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[ICIC] The Science behind the Personality Changes in the Jabbed

Many have spoken about how their loved ones, especially right after injections, can seem intellectually rigid, emotionally cold, or altered in their thinking. People have become angrier and less able to modulate their emotions, becoming more primal in their reactions; those who were always affectionate, warm, and loving have become cold, distant, and cut off their relationships. And the bizarre behaviour towards the unvaccinated—to deny them groceries, to deny them medical care—this closing down of compassion; the kinds of things that make us human—can these injections shut down people’s compassion or critical thinking? Can it make them stop considering the next generation? “We don’t know; this is a mass experiment on the human race, and the human heart”…


Former Pfizer Staff Speak Out

Collection of Former Pfizer Staff and what they have to say. “I feel like I work for an Evil Corporation”. If these ex-and current Pfizer employees are speaking the truth, let’s investigate and figure out what we need to do about it.


Safe & Effective = Reckless & Dangerous | Julian Gillespie

Lawyer Julian Gillespie is standing up to Australia’s Secretary of Health in Federal Court against the dangerous and deadly shots, warns of big pharma’s influence over politicians and medical authorities, and new oppressive powers being legislated, and calls out the Australian government for ignoring the Pandemic Plan and letting WHO go rogue on the Australian people.


Conformity Experiments | Nazism

The conformity experiments of Solomon Asch and Stanley Milgram, both Jewish psychologists in America in the aftermath of World War II, sought to understand how Nazism grabbed the minds of a sophisticated nation.

Their experiments reveal how individuals conform and obey, against both their better judgement and even their ethical principles.


Dr Duncan Syme | Health & Govt bureaucracies have trashed principles

Doctor that was suspended by AHPRA for providing medical exemptions for the experimental gene-therapy injections explains how government bureaucrats have committed atrocities during the pandemic and they want even more power. A call to arms for other fellow health professionals, politicians, the media and the general public to stand up before unprecedented new powers control us all.