhale or ingest them, that help amplify neural-signals.
- Magneto-nanoparticles – can be amplified to make them more susceptible to magnetic signals.
- Audio-cortex hacking – he’s developed his own, which allows you to create an encrypted signal from any two minds, using the natural learning process of the brain that are only understood between those two minds and would appear like noise from an outsider trying to decrypt the channels – synthetic telepathy.
- Hacking the human mind – advanced CIA interrogation and counter intelligence methods, brainwashing techniques, advanced neuro-combinations with AI, and the importance of NLP.
- He said NLP is the most important method of being able to hack the more advanced minds.
- We can now have an AI attack a brain between two individuals who are connected to the hive-mind.
- Briefly touches on Historical examples of US government human experimentation on the public, of which he said there has been 100’s that been uncovered, including:
- Operation sea breeze – US Navy testing biowarfare in San Francisco using a benign virus much like the common cold that had a greater infection rate than they were expecting,
- MK-Ultra
- Tuskegee Syphilis experiments
- Radiation experiments on children
- Spraying carcinogens in black neighborhoods for Eugenics purposes
- LSD experiments
- Modernized MK-Ultra Research (Neurohacking).
- Brain-Nome, Brain Project, Cognitive Models = all about controlling the humans:
- Bush “decade of the brain”
- Obama “brain initiative, mapping the brain-nome, similar to human genome project“
- Trump continued the research
- He thinks the mentality across governments is “if we don’t do it, someone else will” despite the risk of the end of the human race.
- CIA bringing it into public domain for normal scientists because they want to hide the ability they’ve had in their secret weapons programmes of being able to influence democracy and other atrocities they’ve already done.
- Brain-Nome, Brain Project, Cognitive Models = all about controlling the humans:
- Thought-police and solution: Firewalls – thought filters.
- Military and Intelligence gathering – stealing passwords from the mind, dream programming and interrogation, getting building layouts and security systems, getting their contacts and networks for counter intelligence, mentally disabling and demoralizing the enemy, altering cognitive decision in real time, manipulating subliminally leaders of other countries.
- Forced speech – an urge or pattern in the brain to make you say certain words; ie politician on a microphone, can make you say a different phrase.
- We can create arrhythmia’s and heart attacks in target humans.
- Operation NORTHWOODS.
- Microwave bombardment of embassy in 1960s.
- Neuroweapons on Cuban embassy causing brain damage.
- S.A.T.A.N. “Silent Assassinations Through Adaptive Neuralnetworks”
- T.A.M.I (DARPA) = Thought and memory interface.
- RHIC = remote hypnotic inter-cerebral control,
- A.L.I.C.E. (MIT) and other chatterbots that was designed to waste people’s time but now can be weaponized to talk people to their death,
- Walking and talking the target to their death (denial of service attack to the human mind)
- Sleeper assassins (mostly hidden in the mentally ill labelled club).
- Re-education camps & totalitarian governments is already happening.
- Can create neurological problems:
- Dementia, Alzheimer’s, forgetfulness
- Schizophrenia is very easy
- Bi-polar and altering the learning-rate including information-overload
- De-patterning and brainwashing
- Scrambling the connections, create split-personalities
- Shared-learnings between networks
- Pleasure, rewards, addictions
- Pain, fear
- Stealing knowledge from a mind
- US, Britain, China, and Russia can pull this off world-wide over entire nations, taking advantage of the ignorance of humanity.
- Demo of his AI-in-the-middle attack architecture which alters the biases in the neural network.
Dr. Robert Duncan Interview – Voice of God Weapons used on American Civilians – Targeted Individuals – Dec 16, 2019
- Came forward when he realized it was being used on his own citizens and he was disgusted.
- His research investigation from brain to computer interface and technologies led him to a group of people that they call targeted individuals.
- Was shocked to find out someone had beat him to this ultimate technology of being able to interface with the human brain and then this led his research down the rabbit hole to a very dark topic that most people just don’t want to know about.
- Explains they are using the same tactics with this technology that the advanced technology used in secret.
