[RANT] MTBE – THIS is CRAZY! Poisoned by Policy…

  • Updated:2 years ago
  • Reading Time:29Minutes
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With the stroke of a pen, the U.S. government rewrote the formula for gasoline and “accidentally?” contaminated the drinking water of America and other countries.

“If I wanted to to be sure that I poisoned as many as possible, I’d put something in gasoline… it’s something we’re all exposed to […]”

Dr. Goldstein, Toxicologist (23:28)

I came across this old 60mins video whilst researching Prof. Victor Petrik (post in progress) in regards to graphene, and this was in his playlist, and I was absolutely horrified all the way through watching it. I can’t believe this… Democide

Of course, I’m aware of how evil the psychopaths in charge of the world’s policies are, but I can’t believe how outwardly and remarkably incompetent these agencies, who we think are “supposed to protect us,” are—on display for all to see! (Deliberately?) Although it’s not like they haven’t made it very obvious the past couple of years about their tendencies to kill us with globalist-controlled government policies under the cover of “science-fiction”, it’s still remarkable to see a video from over 20 years ago displaying the same atrocities.

We must use these past disclosures as a reminder that there is a very real and present danger and not to drop the ball on helping people see what’s going on in the world. The evidence is insurmountable on our side, and the planned one-world government, / united nations / BIS policies can easily and systematically murder us all and/or quite literally just continue this war on humanity, using inconspicuous things that you don’t even think could be used as weapons. One very clever policy-change under the guise of “climate-hysteria“, and a signature

60 Minutes, MTBE

Methyl tert-butyl ether, also known as methyl tertiary butyl ether and MTBE,

3 Oct 2011 YouTube | Rumble-Mirror | 60 Minutes, Part 1, MTBE (Part One) | Part Two

An examination of the widespread pollution of groundwater caused by the reformulated gasoline additive MTBE (butyl methyl ether), especially in California. Asks the questions: Why was this chemical not fully tested before use? Why is it still being used?, What are the health consequences of ingesting it through drinking water?

Produced by Graham Messick, fl. 2000-2016, Columbia Broadcasting System, in 60 Minutes (New York, NY: Columbia Broadcasting System, 2000) (01)

This is incredulous. Just crazy.

Even though the Environmental Protection Agency has known since the late 1980s that MTBE was getting into drinking water and that there were possible adverse health effects, the agency has done almost nothing. Right now, the only standard for MTBE is a non-binding advisory that the agency sent out that sets a limit of 20 to 40 parts per billion in drinking water, and that’s only because that’s the level at which humans won’t be able to detect the smell and taste, not based on safety studies. (02)

Steve Kroft (Investigative Journalist, back when they used to do such a thing as “investigate” rather than just Puppet-report, I guess… or it could be another “we told you we were evil – we told you it was poison”… another “disclosure kind of thing”; that old chestnut – that if you continue to drink the poison water–after they tell you it’s poison; then they have no karmic retribution for your own “choice” to keep poisoning ‘yourself’ and anything that happens to you as a result)

  • Craig Perkins
  • George W. Bush
  • Dr. Bernard Goldstein (Toxicologist and director of the Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences Institute in New Jersey).
  • Dr. Peter Garrett (Maine Department of Environmental Protection)
  • Bob Perciasepe (Assistant Administrator of the EPA)
  • Victor Sher (attorney representing the water department of south Lake Tahoe, California)
  • Bob Campbell (CEO of Sunoco)
  • Ms. Freda Kubas (Resident, Glennville)

Timestamp: 19:13 pissed me off the most:

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has concluded that the available data are inadequate to quantify the health risks of MTBE at low exposure levels in drinking water, but that the data support the conclusion that MTBE is a potential human carcinogen at high doses.

(To the assistant administrator of the EPA):

Did the EPA require local municipalities to test groundwater for the presence of MTBE?

“We never required them to do the testing specifically.

Are there any requirements to test now?

We are working on taking that advisory that we issued two years ago and finalizing it into a standard which will require the monitoring of the drinking water”

And when would that begin?

