Dr. EV Rapiti
- Updated:1 year ago
- Reading Time:51Minutes
- Post Words:13384Words
Another doctor calling out Fauci, FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, WEF, Gates, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Media for Crimes against Humanity.
WHO about to take over the world. NWO order upon us
May 23, 2022 Rumble | Telegram
- Countries are currently meeting in the World Health Organization headquarters in Geneva to signover – LITERALLY – the Sovereignty of their countries.
- They are going to do this by handing over all powers to the WHO to control pandemics and healthcare emergencies.
- The WHO will have the power to determine when there’s going to be a pandemic and when they should declare a lockdown.
- We know how miserably they have failed in managing COVID.
- The WHO gave us the WRONG instructions.
- They didn’t acknowledge that lockdowns didn’t achieve the goal of reducing deaths – they caused more harm but the WHO didn’t give a damn.
- Now they’ll have the power to issue a lockdown and that’s going to mean more hardship for people all over the world.
- These powers were suggested by the Biden administration. Don’t know what’s so democratic about the US when their main thrust has been to curtail freedom of speech, restrict access to free information, pillaring anybody who has been opposed their narrative, and curtailed our rights. The aim of a democracy is freedom of speech, have more rights, we don’t want “less” of it – we don’t want to be controlled by a central-controlling body.
- The worst part is the person who would be in charge of this would be Tedros – who is the Director General of the WHO. He is not a doctor. He’s a refugee from Ethiopia. (01)The Crimes of WHO Director Tedros Adhanom – Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the darling of the MSM and Big Tech, was known as an international criminal even before his appointment to WHO Director General … Click for full citation
- He doesn’t understand the science about Covid. He doesn’t know the treatment for Covid. He has no clue about it. He’s been making these long statements how we need to be ready for more pandemics. He is very closely allied to the other devil on this earth, and that is Bill Gates.
- Bill Gates is another very confused man. He confuses himself. He is a man who keeps claiming that the world is over-populated, and they need to find a way of reducing the population, whilst at the same time, he has his chosen scientists to determine “pathogens of concern” for the world, and of course his next move is to work with pharmaceutical companies to produce vaccines to control this pathogen.
- What if the pathogen is a harmless pathogen like Omicron? Nobody needs the vaccine but yet, Gates will push for it. He’s a bit of a dubious character. Doesn’t know what he’s talking about. On the one hand he talks about the world being overpopulated and in the next breathe wants to save the world from pandemics. How hypocritical and contradictory is that.
- He’s also been implicated in some way with the food shortages. He’s got some artificial food manufacturing outfits. The man is really dubious. Hungry for more money, power, and control and I don’t think we need to be taken over by another Hitler, in the name of Bill Gates because he’s got the money.
- If we don’t protest against this is we’ll just become another Colony to be abused by the rich in the WEF.
- When it sinks-in to the broader population, the damaging effects of the tyrannical, communist, dictatorship of rule, where there will be lockdowns, inflation will go to the sky, we are expecting 300 million people to die of starvation, and we’re worried about the few people dying from COVID. What nonsense is that.
- Maybe today our governments will sign over our countries and our sovereignty. But that is going to stir the nations of the world, the citizens of the world to fight back and win back their sovereignty and democracy. Their right to freedom. Dictatorships have been toppled down before through uprising. I do not think anybody wants to be governed or controlled by a dictator like Bill Gates.
- Klaus Schwab – we are the 99%. Even those have been vaccinated by an agenda will soon realize they’ve been duped into a poison. There’s over 1,000 articles showing that the vaccine doesn’t work. (02) WAKE UP! 1,000+ studies have confirmed that those “vaccines” are dangerous https://www.saveusnow.org.uk/covid-vaccine-scientific-proof-lethal/
- Boosters have now been shown to decrease our immune response.
- MonkeyPox is nothing more than MONEYpox. It’s not a respiratory virus, it’s a skin disorder that can only spread through direct-contact. The idea is to scare people into buying vaccines again and all the stuff that Bill Gates is trying to push. The US stupidly has bought 13 million smallpox vaccines which aren’t going to benefit anyone except bigpharma.
- Fight this New World Order and all that it stands for.
“Today our country, along with 193 other countries will lose its sovereignty to the Evil globalists via the control of the the WHO under the leadership of the reprehensible Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus, the DG of the WHO. Our president, Cyril Matemela Ramaphosa handed our country over to the WHO on a platter over dinner to the evil Tedros, under the direction of the psychopath, Bill Gates.
The fight for our sovereignty has just begun.
Shame on our politicians both from the ruling party and opposition, except for the ACDP for selling our country for a few pieces of silver.
When the citizens of this world wake up to the reality that they have become overnight slaves in the NWO, they will fight for their freedom like never before. I hope that day will be from today. We cannot lose a moment to save our sovereignty.
We do not need an illegitimate world body like the WHO to tell us what to do in our own country.”
Successful recovery from bells palsy using Ivermectin
May 19, 2022 Rumble | Telegram
- Vaccine-caused Injuries
- Patient was devastated after ending up with bells palsy (paralysis of the face), severe headaches, and more after her firm insisted she must take the vaccine which is totally ludicrous as she’d already had a covid infection.
- People are being forced to take a vaccine.
- Bells palsy is one of the most common side effects.
- She was withdrawn, devastated, didn’t want to leave the house, didn’t want to see people, her life was a wreck, suffering from severe pain.
- Proof that Ivermectin is not only successful with Covid, but also in Vaccine-Injuries.
Stop WHO, infant mortality rises in Scotland
May 19, 2022 Rumble | Telegram
- The WHO responds to protests against the amendments. Tedros, the DG of the WHO, claims that the WHO is a democratic institution. Nothing could be further from the truth.
- Scotland witnesses a sharp increase in infant mortality rates of 5.1/1000 compared to the norm of 1.4/1000. (03) Scotland Launches 2nd Investigation after Mystery Spike in Newborn Baby Deaths https://newspunch.com/scotland-launches-second-investigation-after-another-mystery-spike-in-newborn-baby-deaths/ (04) Newborn Baby Deaths hit critical levels last seen in the 1980’s for 2nd time in 7 Months; is Pfizer’s Covid Jab to blame? https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/05/06/newborn-baby-deaths-hit-critical-levels-2nd-time/
WHO is a private enterprise, must be disbanded
- Vaccines NOT Safe. NOT Effective.
- Pfizer’s latest 80,000 page document clearly states to shareholders that they cannot predict safety and efficacy of their Vaccine and and cannot predict growth in sales especially if the medical fraternity starts criticising the vaccine.
- The WHO is funded by the private sector by 80%. It no longer represents the interests of the citizens of the world.
- Its CEO doesn’t understand medicine or Covid.
- The WHO must stopped from getting their treaty to control the world pandemics and disasters.
- They must be disbanded.
Vaccines, Boosters & Variants
April 24, 2022 Rumble | Telegram
- Concern about the growing variants that can result through vaccination.
- Prof Van den Bosche warned us about this a year ago. (05) Renowned Virologist Warns of ‘Collapse of Our Health System’ Due to Complications from COVID Vaccines https://www.globalresearch.ca/renowned-virologist-warns-collapse-health-system-due-complications-covid-vaccines/5763796/amp
- The biggest threat is if these variants become extremely virulent, we are in big trouble.