- “One of the most difficult things for people to understand about this technology is the sophistication of it. It makes it very difficult for people I think who who are on the outside to have any grasp of what’s actually going on, because of this the sophistication. This truly is the most sophisticated weapons system humanity has ever created, and it involves every aspect of science — it involves tactics that are unimaginable unless you’re you just have a devious criminal mind and it destroys lives it’s being used on innocent people. The sophistication is enormous, you have to understand neuroscience, physics, psychology, and many different aspects of all human knowledge to understand this weapons system.“
- Studied the more advanced techniques such as how to hack a human brain.
- The CIA at first was caught with their mind-control weaponry, but he says the military also does it.
- He said they were implanting people with microchips back in Dr. Delgado’s day, and he was the one that bragged about how all human behaviour should be controlled by governments.
- He said whilst it started with microchips, it’s long since gone Wireless – you don’t have to have a microchip in you for this technology to work, it has advanced very far.
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging or nuclear magnetic resonance imaging) technology.
- There’s another sister technology called electron spin resonance II as are and this they don’t talk about it much, because they don’t want people know this is a way to survey the land.
- There’s underground tunnels, satellites, HAARP since 1991,and so many different ways it can reach you – sensors all over the place, land-based, air-based, sea-based, and other equipment (probably you’re own home equipment such as smart meters or technology… anywhere that a GPS can reach, is probably reachable – Penny), that there’s no way of being “outside of this system”.
- Other ionosphere tweeters – 18 in the world that we know of, lots of investment after 9/11, that sensors are now all over the world.
- Some of what people think it is is now redundant compared to what they have now. (Gwen towers and other arrays).
- All are interrelated, there’s no pin-pointing to one single source. At least 2000 remote-systems in United States and ten thousand worldwide.
- Read minds from a distance
- They use the sensors to locate a target, then the sensor system starts recording that person’s data, a link is established so that the person’s brain is sort of getting acclimated, and then over time, once the targets’ energy signature is figured out, it’s irrelevant where that person goes, they can go almost anywhere on planet Earth and still be susceptible to the brain reading and manipulation.
- Imagine you have two neural networks – as an analogy, if you have a spouse – after a long time you can complete each other’s sentences – that’s the kind of confirmation you’re trying to get, so it’s like it grows with you, grows with you, and learns with you.
- These experiments are lifelong generally but they’re they’re trying to grasp all sorts of data from you, know how effective can we make them kill each other or themselves.
- They try to manipulate them by messing with those buttons, including altering emotion, and behaviour “emotional signature clusters” that can be read quite clearly.
- This isn’t classified information. There are a bunch of top universities studying this.
- Under an MRI scan, you can see what emotional state or determine if they’re drunk or on drugs and anything else via the brain patterns
- This isn’t classified information. There are a bunch of top universities studying this.
- Imagine what the future police will look like if you can read everyone’s mind.
- Forcing this on the entire population is what they’re increasingly doing – “a lot of people won’t believe me, that’s fine, but they’re increasing this; they are scaling this technology to the entire population.”
- When people are awakened they’ll find out that 1984 happened already and that we’re actually much further ahead.
- Reading minds, reading emotions, and overlaying or altering brain waves. Overlaying personalities or moods – whatever, with different states
- Humans have a lot of circuitry, and you can dial into this circuitry via certain parts of the brain, and can train the brain, based on the exact key of those circuits.
- Emotions as the seven doors. Seven levers where we can manipulate all of the emotional states.
- Every word you say, you have a set vocabulary, and they start testing the words up and then after time most have a vocabulary about a 1000- 5,000 words max. Shakespeare had eleven thousand words.
- Once your vocabulary is mapped out, then they can put it on the automated boat – which is what are called “chatterbox” – something he worked on to keep the human being talking to a machine, thinking it’s a real human being, and they have scaled this to automate a lot of the degradation and the torture processes to break down the will.
- Once they have your your brain patterns matched they got you you can’t escape very easily.
- When people are awakened they’ll find out that 1984 happened already and that we’re actually much further ahead.