“We would hope by next year

You’re telling me on one hand that we’ve got to move quickly to prevent this thing from becoming a national crisis, and yet it’s still not a requirement that local governments and municipalities and water providers — they don’t even have to test for MTBE? They don’t even have to test for it?

“That is something we should have done earlier. It should have been done when the alarm bells were going off earlier”

Ten years ago!

This video was made in 2000. It’s been 22 years since that 60 Minutes report, and 42 YEARS since it was first acknowledged that it was contaminating the drinking water.

Has all production of MTBE been stopped? Is everything fine now? Can you “trust the experts”?

Well, I spent a few hours having a look.

The production in the US has lessened… (but remember, it only takes “one cup of MTBE to make five million gallons of water undrinkable.”) (Timestamp 5:34) (That’s 189,270,589 litres Aussies)

MTBE is still being produced and put into “the fuel that they say is “mostly” exported to other countries”—are we believing these criminals? And even if you can believe it, why is it okay to contaminate other parts of the world? (03)

The US produced 1,948,000 barrels of it in 2022! (04)

US Production of MTBE 2016-2020

Annual-“Thousand” Barrels… i.e. 17,342 = 17,342,000 (05)


(hmm.. that’s a lot of barrels for something that’s almost exclusively used for the petroleum industry)

No safety studies were done to determine risks to humans, wildlife, sea life, livestock, or agriculture, and other than mice studies, all their own toxicity testing was covered up. Hmm, just like Atrazine, hey? Same players, different chemical-coverup.

Mice studies were done all the way through (even last year, in 2022), showing cancer and other health risks. You’ll get the odd paper here and there that says that’s not true, but there were over 1000 papers on MTBE (which may not be about the petroleum industry) and over 100 when I did a search for “MTBE Cancer,” as well as books about it. Please keep in mind that I am unable to search medical journals prior to 1990. (Does anyone know where I can find old journal papers?) (Perhaps I should’ve tried Google Scholar, but I’m done with this post now.) Anyway, it’s probably to their advantage that I can’t do pre-1990 searches because I’m sure there are plenty. I found about three studies in the past few years that attempted to disprove all of the other studies; my guess is that if I looked up any of those authors, I’d find the conflicting connection, just as I found during “COVID-lala-land”.

According to this white paper published in March 2005, the gasoline industry had already been marketing MTBE-laden gasoline for more than a decade. (Prior to any reformulated gasoline requirement to enhance octane ratings and to demonstrate to consumers that the industry could manufacture “environmentally friendly gasoline,”) And that the industry went to great lengths to keep the chemical in gasoline, lobbying the EPA for softer underground storage tank regulations while failing to report to the EPA the studies they’d already done showing troubling results of its own testing on MTBE’s toxicity. (06)

