New CONVID? Don’t fall for it. [Dr Sam Bailey]
Dr Sam Bailey goes through the similarities between the 2022 Gates-WHO-Hopkins tabletop and the current China pneumonia news stories.
Dr Sam Bailey goes through the similarities between the 2022 Gates-WHO-Hopkins tabletop and the current China pneumonia news stories.
Brand new Covid > Communism/Dictatorship > WEF > Great Reset documentary (June 2023)
Good for: Those just starting to wake up that something is not right in the world. A good background documentary to have on hand when your friends and loved ones visit.
Do the same bloodlines maintain their rule over us, or is it just a coincidence that can be explained away by “if you trace back family lineages far enough, we’d all have the same ‘Royal’ bloodline?”… Either way, it’s still evidence that should be considered—not only are they connected by all these ‘not-so’ secret societies, power corporations, etc. but perhaps it’s all by design and powerful presidents are ‘selected’ to keep political power in the family too…
An important and powerful chess-piece in the war against humanity.
Just want to keep a running total of whenever I happen upon any “mainstream” news articles relating to germ warfare being sprayed on the population.
This little weasel might be Fraud-chi’s replacement, deeply embedded in BigPharma’s bed for decades, making millions in vaccines, and has been scurrying his way into the limelight to promote lockdowns, masks, and to vaccinate the whole world.
Reps. Jim Jordan and Marjorie Taylor Greene call out CDC director Rochelle Walensky on her lies and a compilation of clips from the Pfizer-Cult responsible for the democide of our world.
NEVER Go To a Private D.C. Party, You’ll Wake Up With a Polaroid On Your Chest
The Financial Coup d’état Explained. Catherine Austin Fitts explains how the ‘Great Poisoning’ was inevitable after the US govt started draining and obliterated the pension funds. If you drain all the retirement funds, you have to reduce the population by radical amounts. This is such an important part to understand in this psychotic game of chess (of which there are many psychopathic players involved). This particular one explains just one of the many important financial reasons behind the democide and why we must stop the CBDC’s, Vaccine Passports, and Digital IDs.
Part Two of series on former X-Factor winner Altiyan Child’s “Freemasons = Satanism” Video.