- The answer is to focus on early treatment, something big pharma, the WHO, CDC, FDA and Dr Fauci are against.
Pfizer Docs reveal Natural Immunity Effective
April 22, 2022 Rumble | Telegram
- Data from the 55,000 page document dump.
- Pfizer reveals that natural immunity is as good as Vaccine immunity.
- Pfizer knew this a year ago and withheld this information from the rest of the world.
- They wanted to keep these documents secret for 75 years. You don’t wait 75 years when half of them will be dead. FDA & CDC are working in Collusion with Pfizer.
- A health worker in Spain gets infected with two strains in three weeks after being boosted, shows vaccines are useless against Omicron. She had the vaccine and wasn’t protected. 12 days after she got her booster, she got infected with Omicron. 12 years is long-enough time to confer sufficient immunity.
- Vaccines are riddled with side effects that they are shoving under the carpet.
- Natural Immunity is better and yet employees are being fired without any regard for the science.
- Our ministers had the documents and still hasn’t informed the public.
- WHO is despicable. Their definition of pandemic is invalid.
- We have good treatments, and the world is not in threat.
- To all the Employers still going on about mandatory vaccines: “who are you protecting? against what? you’re not following the science”. God forbid the day this comes out in court – you’ll have no leg to stand on because these vaccines are hopelessly inadequate at protecting anyone.
Masks are just Theatre
April 21, 2022 Rumble | Telegram
- Masks have had a damaging effect on our lives for two years.
- Two years of masking has caused immense damage to society with absolutely no real benefit.
- Children were affected most. It must have affected their breathing adversely. Football players don’t wear masks for the 90 minutes that they play. Children run around the whole day. How can they function effectively if they masked all the time?
- Masking for long periods can give you headaches and affect your concentration.
- They are more a hazard than a benefit.
- The PCR is terribly unreliable so we should abandon it
- The strain is really a flu. no need to be alarmed.
Snake Venom Theory Far-Fetched
Apr 19, 2022 Rumble | Telegram
- Was asked by his patients to watch Dr Ardis’s Snake Venom interview on the Stew Peters show.
- As a clinician, that has treated over three thousand Covid patients, of which 1000 were severe covid pneumonias, he has acquired a great deal of understanding about the pathology of the infection and its treatment.
- There were many things claimed by Dr Ardis that he doesn’t agree with at all.
- In this video he gives his reasons for his stand.
Apr 13, 2022 Rumble | Telegram
- Empathy with the Employees going through a harrowing experience with the Impossible Choice – keep their job by taking a jab and suffering the consequence of the many adverse reactions to the vaccines like myocarditis and heart failure and strokes, or lose their job. (06)Study Shows Heart Inflammation in Children Still Present MONTHS After Vaccination … Click for full citation
- Vaccinated are as infectious as Unvaccinated after 3 months.
- Vaccinated after 3 months are three times more likely to get infected.
- Israel study, Natural Immunity is 13x Superior than the Vaccine.
- After 3 months, would need Booster but Boosters cause your natural immunity to be decreased and you will succumb to other common illnesses.
- Fails to see why employers are still coercing their employees, it’s so unfair. God knows what ‘experts’ they are listening to.
- Ordinary citizens are genuinely petrified – they don’t really understand the science but they’re not stupid – they know what these vaccines can do to them, so they naturally have the instinct to resist. They are not being unwilling citizens of society to protect the rest of society. They care.
- There’s adequate evidence for good treatment for covid.
- Now reached the point where Omicron is now gone – we don’t see it any longer. I’m only seeing patients with very mild strains and all they are getting is a high fever, and nausea. Nothing else. I’ve not seen one pneumonia in the past month.
When the majority of Americans and the rest of the world discovers that they have been grossly misled by Dr Anthony “evil” Fauci, the fake CNN, fake MSNBC, the highly discredited FDA, CDC, NIH, WHO, lying medical universities, disgraceful and dishonest medical doctors and professors, once reputable leading medical journals, big pharma, once prestigious medical boards and governments all over the world, then there is hope that one of the greatest crimes against humanity will be dealt with severely by the few honest members of the medical profession, legal profession and a number of alternative media to ensure that the many people and institutions, guilty of one of most heinous crimes against humanity are duly prosecuted and sentenced to life imprisonment.
The obnoxious cabal from the WEF, under Klaus Schwab must be completely destroyed for damaging the soul and fabric of modern civilization.
The world’s citizens were dealt an ugly blow through never ending lies from their governments, doctors, media and public health authorities for two long years on the false threat that Covid is a serious disease that can only be controlled by a trial jab that has proven to be deadlier than the virus.
Millions of honest law abiding workers and medical professionals were kicked out of their jobs. These people were the once respected backbone of the labour force and health care system. They were fired from their place of employment on the false premise that the unvaccinated were a threat to society, even though countless research has shown, time and time again, that the Vaccinated were a bigger risk than the people with natural immunity.
Children and the elderly suffered the most. Two years of their dear lives was totally disrupted by lockdowns, no schooling, masks and no sports.
Members of our hotel, hospitality, travel and tourism and entertainment industry were rendered penniless and unemployed to promote the profits of the pharmaceutical industry with the help of government, rogue professors and the shameless media.
How sad that actors, great sportsmen like tennis star Raphael Nadel were used to promote these lies only to become victims of their own lies.
Let’s not forget the big tech giants FB, YouTube, Twitter, Google and the evil Gates, who acted in concert to destroy free speech and the truth from being told. They to must be punished.
Escalating crime, drug abuse, mass unemployment, homelessness, starvation have been the product of the evil agenda by big pharma, the FDA, CDC, WHO, world governments and the heavily compromised and deceitful members of the medical profession to hurt humanity and destroy our economy for their selfish ends.
South Africa 2 million people lost their jobs. Unemployment in 16 to 45 age group has reached a whopping 66% and our president has the gall to say that it’s not governments job to create employment for its citizens.
It’s time for good people all over the world to stand up to see that justice is done and save the world from total destruction by the imminent NWO.
Dr E V Rapiti
The ominous and dastardly designs of the WHO, headed by that dictator, Tedros, to take away our sovereign rights without any public participation must be opposed by every citizen in the world.
Our Governments have become surrogates of the UN and the WEF.
Africa fought hard for its freedom from former colonialists. On the 22nd our Governments are going to hand over our sovereignty to the WHO and the UN, both of whom are controlled by the globalists and Bill Gates.
The WHO and UN were supposed to be advisory bodies. They had and still do not have any right to interfere in the running of its member states.
They have suddenly, without anyone’s permission, assumed the power of colonising the entire world.
This is utter insanity.
How can these bunch of rich psychopaths think that they can control big counties like China, India, other major Asian countries and countries in South America without a major confrontation from the citizens of the world.
The UN has proved to be totally sterile when it came to resolving the Ukraine conflict.
Why is our medical associations, trade unions, civic bodies and MSM not protesting against this tyranny by these once regarded world bodies? Have they been bought off for a penny?
We need national campaigns all over the world demonstrating our total abhorrence to the conduct of the WHO, UN and WEF.
