Life’s Mysteries – Yay or Nay? Your Thoughts about…? [Video]

Jan 28th 2016 – Comparison between today vs Dec 14th vs May 20th 2015
May 20th 2015
Yay, Nay, Maybe, NA ? Contribute your current perspective – and add to the comments (on YouTube): how do you put the puzzle together “right now, today” – even though you could change your mind tomorrow or with more information:
- Sacred Geometry
- Aliens
- Multi-Dimensional Beings
- Christ Consciousness
- Reincarnation / Past Lives
- Atlantis
- Jesus
- Quantum Physics
- Energy
- Ascension
- Aliens living on Earth
- Global Warming
- Evolution
- Arkashic Records
- Pineal Gland
- Source Energy
- Angels
- Spirit Guides
- Evil
- Demons
- Satan
- Lucifer
- Auras
- Chakras
- Illuminati
- Bermuda Triangle
- Psychics
- Mediums
- Spirit Science
- Heaven
- Hell
- Thoughts Create Reality
- Fallen Angels
- New World Order
- Zodiac
- Astrology
- People live on other planets
- Other beings live on other planets
- The Loch Ness Monster
- Bigfoot
- Extraterrestrials
- Roswell
- Nazca Geoglyphs
- Crop Circles
- Ghosts
- Malaysian airlines MH370
- September 11
- Reiki
- Indigo Children
- Astral Projection
- Lucid Dreaming
- Channelling
- Parallel Realities
- Edgar Cayce
- Crystal Skulls
- Chem-trails
- GMO’s
- Vaccines
- Crystals
- De-Population
- We are not alone
- Faeries
- Leprechauns

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