  • 1979 – MTBE was being used at low-levels in US gasoline to replace lead as an octane enhancer (07)
    • (Why are they allowed to use it in the first place if they didn’t know it’s effects on the environment, let alone where people breathe it and it’s potential to leak into the groundwater)
  • 1980 – MTBE first detected in Rockaway, New Jersey near a Shell station and by late-1980’s had already contaminated dozens of sites in the state of Maine. (timestamp: 7:59)
  • 1987 – They knew it was a hazardous Ground Water Contaminant. (08)
  • 1987EPA knew it had contaminated drinking water in four states.
    • EPA Memo from the Office of Pesticides and Toxic Substances states “Known cases of drinking water contamination have been reported in four states affecting 20,000 people. It’s possible that this problem could rapidly mushroom due to leaking underground storage tanks the problem of groundwater contamination will increase as the proportion of MTBE in gasoline increases.” (timestamp 9:45)
  • 19901990 Clean Air Act Amendments requiring refiners add a higher oxygenate (MTBE, Ethanol or equivalent) to the gasoline “for cleaner air”.
    • (3 years AFTER the EPA knew it was contaminating water supplies! and that was when they were only using it at low-levels!)
    • (And why are they dictating the “how”; why are “they” dictating the “formula”?)
  • 1990Carcinogen studies continue to come out showing the damage it causes to mice. (09)
  • 1992Refiners deadline to use higher levels to meet act. (1992-2005) without prior testing of adverse, toxic, or carcinogenic effects.
    • (Although there were other choices – the CEO they interviewed in the video claimed they chose MTBE due to the deadline, but see this whitepaper for an opposing view) (10)
  • 1995 – High levels of MTBE were unexpectedly‘ discovered in the water wells. (11)
  • 1996 – After the introduction of methyl tertiary butyl ether gasoline there were thousands of human health complaints. A sudden increase in widespread illnesses throughout the United States. People in in New Jersey, New York, Alaska, Maine, Pennsylvania, Colorado, Arizona, Montana, Massachusetts, California, and other areas, experienced a variety of neurotoxic, allergic, and respiratory illnesses. (12) (13) (14)
  • 1997EPA had “limited data” to determine adequate estimate of potential health risks, but concluded that it was a potential human carcinogen at high doses. “Decided” that there was insufficient information available to establish estimates for health risks so didn’t set any limits, but the advisory document indicates there is little likelihood that MTBE in drinking water will cause adverse health effects at concentrations between 20 and 40 ppb or below. (just a hunch then?)
  • 1998EPA listed MTBE as a candidate for development of Maximum Contaminant Level standard in drinking water. (15)
  • 1998 – Data presented showing that exposure to MTBE caused increased incidence of liver tumors, renal adenomas, carcinomas and interstitial cell adenomas of the testes in male, and lymphomas and leukemia in female CD1 mice at the National Toxicology Program’s Board of Scientific Counselors meeting, but despite the evidence, the board defeated a motion to list it as a “Reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen” (16)
  • 2000 – EPA drafted plans to phase out the use of MTBE na­tion­wide over four years!!?!?!
  • 2003CDC scientists started measuring MTBE in blood and found detectable levels of MTBE in most of the participants. (2003-2004) (17)
    • (Didn’t continue doing the whole population, just a little over 1000 participants and “most of them” had detectable levels? How many is “most”? All? Got anything else to add other than “detectable levels doesn’t mean it will cause ill health?” Interesting… that sounds so damn familiar, where have I seen this level of incompetence and FAMILIAR wording before?) One does wonder…
  • 2005 – Congress passed the Energy Policy Act that removed the oxygenate requirement for reformulated gasoline (refiners started to use ethanol)
    • (FIVE YEARS after the phase-out plan, 18 YEARS after they knew it was a hazardous contaminant, 25 YEARS after it was formally detected as a contaminant, and who knows how many years before-that i.e. before the gasoline industry even introduced it into their suite of products – surely they had some kind “science” done before investing…)
  • 2012 – Industry-sponsored studies confirmed the carcinogenic effects of this agent and have identified additional sites of tumor induction (i.e., brain). However, the petroleum industry has attempted to portray these recent findings as demonstrating either no effect or no concern for humans. (18)
  • 2020EPA still hadn’t developed a Maximum Contaminant Level standard in drinking water and there’s nothing I can find after this date, although I’m sure there will be documents on the EPA site somewhere still “talking about” making it happen “one day”.

Not tonight, but one day I’m going to look into Ethanol too; I trust nothing anymore. I mean, shit, we still have fluoride, a known neurotoxin, in our drinking water, which they somehow convinced the masses is a “good thing for their teeth” (well, as long as they don’t have a brain, or care about the rest of their health, I guess you can be dumb enough to believe the idiocy that it somehow saves you on dental bills). (19)

I’m having dejavu palpitations; this isn’t funny. I can’t even imagine how many people are full of health problems that they don’t even realize are due to the daily water they are currently cooking with, drinking from, and bathing in—it’s probably all over the United States from when it already contaminated everything, and in every country they currently export their fuel to. The Art of War: Some weapons are just too sneaky to be seen. We’re in a toxic, chemical shitstorm because of these psychopath corporations and whoever runs them.

Direct Scrape from YouTube subtitles file (no, I’m not going to pretty-it-up for ease of reading, I don’t have time, but it at least allows for a word-search, even though the auto-transcription sucks)

See also:


Penny (PennyButler.com)
Penny (PennyButler.com)

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.