We must call for the total disbandment of the WHO and the UN.
We could set up our own alliances amongst countries with similar socio-economic goals.
The USs hegemony in world politics must be brought to an end.
It’s time for serious protest action.
Dr Rapiti
When Billionaire, Klaus Schwab, CEO of the WEF keeps repeating his slogan, ” you will own nothing and be happy”, one cannot help but ask if this sociopath understands that his NWO is a skewed version of inhumane slavery, where the entire human race will be controlled by a micro-chip. Does he really know what happiness is? Since when, is it happiness when heathy fit adults are forced to live on a grant instead of working for a living?
Only a deranged octogenarian like Schwab or the senile Biden can subscribe to such an obutuse ideology.
Schwab’s NWO should be correctly referred to as NEWO, with the “E” standing for EVIL.
According to many expert political analysts and commentators, to Schwab and his band of rich socio-paths, the current crisis in Europe is fitting perfectly into their plans to go ahead with the great global reset agenda.
Zelensky, the prime minister of the Ukraine, has become the willing puppet of the WEF and NATO. By refusing to remain neutral he opened the gates for an invasion by Russia, which cost his country dearly. This has sown a deep wedge between the east and west, making it easy for the WEF to push ahead with thier plan for a OWO.
In a nutshell, with Russia and China deciding to find their own currency to make financial transactions, they would be effectively weaken the dollar. This would automatically remove America’s hegemony as a world power and pave the way for the rich socio-paths to take over by creating their own digital currency because all the economies of the world and their banking system will collapse through rampant inflation, mass unemployment, starvation and diseases.
The vaccines, lockdowns and masks was merely an exercise to see how easy it is to get the worlds population to comply. In the past two years the WEF has managed to achieve its goal by owning 80% of the worlds media and top journalists to spin the biggest lies and to immediately castigate anyone questioning these lies.
Leading authorities in healthcare, highly credentialed professors in healthcare, highly qualified professionals from the judiciary and just about every world leader was captured to promote fear through lies and to attack any opposing views by quickly dismissing anyone that challenges their lies as conspiracy theorists.
A good example of abuse of power is when Dr Fauci used his influence on social media to denigrate three top professors from Oxford, Harvard and Stanford as fringe scientists because they came out with the Barrington declaration, which stated that the lockdown served little benefit.
Very few top professors in our medical schools nor did any of the editors of our top medical journals came out in defence of these three professors, leaving one with the strong suspicion that they too, were under the payroll of the WEF.
I fail to see where the maverick multimillionaire and the world’s richest man’s, Elon Musk, gets his optimism about selling his electric vehicles when the stated objective of the NEWO is: no one will own property or transport; everyone will be paid a BIG ( basic income Grant) and they will be paid via chip with a digital currency. This currency will be controlled to only allow you to buy essentials to survive and not to buy expensive electric vehicles. In any event, where would you want to go if you are rendered permanently unemployed, redundant or an experiment for eugenics.
It is not too difficult to imagine how this will be implemented.
There will be one central government, The UN; one healthcare department, WHO; one central World Bank, one electronic media outlet, one central army like NATO, all the current democratic leaders, like the evil sick Trudeau, will become generals, working for the rich socio-paths in the WEF.
All the things that we fought so hard for like, freedom of movement, freedom of speech, human rights, dignity, right to basic necessities and justice through a proper legal system will be part of a distant memory, taken away like the way our rights were grossly violated during the plandemic by our heartless leaders.
No need to restrict family numbers through family planning, they just have to spread another deadly virus and through a process of eugenics, get rid of the people that the sociopaths feel are redundant or oppose their system.
These would include the elderly, very ill, non-productive, unemployable healthy due to a lack of the required skills and talents. In short, anyone that would prove to be a burden on their system.
Only the sick depraved rich socio-paths from the WEF would coin a slogan, “you will own nothing, and be happy”.
Happiness is a state of mind that is only possible when the dignity and rights of human-beings are preserved and protected by a government that is answerable to the people, who elect them and not by a government that dictates to its people, without being accountable to anyone.
So much for country’s great constitution, our Human rights charter, our Bill of rights which were painstakingly developed by the great thinkers from our days, when we fought for our freedom.
These rights date back for centuries in the countries that broke loose from the shackles of colonialism, dictatorships and imperialism.
The saying, “man cannot live on bread alone”, will ring true, when all our rights are lost through the sweep of a pen by our leaders, who will surreptitiously hand over power to the WEF without our knowledge or our permission.
An example of this is our government gazetting a censorship law on the transfer of information. Anyone, that sends a post or video innocently, via social media, can be severely punished if the government disapproves of the post. This came into effect on 1st March, 2022. The captured “free media was audibly silent on this issue because they are part of this evil law.
On 20th May 2022, our minister of health Will sign a document with the other 192 member States of the world for the WHO to take over management of any health crisis in our country.
These ministers of health and our regulatory health bodies will function as employers of the dictatorial WHO. The WHO is the organisation, who shamelessly misled the world into believing that there is no treatment for Covid and refused to listen anyone who contradicted them.
If you thought China, Putin, Hitler and all the Dictators of the world were bad, wait till the sociopaths from the NEWO snatch your rights away from you with the blessings of our corrupt leaders like Trudeau, Ardhen, Mackroon, Chancellor Khol, Biden and many leaders in the rest of the world, who sold out to the WEF.
So much for Malemma’s rant and chant, “we need our land”. Isn’t it odd, how quiet he is on the NEWO when the entire awoke world is petrified about their future under this forced take over.
No, Mr sick Schwab, there is no happiness when you are stripped of all your freedom and dignity.
Your home, even if it is a shack, is your castle. It gives you a sense of belonging. But the Evil rich are too emotionally depraved to understand what makes the human mind and body function optimally.
As an entrepreneur, artist and thinker, l can never imagine or accept a life under the NEWO;@ can any of you?
It’s only through knowledge and standing together like the Canadian truckers can we save the world from the depraved rich in the WEF. All these institutions must be brought down by the few moral educated that could not be bought off by the WEF.
If you thought that the plandemic was about a virus or vaccines, think again. It was a front to control society and destroy millions of small businesses all over the world through unnecessary lockdowns, to cripple the world’s economy and destroy the current banking system.
We are out of the plandemic ever since we reached herd immunity through the Omicron infection, nature’s vaccine, yet our minister of health is insisting on reaching a target of 70% vaccination with a vaccine that is totally ineffective against Omicron but replete with over 1200 serious side effects. Why are big corporations like Sanlam, old mutual, Discovery and retail outlets like Woolworths, checkers and pic and pay insisting on mandatory vaccines when it is common knowledge that these vaccines do not protect against future strains, their immunity only lasts for about four months, does not render the vaccinated un-infectious and that vaccine immunity is far inferior to natural immunity.
When last did our president ever talk about job creation in any of his addresses. If he was concerned about the high unemployment rate, ge would have ended the lockdowns a long time ago and freed up the economy. With his chief commander, Nkosazana Zuma, he extended the life of the NCC.
The DOH wants to very subtly take over the role of the NCC by making recommendations that are not dissimilar to what the NCC would like to make but hasn’t had the guts to do, so what is going to change.
