Austria “Ministry of Truth” passed into law

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Austria is no longer in charge of it’s own media. May 2, 2022.

Austria invented something which is totally in parallel to what’s happening in the United States right now. So in the United States, we just saw the direction of more or loss the Ministry of Truth – which tells people what to think and what’s ok and what is not ok.

Here in Austria we are seeing exactly the same thing, but even worse, it’s not the Austrian government that is deciding what is ok and what is not ok – it’s the European Union deciding it.

So the Austrian parliament, passed a law which says that whoever spreads media which is sanctioned by the European Union (global elites), pays a fine up to 50,000 Euros.

Obviously the official cause for this, is that Russian propaganda media is not allowed to be spread, but we all know what this will lead to.

So, in the law itself, and I’ll post a link to the law, it’s in German, but I will post it below. You can read that it says that whoever spreads media which are sanctioned by the European Union pays a fine up to 50,000 Euros.

This would mean that if an Austrian medium – like let’s say the biggest newspaper of Austria, is on this list, then we as Austrians have to pay 50,000 Euros to spread media information by an Austrian media in Austria.

Just imagine this craziness.

So what we have to do right now, is that we have to understand that this is happening everywhere.

All my fellow Americans who are right now looking at the Biden government in disgust and are saying that they do not want the “Ministry of Truth” to come to their own country, I want you to know that the same things are happening in the European Union right now as well.

The Austrians, just like this – handed over one of the most important aspects of political culture to the European Union!

The European Union now has the right to censor whatever they want.

This is terrible. So I urge you all, spread this video, and spread this information to everyone, so everyone knows what’s going on right now here in Europe – we are definitely going to fight against it, and as our fight against the coronavirus and we managed to achieve a lot, we’re very happy, and very confident that we’ll also achieve a lot when it comes to this aspect, but we have to remind ourselves, in these crazy times, everything can happen. So I ask you, all the followers, spread as much information of “good” media outlets and “good” newspapers as much as possible. Try to ignore the terrible and corrupt mainstream, and try to show the state and the government that you know as free citizens what you read, and that you want the choice over what media you want, and not corrupt government, European Union, or non-elected groups of politicians.

Amendment of the Audiovisual Media Services Act

Auto-English Translation:

  • 55. Federal law amending the Audiovisual Media Services Act The National Council passed:
    The Federal Law on Audiovisual Media Services (Audiovisual Media Services Act – AMDG), Federal Law Gazette I No. 84/2001, last amended by the Federal Law Federal Law Gazette I No. 190 /2021, is
    changed as follows:
  • The following paragraph 3a is inserted after § 64 paragraph 3:
    “(3a) Whoever commits an administrative offense and is to be punished with a fine of up to 50,000 euros contrary to directly applicable sanctions of the European Union
    1. as a provider of a communications service , transmits, enables, facilitates or otherwise contributes to the transmission of an audiovisual media service or a radio programme,
    2. as a radio broadcaster according to the PrR-G or as a media service provider,
      takes over broadcasts, series of broadcasts or parts of broadcasts from foreign programs or
      enables, facilitates or contributes to this in any other way,
    3. as a video-sharing platform provider, provides or enables, facilitates or otherwise contributes to the content (programs, program parts or user-generated videos) of foreign media service providers or radio broadcasters, or
    4. otherwise knowingly contributes to the object or effect of circumventing those sanctions.”
  • The following paragraph 14 is added to Article 69:
    “(14) Article 64 paragraph 3a shall come into force on the day following the announcement.”
  • Amendment of the Audiovisual Media Services Act: Website | PDF (April 13, 2022)

See also:

  • Austria is also rolling out Digital ID aka Social Credit System. (external link)
  • Financing the Digitization of School Instruction. (external link)

Learn More: Great Reset | New World Order

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Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.