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Dr Antoinetta Gatti (Nanodiagnostics)

Bioengineering expert of nanopathology, nanotoxicology, nanoecotoxicology.

 † Another Graphene Whistleblower Found Dead

(Updated 18th March 2023 with better translation) Dr. Domenico Biscardi (Italian pharmacologist & biochemical researcher) found dead in his home under “mysterious circumstances” with rumours from the media of a “sudden heart attack”- Jan 12, 2022 – less than 2 weeks before he was due to testify before the European Parliament about what he discovered in evaporated Pfizer vials.


What is in the C19 Vaccines? Trust Not. (Paper)

This article begins with the simple question of how adjuvants in traditional vaccines are theorized to work and proceeds to analyze how the new injectable mRNA platforms deploy nanomaterials as delivery vehicles for genetic interventions with a range of other potential actions inside the human body, both intended and unintended. The authors aim to disentangle the known, unknown, possible and likely contents and objectives of COVID-19 injections, in the context of the surrounding corporate, political, and ideological landscape. They conclude that the social disruptions created by COVID-19 have served as a means of instigating rapid transition to what unelected policymakers have called a Bio-Nano Age.

Syllogistic Reasoning Demystifies Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccine Constituents