The crisis in Europe is going to be prolonged and fuel prices in our country will rise to about R40/litre according to one expert. This is going to drive inflation here and in Europe to unmanageable levels.
America will reap the benefits of a rise in fuel prices because they will be the main supplier of fuel in Europe to fill the gap left by Russia. This rising inflation and hardship in the world will help the WEF to achieve their nefarious plans to colonise the world.
This war can be ended tomorrow if NATO did the honourable thing and gave Russia the undertaking that they will not extend their influence towards the Russian border.
We must resist this evil NEWO before we are shackled by their diabolic chip in our bodies.
Dr E V Rapiti
I would like to ask the highly credentialed professors and experts, who are advising the MOH,
(Here is the list of experts)
“The recommendations were offered with the aid of a set of public health professionals and medical doctors, namely: Francois Venter, Ezintsha divisional director, Faculty of Health Sciences at Wits University; Marc Mendelson, Head of Infectious Diseases and HIV, University of Cape Town; Jeremy Nel, Head of Department, Infectious Diseases, Wits University; Lucille Blumberg, Right To Care and University of Stellenbosch; Zameer Brey, fitness systems adviser and Groote Schuur Hospital board member and Shabir Madhi, Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences and Professor of Vaccinology, University of the Witwatersrand.”
to explain why we need such Draconian measures, when the Barrington declaration made by three top world renowned epidemiologists, stated that Lockdowns, masking, limitations of gatherings have been counter- productive and has caused more co- lateral damage, economically and the neglect of non-covid illnesses. This was supported by the research by the John Hopkins University.
It is a known fact that Omicron was not a virulent strain, which has as been accepted as nature’s vaccine.
It’s not rocket science.
John Edwards, an infectious disease specialist and epidemiologist, from Berkley university, California state that natural immunity is far superior and longer lasting than vaccine immunity.
These doctors want to push the vaccine agenda. I wonder why, when we have over 85% herd immunity.
Mendelssohn, did a video, about a year back pleading with citizens, stating that the vaccines were safe and effective. I wonder if he still holds that view when the world is upset after Pfizer did not divulge the damning information about their vaccines till after a year and wanted to keep it private for 75 years.
The Professor could have done better and rectified his mistake.
Pfizer released data, one year later, that vaccines had about 1293 severe side effects, 1200 deaths and 43,000 adverse events. A drug has to be withdrawn if there are more than 50 deaths. Surely, these esteemed experts ought to know this.
Perhaps these professors were too busy to focus on research that found that there were 40% excess deaths, from all-cause mortality after the Vaccines were introduced. This data came from Ed Dowd, the former investment advisor for that reprehensive investment house, block rock.
These deaths were among people in the 18years to 40years, in the prime of their lives.
These professors do not have the data of big investment houses.
These very professors informed the public that there is no treatment for covid. They, along with the other evil man’s, bill Gates organisation, WHO, advised people to stay home till they became breathless.
In fact some ER doctors, sent patients home with 92% treatment.
These patients came to me and I treated them, very successfully.
I have treated their inpatients, with oxygen levels of 60% because families were fed up how their families were being treated in hospital.
I got them all better because, my oath, compelled me to do know harm.
What oath did these experts take, l wonder.
With my protocol and diligence, I was able to save one patient with 35% oxygen, yet these experts, who receive huge funding from Bill Gates, think I am mad.
I treated an MSM, the sellouts of society, journalist’s husband, who refused to be treated in hospital.
Yet these same scum journalists are told to scare the hell out of citizens that there is no treatment for covid.
Why are these people experts promoting boosters?
Here is the science professors:
- ) the EU has rejected boosters along with the WHO because there is no evidence to prove that they are effective
- ) A single booster, increased the risk of myocarditis in young time adolescents by 10 times, males 3.5 times more than females a second booster increased that risk by 100 times. Myocarditis in this case is due to an auto-immune response, when the millions of spike protein lands in the myocardial cells or pericardium, referred to as myopericarditis. Its not true that they recover. They are walking time bombs for permanent heart failure and could die in ten years. Heart transplants won’t work, because as Prof Sukarit Bhakhdi, Ten Penny mentioned that the cells of the body are turned into spike protein factories.
- ) The EU has only reserved boosters for people older than 80
- ) Pfizer wanted approval for boosters, for patients older than 65 from the FDA.
- ) The other captured body, FDA, gave Pfizer EUA for boosters for 50 years old. This is supported by the Evil inconsistent Fauci, Mr Science. He got his Christmas present early.
- ) The EU consults with a panel of doctors, not just one lunatic, that is being investigated for changing the end points of the poisonous, expensive drug, according to Prof Marik, one of the highest published authors, Remdesivir. The end point was changed from reducing mortality to reducing duration of symptoms. How absurd and bizarre?! I have used many good repurposed drugs that yielded excellent results, with minimal deaths of .005% no complications and no hospital admissions. The WHO warned against the use of remdesivir after the solidarity trial but Saphra along with the FDA gave it EUA approval. The WHO tried it on 400,000 individuals in 405 hospitals. Our experts should have followed the advice of the WHO but they said nothing.
- ) What is happening in China is shocking. When the rest of the world has allowed people to get infected to boost natural immunity, the Chines health authorities, introduced strict Lockdown, repressive measures and is starving people.
- ) India, with the same population size, managed to control Covid using re-purposed drugs like Japan did. I shan’t mention the drugs used, they might get a heart attack.
- ) The risk/benefit ratio of the Vaccine against the Omicron strain BA1, 2, 4, 5 is zero because the risks a numerous and benefits zero. That is why Astrazeneca abandoned further Vaccine development after Omicron solved the problem.
- ) The major funder, of many scientists and medical institutions, the Evil “Dr Gates” with no knowledge of medicine or epidemiology, admitted sadly, (why sadly) that Omicron beat the vaccines. He should stick to computer operating systems and leave the few genuine, sincere untainted experts like Jay Battcharya to advise on how to deal with epidemics.
- ) We can’t rely on Tedros. He is not a doctor. Dr Swaminathan, from the WHO has a case lodged against her by the Indian bar association for misleading India in a tweet that they must not use Ivermectin. Instead of defending her position, she shamefully deleted her tweet, with no apology.
I wonder how many of these experts in the WHO, have any frontline clinical experience like Dr Zelenko to treat Covid.
Fellow citizens, as a doctor for many years, please stop believing everything you read in the MSM even if they quote our local experts.
What is happening in China, can easily happen in South Africa, whose MOH, has the gall to state that individuals need to be forced to take treatment because they don’t know how to look after themselves.
He has no regard for your constitutional rights or your intelligence.
Doctors, working under his instructions, must not forget their oath.
If in the future, if a case is opened on their conduct, the MOH won’t be around to defend them.
Yes I am merely a frontline gp doing what is best for my patients like many brilliant doctors in the world.
If the public does not take a stand and oppose this amendment, we will be handing over our rights without a protest. What a pity if we do. Don’t say that you weren’t warned.
Don’t be intimidated by the titles of professors. I am disappointed by the number of scientists, who once worked for big pharma, that are now working for the FDA.
Big pharma spends $5 billion dollars annually on advertising. 75% of media advertising comes from big pharma, so think twice about what you read or hear from our MSM and community papers and stations.