- Chatterbox (the computer talking to you permanently) is the most important weapon system that the United States and he assumes Russia and China are developing.
- They can make people through the trickery harm and torture themselves and others and do really crazy stuff, such as wrap their cat up in tin-foil and get them to stand in one place holding pots & pans for hours at a time, or stay awake for 5 days straight, or sleep for 2 days straight… piping voices into their head.
- They pipe threats into their head too… threats of the family or friends, “we’re gonna kill you, we’re gonna kill your family, tell us who you work, do what we say etc”, and try and cause a complete breakdown via this voice-torture.
- Denial of service technology, 95 gigahertz platform built by Raytheon that works for a kilometer and a half.
- Forcing this on the entire population is what they’re increasingly doing – “a lot of people won’t believe me, that’s fine, but they’re increasing this; they are scaling this technology to the entire population.”
- Brain cloning – brain heterodyning – which means modulation of other brain signals within yours so it’s almost like two to four people living in the same head (above 4, they become schizophrenic).
- “it’s good for creative processes and thinking, but if you get more than four then it becomes dysfunctional”
- Hive mind configuration – multiple personalities in one person
- Multiple personality is something the CIA’s have experimented with.
- They would use torture to try to split young girls minds, create sex slaves, honeypot spies, and to use them as couriers so they don’t they don’t remember what information they got.
- Cybernetic hive minds
- People will desire it.
- People will need it in order to compete in the workforce.
- Example from the Matrix “I need instructions to fly this helicopter” instantly transfer knowledge.
- Both the military and the CIA have been caught experimenting on our own citizens many, many times.
- They’ve expanded this program to include people from all walks of life, the rich, the poor, the educated, every language – it’s gone global because this is totalitarian state that you don’t even have control of your own mind and you believe your thoughts of your own.
- Pains are amplified.
- The heart is also another form of an electrical system in the human being and there are several glands that are connected to the brain such as the adrenaline gland, that if you simulate certain portions of the brain, you can cause a remote control heart attack, and this was written about by the Russians in 1970.
- You can cause heart damage over time
- Possible to induce a heart attack that’s potentially lethal
- If you have any sort of weakness they can cause a stroke
- Keep people in high stress levels, and all that cortisol running through your bloodstream will cause all types of diseases.
- The heart is also another form of an electrical system in the human being and there are several glands that are connected to the brain such as the adrenaline gland, that if you simulate certain portions of the brain, you can cause a remote control heart attack, and this was written about by the Russians in 1970.
- If you’re under a perfect hypnotic state, they can take control of your urges. So if your urge is “I’m gonna pull out a knife and stab myself in the chest” – they can almost do that.
- Most people can break it. “I will not harm myself” is the primary program that will always override those kind of urges.
- It can still be done under the right circumstances.
- They can’t yet take control over somebody’s body completely when they’re in a conscious state
- It’s possible using a electromagnetics to mimic drug effects
- About 20 drugs they use for brainwashing.
- One of their favorites is called The Devil’s breath.
- It creates a zombie where the person will literally rob themselves.
- They’re in a hypnotic state
- All these drugs can be mimicked through this technology eg heterodyning
He said worked on the “Voice of God” technology and explains how it works:
Oct 22, 2015 YouTube
Duncan professes with shame that he worked on “Voice of God” weapons for the US Department of Defense, weapons which can make people think they are hearing voices in their heads in an attempt to control them.
He says such weapons were tested back during Desert Storm and were quite effective at getting Iraqi soldiers to lay down arms without a shot fired.
Duncan also touches on Project Blue Beam, remote neural monitoring, smart dust, and electronic telepathy technology which uses extremely low frequency waves.
Duncan notes scientists “are brainwashed into believing that everything we are doing is of benefit to mankind, but look who pays our bills? The military. It’s all for war, it’s all for control, for government control…”
Dr Robert Duncan’s Powerpoint Presentation (2014) (03)
Dr. Robert Duncan: EEG (Electro-Encepholagraphic) Heterodyning Remote Mind Control (2014, PPT)
The Science of Mind Manipulation
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