You don’t have to be an expert to have an opinion on anything.
You just need to be curious and have a critical mind.
Ten point plan to save democracy
I am often asked by the desperate public what to do in a major crisis.
My simple rely is: you cannot achieve much by fighting on your own or against each other; you need to fight as a collective.
Here are my ten points on how to fight a public injustice.
The way to stop you country from selling you down is:
1) get educated about the Evil designs of your leaders
2) spread the word to every person in your community
3) support all actions to protest against these abuses, eg marches, placards on cars, taxis and on Tee shirts
4) share posts on every platform or media
5) speak to your politicians to debate your future in parliament and report back to you.
6) Stand on the roadsides with placards to save our country
7) embarrass all those politicians who are selling our country by exposing them on every platform
8) it was people’s power that brought an end to the Vietnam war and the end of apartheid, so don’t underestimate your power
9) stop being a follower and be a leader, join the world in a common cause for common good of all of humanity
10) high school and university students must get involved, it is their future. They must become thinkers and take charge of their future.
Finally, every person must have a cause to die for, every person must have a cause to to live for, anyone without a cause, has forfeited the right to live.
Dr E V Rapiti
On the eve of a major take over by the WHO.
Good day all, Here is my objection to the government’s intention to make the state of disaster law permanent by incorporating it into the national health act which will give the minister of health unbridled powers to violate your constitutional rights. (March 31, 2022)
The PA
Minister of health
South Africa
Dear Sir/Madam
I wish express my strong opposition to the proposed amendments to the health act, which will extend the state of disaster law to become permanent, even if we no longer have an emergency.
I am even more concerned and object to the proposed changes which empowers the state to:
1) send police to arrest an individual with a purported infectious disease, take him/her into a state institution, be examined by a doctor and be given treatment recommended by government without his/her consent.
This is a gross violation of a citizen’s constitutional rights as enshrined in the constitution, under section 12, 2 (c) as well as the Nuremberg code of 1947.
I fail to see the need for masking and social distancing in the midst of a dwindling infection.
All the major countries in the world are abandoning all restrictions, masking and vaccine passports because Omicron is contagious but the least virulent of all the strains apart from being resistant to the Vaccine, so these countries have opened up their economies and sporting facilities to return to normal. They are concerned about their country’s economy.
Our highly progressive bill of rights will mean nothing if this amendment is allowed to be made without looking at its grave implications.
We have sufficient herd immunity to face the challenges of future variants.
Covid in is no longer a threat. l have had the distinct pleasure of treating 3000 patients. 1000 with Covid pneumonia and I had a 99.5% recovery rate.
The WHO is seriously considering lifting the emergency status because the incidence and severity of the infection are declining rapidly.
The newer strains, it is predicted, will be less virulent than the previous strains.
We can wipe out this academic if we use the right treatment.
I wish to appeal to the government to please stop the rollout of this Vaccine after the latest Pfizer report that 1200 people died, it had 1293 side effects and 43000 side effects in just three months.
South Africa is the only country in the whole world to enact such a Draconian law into the health act.
Such a Draconian measure will put us in bad light as being a highly dictatorial country like Canada, whose president was humiliated at a EU summit of world leaders as a disgrace to the democratic world.
We have fought too long and too hard for our democracy to suddenly turn our country into a heartless dictatorship.
This Draconian law will hurt our economy, hurt millions of small businesses, kill millions of jobs and escalate starvation, poverty and crime.
Lockdowns, masks and distancing have caused more harm than good, according to the Barrington declaration and a meta-analytical study done by the The John Hopkins University, in the US.
I sincerely hope that the department of health will consult widely with front line practitioners like me, who’s primary interest is the wellbeing of the citizens of this country.
Dr E V Rapiti
Watch on World Council for Health
[00:00:06] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Moving on then to our next session, medical practice, we’re going to begin with Dr. EV Rapiti. And before I introduce his topic, I’m going to ask him to please tell us about yourself, Dr. Rapiti and why this conference is so important.
[00:00:23] Dr. Rapiti: Hi, good evening, Shabnam and to the panelists. Thank you for inviting me. Yeah, I think enough rot has gone on and I think medical profession stands guilty of not standing up in addition to fight the fraud that’s going on.
[00:00:40] Being a freedom fighter all my life, I find this as another challenge. And even if I’m alone, I’m not going to back down. And I just think a grave injustice has been done to humanity. I considered this world war three, where a cabal of wealthy people have assaulted the entire human race and they divided people into vaxxed and unvaxxed, but really the entire human race is at a loss here.
[00:01:08] And I feel my duty, you know, like Martin Luther King says, if you stand back in the midst of a wrong, you are complicit of that wrong. And I’m very happy to be part of this group and to give mindful of it. Thank you.
[00:01:21] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thank you very much Dr. EV Rapiti, of course, a very, very experienced frontline worker general practitioner who also counseled in the area of mind health in South Africa in one of the poorest communities in South Africa.
[00:01:35] And of course, Dr. EV Rapiti, we agreed that the topic you would be able to speak best to is a general practitioners perspective on causation. You have 15 to 20 minutes, the mic is yours.
[00:01:48] Dr. Rapiti: Okay. The way I’m going to do this presentation is, and I’m going to do it as a frontline doctor and talk about my cases that I’ve seen, and what we’re going to be doing, we’re the clinicians, remember a year ago, lots of experts amongst the doctors and scientists and virologists gave us their theories of what is the spike protein and what it could do. And I, as a clinician can time that conjecture or prediction, with clinical signs, and that’s what I’m going to do.
[00:02:18] So I’m going to show you the different aspects. I think for the non-medical people, the spike protein is a toxic protein. It resides in a receptor. Let’s call it like the Palm of my hand. Every cell in your body has almost got an ACE two receptor, and wherever that spike protein goes, it’s going to cause damage.
[00:02:38] That was what was mentioned by neurologists like Sucharit Bhakdi who is quite now ,famous. And he was saying, if it was in the blood vessels, for example, you would get clotting and wherever it occurs, you’re going to get damage through inflammation.
[00:02:53] So I’m going to give you a list of cases. We’re going to go through them very quickly. And then we’re going to show how it’s affected different parts of the body.
[00:03:01] Here’s a 26-year-old female. She was treated by me for a Delta strain infection in August. She went for a jab in early September 2021, when she was forced by her work. Two weeks later, she presented to me with a left Bell’s palsy, severe left-sided headaches I diagnosed as a trigeminal neuralgia.
[00:03:22] So it was a two week difference, and I’m not going to go into too much detail about causality with regards to time. I think we need to understand one thing here. This is going to be forever. Going to Professor Bhakdi, the spike protein turns every cell into a factory that produces millions of these, and for the rest of their lives, people who got this vaccine can have the spike and wherever it lands up, it can cause damage. So this thing about having a time interval, doesn’t apply. This is a completely different situation.
[00:03:53] This patient, very well treated by me now ended up with a jab, with this pain, 26-year-old young lady could not sleep at night, cried out in pain. She was severely depressed for the past five months. The fund took no responsibility like Sabelo said, and they just turned a blind eye. They made her life difficult. They kept on pestering her to almost get rid of her. And this what the vaxxed need to understand.
[00:04:21] She eventually found another job. She still has pain. And so currently she has facial paralysis. I mean for a 26-year-old person who felt embarrassed in the height of the festive season, covering her hair with a fringe, feeling embarrassed to go out. She’s still depressed. She still has pain. So very emotional. There’s no government support. I’ve been her doctor. I’m the only port of call. She cries in my room because the general public or family sympathize with her and that’s not what she wants. My management of her has been carbamazepine, ivermectin, stillpayne, and psychotherapy, which has helped.
[00:05:00] The next patient is a 45 year old male. He woke up at 3:00 AM to go to the toilet. And as he got out of his bed, he ended up with a blurred vision on the left eye. On examination, I find that he was totally blind on the left eye. It took the jab three months ago. This is the point I’m making, the vaccine companies can’t get away and say, it must happen tomorrow. It’s a time thing. It depends where it lands and clots don’t start happening overnight. It’s a progression, and there was no medical illness. Absolutely none.
[00:05:34] So we’re going to talk about how we’re going to tie this all together. He was a truck driver, which is important, a truck driver needs both pairs of eyes and two good pairs of eyes. And he was in the prime of his life. He looked brave when he came into me, but when I started asking him about his eye and what is he feel, the man just broke down and cried like a baby. And you know, in South Africa, men don’t cry. They feel very awkward, but he did. He was worried that he will not be able to work as the bread winner. He was depressed and broke down. I referred him to an eye clinic. There was no mention of vaccine and the blindness. The state hospital doctors for our rest of our audience are, in the bag. You know, the either gagged and they say nothing. So it wasn’t much of a reassurance. All they mentioned, there was a clot.
[00:06:21] Now as a first time in my 45 years of being a doctor, and I’ve worked in a lot of situations and casualty. I’ve never seen somebody go blind [inaudible] they’re young and they’re hearty. And to add to this poor gentleman’s misery, he had a cataract in the other eye. So which means if that failed, this man would be totally blind, but anyhow, he had the cataract operation, it did well.
[00:06:44] And then came in the complimentary medicines because our allopathic medicine didn’t work. I did a video, by the way, for those people who think that I’m not talking sense or I’m lying or I’m fraudulent, I’ve got videos of all the cases that I’ve treated successfully. So this video I put right up to the rest of the world and there was a lot of empathy going on.
[00:07:05] The meds did not work in spite of promises. These are complimentary people climbing on the bandwagon so we can do this and that nothing works. Nonetheless, he’s back at work with his good eye, but I’ve now ended up treating him for his depression. He’s back at work and is not driving. He’s earning less. Nobody gives a damn about this guy.
[00:07:26] The next patient is 67-year-old retired health worker. She was in perfect health. She came to me, she took the vaccine a month ago because she was a senior. So these are seniors – must get projected and there was nothing wrong with her. She had severe pain on the right side of the face for two weeks, and she’s also a highly trigeminal neuralgia.
[00:07:45] She could not sleep at night. She was miserable every time she touched her chin. She couldn’t sleep at night. It would trigger an excruciating pain. I’ve really never seen any of this in my 45 years of practice. It’s mentioned in the textbook. It was the first time I’m seeing this. And when she turned in her sleep… you can imagine, here’s an old lady, she has her time when she’d go to sleep, turn her head, and next thing triggers up an excruciating pain; and she’s miserable. She was angry. She was depressed for taking the vaccine. And nobody told her and she could go to nobody.
[00:08:17] My treatment there again was carbamezepine. You know I had put in ivermectin because I thought this was the prion protein in the spike protein that was causing some damage to the trigeminal nerve. I put her on trepiline. Fortunately for her within about a week or two she responded, 90%. That was rewarding.
[00:08:36] This is a 50 year old male. He was carried into my rooms in September. He was a big burly man. He had self discharged from our state hospital because they were wasting his time and his words.
[00:08:48] And he responded very well within a week on my protocol. But unfortunately for him shortly after he got well, he too took the jab one month later and two weeks after he took the jab he developed weakness in the extensive time muscles. He’s a truck driver also. He can’t climb into the cab. He is the breadwinner. He’s depressed. He can’t work. He’s now got muscle damage in the quads.
[00:09:14] Now here was a guy, I saved him. Where he had natural immunity. He takes a jab. And what he ends up with, a kind of paralysis of the thighs. He’s in the prime of his life.
[00:09:26] 48 year old gentlemen, perfectly normal. When for his jab, two months later complained of chest discomfort. He went to the hospital and he was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer. He never smoked. He’s now boarded. He presented to me with an Omnicron infection. Here’s another case. Perfectly normal, gets a jab… I’m not going to go into the pathology of this. I believe there are pathologists on the panel. But what it has been said is that you take the jab, it interferes with the cells that protect you from carcinoma or cancer.
[00:09:59] So here’s an example. Perfectly normal guy gets the jab. And the next thing he gets stage four lung cancer.
[00:10:06] 45 year old female, perfectly healthy, ran her own business, very confident, took the jab and shortly after she took the jab, she developed a severe panic disorder. And she was having a constant sensation that she was choking on her saliva. I’ve never heard of this before. And she would come into my room. She’s been to about five doctors before she seen me. She has been to the state. The state dismisses, ‘Oh, it’s a panic attack. Go home.‘ This woman would wake up in the middle of the night feeling that she was gonna die in our own saliva. And in actual fact, she didn’t have saliva. She had a sensation in the throat. It was giving a somatic symptom, as if she was choking. She was miserable. She was depressed. She could not swallow. She could not eat. She’d just throw up the food. And she was having full blown panic attacks. Fortunately, I could give a psychotherapy. Because I didn’t believe in using psychotropics.
[00:10:59] I find with anxiety is another big rubbish coming from big pharma. I treat this with the mind, breathing exercises. I gave a small cause of Ativan and I was desperate. And I had to put her on an SSRI because this poor woman was just not eating and nobody was listening to her. She’s learning to live with the condition. But it’s a terrible situation. She’s not herself. She’s using her coping mechanisms. She doesn’t come to me that often. So I presume she’s coping somehow.
[00:11:26] The next one is a 65 year old female, perfectly healthy. Two weeks after developed a severe infarct. No history of angina, no diabetes, no raised cholesterol, not a smoker. The family’s most upset. Perfectly well, two weeks later ends up with a severe heart attack.
[00:11:43] So the summary of the conditions that I’ve seen, would gaurd the Neuralgic disorders… I’ve had two cases of Trigeminal neuralgia, one with Bell’s Palsy, psychiatric severe anxiety with unexplained, somatic symptoms, jerking sensation.
[00:11:58] Then one was a Thrombatic episode. Blindness, sudden heart attack and my had a 70 year old gentleman, which I didn’t mention, who had a sudden stroke. Perfectly well. Suddenly he just had dysphagia. Then of course we have one with lung cancer and then the other one with muscle weakness.
[00:12:14] And there’s another one I didn’t mention was a young man, about 30 years old. Who took the jab, about a month later, he ended up with formulating fulminant hepatitis, that was fatal. These things don’t happen.
[00:12:27] So let’s go to some of the conclusions. How are we going to tie the clinical signs? What was predicted by the experts a year ago? One common denominator is all these people were perfectly healthy people. All took the jab. So that’s the common denominator. And it can be explained by the properties of the spike protein as described by Professor Baghdi, who mentioned that this is a poisonous protein, wherever it lands, and you can get a reaction and cause damage either to that nerve system or the organ that is implicated in this situation. And in fact, even in the blood.
[00:13:03] So when one asks in this situation, how do you prove clinically that the vaccine was a cause of death. And I’m going to give you the analogy of an allergy. Allergies don’t have a blood test. We don’t have a blood tests to say, ‘We did a blood test. We’ll find out whether the vaccine was, of course, the side effect.’
[00:13:21] In allergies, what we do is by a process of exclusion, we make you take a list of things that you eat or contact for the day. And you do that for a week and we go by a precedent exclusion. And in this case, you very clearly… if you looked at all these patients that I’ve presented, they’ve had one common thing. They were all well. And the only thing they did was take the jab, nothing else.
[00:13:45] So it seems that the jab is the most common thing that stands out that will implicate the jab. The other evidence, is the high death rate among sportsmen that was mentioned by Dr. Edeling.
[00:13:58] How do you explain? Before the jab, there was only seven deaths, according to FIFA. After the jab, there was 107 deaths. How do you explain myocarditis, arrhythmias in young people?
[00:14:12] Then there was an instance of a funeral undertaker saying that he saw about a one-third to thirds increase in deaths, amongst young people with either strokes or heart attacks. What was never seen before.
[00:14:23] Then there was this high insurance claims of 40% increase in the last year, by First National in America showing that there was claims of debts. Insurance claim debts are increased by 40, never in the history of the insurance industry, did they have such a high increase. And he was bold enough to declare this as most likely due to the jab, because there was no other explanation for it.
[00:14:48] So my point is that I’m going to argue, that these people were healthy people. The only thing they took was a vaccine. And what we do know, this is a toxic protein and the pathology would take some time. It’s not a time thing in a definite period to say, oh, well, if you take it today and he died tomorrow, then definitely vaccine. This can affect you three months later because the inflammation can take some time. The thrombosis could take some time.
[00:15:19] So, the onus of responsibility, as far as I’m concerned, to disprove this theory, this postulate or conjecture, should rest on the vaccine manufacturers and not us because as a practitioner I’ve never seen in my 45 years, any of the cases I presented that were people who were healthy and suddenly ended up with events like they have.
[00:15:42] Well, I think that about does it for me. And I thank you for your attendance. And I’m just the GP up there. So I hope I haven’t bored you with fancy figures and fancy data. And by the way, if anybody’s looking for data, that’s one thing I think we can hold the WHO and the FDA and CDC as a biggest bunch of frauds and I’m not afraid to say this. When the WHO said go home and isolate because no treatment, I’m going to say that WHO is guilty of genocide because in the 1000 very sick Delta strain patient that I treated with pneumonia with my protocol, I had a 99.5%, 995 people got better.
[00:16:25] The one patient at a 35% oxygen and on home treatment, home oxygen within six weeks, I got up to 95%. On that premise any lawyer wants to take it on, we should sue them for genocide or giving the wrong information. That should launch it. Shop these guys up. Thank you.
[00:16:45] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: The inimitable, Dr. E V. Rapitti from Cape Town, South Africa. Thank you for sharing with us, your frontline experiences. Of course, we know the GPs are the first medical professionals who are going to be seeing these victims and survivors of these injections. And so therefore your insight and data is essential in being able to assist the victims.
[00:17:07] And that’s one of the aims of this conference. It is to inspire, inform, and empower the survivors as well as the families of victims to understand what causation is and to know that there is a way forward to achieve transparency and accountability. Dr. Rapiti is also an adviser and ambassador for SAVAERS and he makes great efforts to raise awareness through his content of the importance of reporting to an actual system. Thank you, Dr. Rapiti.
[00:17:36] Hand over to my colleague, Mark Trozzi to moderate any Q&A for Dr EV Rapiti.
[00:17:43] Dr. Mark Trozzi: Forgive me for turning off my camera, I just have limited data. Dr. Rapiti, thank you so much. Not only for your presentation, thank you for everything you’ve been teaching and the practice you’ve been having and just your sincerity and honesty. I really love the physiological basis for your clinical reasoning.
[00:18:02] I wish we were colleagues in a hospital and/or you were my personal doctor. So, great respect. I have a few questions. One is you mentioned about, and I really want to support what you said, it is a very unusual thing to inject people with genetic material and have their body pumping out a poison spike protein. And I’m so grateful you’ve pointed this out. You mentioned about people persistently being producers of spike protein. And this is a question that, that comes up sometime. We’ve seen with Pfizer, like up to about 30 days before it’s detectable in the blood, but it doesn’t take much to trigger autoimmune disease when your cells are coded in the stuff they made. And we’ve heard of replicase enzymes.
[00:18:42] We’d love it if you could comment, do you think that all people will be persistently producing spike proteins? Is this a variable between different patients?
[00:18:53] Dr. Rapiti: Yeah, I would think, you know, if you look as a theory behind it it seems like the spike protein is self-generating, it doesn’t rely too much on the body itself. It has its own replicase enzyme and according to professor Bhakdi, it converts itself into a factory. And once it starts producing these spike proteins, what are we going to be seeing Mark is we’re going to see autoimmune diseases. I mean, I’m not going to go too much into it, but the evidence is there. Professor Khunti did a study with about 450,000, it was a meta analysis of patients who were admitted with advanced disease in England and Europe. And what they found that one third of those people were re admitted, but not with Covid, but with auto immune disease and primarily diabetes. Which means either the spike protein, even the coronavirus. So I think much more from the spike protein of the vaccine.
[00:19:49] Apart from that, there’s another thing that we seem to have overlooked. And I think we need to mention this. The reason in South Africa, we can’t prove too much, we don’t have the facilities for pathology investigation. Professor Bhakdi did a study on 15 patients who died of heart attacks and he did a post-mortem and they had a 93% proof that there was a definite correlation.
[00:20:13] So if you’re looking for correlation between vaccine deaths, vaccine, and deaths, then your post-mortem is your answer. So if the vaccine companies want to disprove them, they must set aside money. We need to go and do the postmortems. And that’s the way we’re going to do it. And it’s going to be masses of people.
[00:20:32] And in South Africa, the numbers I’m seeing are far less of what is really happening because people cannot tie it up. People don’t know why they suddenly got a stroke. They accept that they are just basically sick. And the second thing is I want to do a lot of pro deo work because I feel firstly, these people wait innocently. I don’t expect them to pay. I’m not talking about what a good guy I am, but I think I have more moral duty to these people. I mean, some of them come to me six times with the same problem, where on earth are they going to get their money when they know they don’t even have a job?
[00:21:09] So, yes, Mark, I think this is going to come on as we advance. We know for a fact that people who have taken the vaccine, their immunity is being depressed. In Germany they found that the people have been doubled vaxxed, their immune system dropped by 87%. These people are AIDS patients. We talking about AIDS patients. There’s the evidence. What more do we want?
[00:21:33] I think in a year’s time, we’re going to start seeing people falling like flies. But I think before that happens, we need to get into action, start doing something.
[00:21:42] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thank you, Dr Rapiti.
[00:21:44] Mark, I’ve noticed two other questions. I’m not sure if you spotted, but if not, let me direct Dr. Rapiti’s attention to them.
[00:21:52] The one is from Derk Vessels. Are there any signs of auto immunity or mainly damage to the neurons?
[00:21:59] Dr. Rapiti: It would seem it affects the prion protein of the, you know, the spike protein is such a tiny, tiny thing. There’s a prion protein that seems to affect the sheets of the nerves. And it could affect, I would think wherever there’s an ACE two receptor that’s throughout the body because we have people that probably have got Parkinson’s, myotrophic lateral sclerosis, Guillain-Barre.
[00:22:21] So the body is not spared. Whichever part it goes to, I mean, like I’ve mentioned, it landed in the liver, I would presume, of this one young man, and he ended up with prominent hepatitis and he died. I’ve never seen that. I mean, they come to me with hepatitis and they get better. They take six weeks, but they just don’t die.
[00:22:41] So I would think that’s what happens. It attaches. And there’s probably an inflammatory because what happens is it’s an auto-immune response then because it attaches to the cell, the body sees an antibody. It’s like killing the baby with the bath water. It kills the cell with the spike protein and thereafter you got your damage.
[00:23:00] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: One last question for you, Dr. Rapiti, before we let you go to your interview, and that is from a survivor and we prefer that word to the word victim. This is from Zuma Alfonzo. I was injured after my first Pfizer vaccine, back in June. I developed severe insomnia and jerking. I now have to take sedative to sleep at night because of the [inaudible]. My question is why are some people okay and why did I get injured?
[00:23:31] Dr. Rapiti: Yeah, that’s the million dollar question. It depends where the spike protein, we don’t know enough about this vaccine and how it works. So for anybody to come and declare that it’s absolutely safe, it’s absolute rubbish. We all know the [inaudible] took four to five years after it was approved for it to be discontinued. People are suffering now. So what my impression would be is, and this is what’s so good about not being a specialist and a generalist is that many of you do not know the amount of side effects that hypertensive medications have. And I can co-relate what the patient, the court has asked for now. There’s these, uh, like the ACE inhibitors are notorious and it’s not mentioned by any cardiologist.
[00:24:16] When you take a thing like perindopril, these are hypertensive drugs, like ACE inhibitors. I’ve seen several patients who came to me with isolated nerve problems, where they have a paresthesia, or they would complain of excruciating pain in one spot. My impression is that the spike protein has affected a particular part of the nervous system, and that is why she’s probably getting this jerky movement.
[00:24:43] In fact, today, I had one patient with a hypertension drug that made her hand go shaky all the time. So I would think this is what it’s localized and affects that part. I think we just be glad it’s not affecting the entire body because the entire body would be shaking. So my go-to treatment there by the way for this poor lady is to try ivermectin. And acetylcysteine and given whatever you’ve got to give it your try.
[00:25:08] I do it by technique that nobody knows about in the world. And that is, I use a needling technique. I do not believe in [inaudible]. A lot of rubbish. It has never been proven to work, but I do needling and that works very well. But yeah, so there are lots wrong in medicine. What’s not in the textbook is in our brains waiting to come up. We need the textbooks to get our information, to get into those books. I have a wealth of experience about a lot of things that’s not in textbook because I’m a little old GP working in a small, old job. But platforms like this helped me, but you know, I have my patients, I help those who get adverse events. I don’t throw in the towel.
[00:25:50] Herman Edeling: Just a quick comment in relation to your most recent question to Dr. Rapiti. I think there’s enough evidence now that every batch of the Pfizer vaccine is not the same. Because the adverse event profile, the numbers of deaths differ between batches and also the types of permanent disability differ between batches. So there’s probably differences in the concentration and there’s probably also differences in the other substances, apart from the lipid nanoparticles and mRNA that are in certain batches. So I think that is the most probable reason for some people getting adverse events.
[00:26:28] Dr. Rapiti: Can I respond to that? Well, I think that the hackers has went into the software of Pfizer and Moderna, and they’ve identified it. They broke through their codes and they’ve identified it. There are three types of batches. And the one that’s labeled E the one that is labeled E is a lethal batch. It’s illegal to use lethal batches to test on humans. You only use lethal amounts on animals to prove what dose is lethal. So it is there. Professor Yeadon, the ex Pfizer scientists is prepared to go to court to show that there’s the dosage. There’s a great deal of disparity. That in itself, that in itself disqualifies this trial, because if one of the things in a randomized control trial, you need consistency.
[00:27:17] So they have failed on all scores. So even if we don’t go fighting about the vaccine and what it does, this trial has failed because they did not comply with the requirements. And the FDA is complicit in this.
[00:27:32] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thank you very much to Dr. Rapiti. Greatly appreciated. For us, for many people, you are the epitome of ubuntu – or oneness. And I am because you are. Thank you very much for your time.
[00:27:44] Dr. Rapiti: One last thing, Shabnam, one last thing, just to let the group know I’m busy on a 50 page affidavit. I want to thrash the living [inaudible] of these crap. I’m going to go up against these scientists and put my brains against it, but let’s, let’s take hope in that. Thank you for a great show, God bless.
[00:28:04] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Dr Rapiti, do you have time for one last question?
[00:28:05] Dr. Rapiti: Yeah, sure.
[00:28:07] Dr. Mark Trozzi: Thanks. And this relates to a couple of people’s questions, I think, regarding shingles and un-vaccinated. So the question is, are you seeing in your clinical practice evidence of people poisoned by the spike protein though they weren’t personally injected? i.e. by spike protein shedding of the injected.
[00:28:24] Dr. Rapiti: Look, it’s a theory because I mean, Mark, I mean, I’ve heard some virologist speak of a possibility because you could breed the spike protein is producing so much. It’s a small as a virus, if you can share the virus why can’t you share the spike protein? That’s the one thing. But what I can definitely attest to, I haven’t seen it yet, is that people being vaccinated, could end up with shingles and they are going to, because it was a prediction because when they end up with AIDS auto-immune disease because of declining natural immunity, they’re going to have a problem. Because I have seen people coming to me, with being vaccinated and coming to me with the omicron strain and being severely ill, severely ill. Whereas the people that have been previously infected and came to me with an omicron infection did not have the pneumonias. So that, that in itself tells you the, the vaccine A doesn’t work B it suppresses the natural immunity and what’s the result, they get fulminating infections like pneumonia within four days.
[00:29:27] This needs to warn people that this omicron can be bad, though it’s a very mild strain, within four days. And I mean, that’s a talk for another time. How we can pick it up fast. But nobody’s listening to me. We don’t need x-ray scans. We can pick it up for two lines. But yeah, we’re going to see a lot of shingles, a lot of chicken pox, a lot of TB because people cannot fight it back. I agree with that.
[00:29:52] Shabnam Palesa Mohamed: Thank you, Dr. Rapiti. Certainly your work is going to be critical in establishing causation here in South Africa, as well as being a guide for people around the world. Thank you very much for your time and your commitment.
[00:30:04] Dr. Rapiti: Thank you very much. God bless.
Dr. EV Rapiti, GP, Cape Town, South Africa
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