Russell Brunson’s Micro Continuity – Summary
Here are my notes from Russell Brunson’s Micro Continuity 1.0
You can also watch his free video presentation (about Micro Continuity) from Ryan Lee’s “Continuity Summit, here:
- Squeeze Page
- Sales Page with a Free Offer
- Micro Continuity Program
- OTO Bump with good Call to Action
Step #1
Free Video Squeeze Page
FREE Video Reveals The #1 Secret To ?
In the Squeeze Page Video.. answer these 4 questions:
- Who are you?
- What do you have?
- Why do they need it?
- How can they get it?
Hi, my name is Penny Butler. I have got a free video that’s going to show you the #1 secret on how to make money on the internet.
And the reason why you need this is if you were looking for a way to make extra income or you’re just tired of being broke, this video is going to show you a very simple and easy way to make money on the internet. All you have to do to get it, is put your name and your email address in the form on the right and click submit, and on the very next page you will be given access to the free video that’s going to show you this very cool secret.
Step #2
Reveal the secret that you promised them
“Here’s the #1 Secret you Asked for!!”
If you think that’s good.. I’ve got 7 more that are even more powerful…
Call to Action (Free + Shipping)
Give Free Trial to Micro-Continuity
Your Offer (Free + Shipping)
$1 Trial
Low Priced Products (could be $27 on front-end = less people in your funnel but still works)
Step #3
Weekly Micro-Continuity Program
– Deliver Weekly “Implementation” Coaching
i.e. Lesson #1 – Laying your Foundation
Week #2 – you need to do this.. Week 3.. you need to do this..
Delivered via Email (not online.. deliver it via email)
Step #4
As soon as they purchase something – you give them the OTO bump.
– Order Customization
– Upsell What you REALLY want to SELL
Attention This is Our LAST Offer.. This is for Only our MOST Serious Students Only.. 29.. Only 7 Copies Left
Who Else Wants Penny Butler’s Million Dollar Instant Traffic Systems It Took her 5 1/4 years and over $242,000 Worth of Marketing Courses to Create? It’s literally like saying “send traffic to” and traffic INSTANT starts)
OFFER DEVELOPMENT (not product development)
What is your Niche?
- Don’t Try to be All Things to All People
- Think “MICRO” Niche
- The More Specific you can be, the easier and faster you can get it to be
Hard Topic vs Soft Topic
- Make sure it’s a Hard Topic rather than a Soft Topic – example of a soft topic “how to Knit, how to lose weight, how to make money”.
- A hard topic “how to lose weight in 23 minutes, 6 min abs, how to cross stitch for profit” (Time or Money)
- How to play the piano in 5 minutes a day
- How I was able to overcome this sickness in only 3 days.
Offer Research
- (pulls offers from 30+ CPA Offers) * free
Creating your “System Outline”
What is the END goal for your system?
- (Help people get to the top of Google Results)
Can you break it down into 7 Steps? 12 Steps? 15 Steps?
- Table of Contents (Barnes & Noble/Amazon)
- Modules or Chapters
- Module #1 is this
- Module #2 is this.. etc
Make sure steps are answers to what people are already asking
- Research Forums to find out what people are complaining about/asking about – make sure these are in your 7 steps
Can you call these steps “Secrets” ?
- Secrets will convert higher, but if you don’t have secrets, call them “Strategies”. If you can’t justify them as a secret, don’t use the word secrets.
Write a headline for each “Secret”
- i.e. Step #1 – Picking the right types of piping.
- The secrets of how to pick the right piping that doesn’t blow up in your face
Creating your Optin Bait
– What is the BEST “Secret” you have?
Free video reveals the #1 secret to this
— Choose the one that is the Fastest to explain for your Optin Bait
— Gives someone an “ah-ha” moment
— Makes them hungry for more
— Useful but incomplete
— Can DRIVE your other “Secrets”
“getting somebody to want more of it”
Creating your offer
– Most important = TITLE
— People “DO” judge a book by it’s cover
– Second Most Important = CONTENT
— Use content to sell the next thing
The way you structure the content, on the free offer, in a way to sell and position yourself to go and sell things in the future
Think about what other things you are going to be selling, a home course, etc, and structure your content to match that.
– Easiest = Audio CD or Video DVD
– Hardest = Book (best conversion) – if you already have a book, and use this on your free + shipping offer
1. Research Offer (Offervault/Clickbank).. whats their headlines, titles, what’s their offer
2. Create your 7 Steps “Secrets” Chapter Outline
3. Decide which is your #2 secret for your free video
4. Get your mini-site designed
5. Submit info to Me in Members Area – include your name and address – if you complete these 5 steps, by the end of the week, I will be sending you a gift in the mail.
Print Books
– Fast Content Creation (Audio)
– Can Replicate it with Video/Text
Your FREE + Shipping Offer
– Should be 30-60 Minutes Long
– Speak punchy and with passion – have energy & excitement
– Teaching your core “Secrets”
– Don’t teach “HOW”, teach “WHY” (the ‘how’ is for the microcontinuity program, not in the free cd)
– After each secret, explain that the “HOW” will be taught in the weekly email training
(I don’t have time on the cd right now, but i’ll be teaching that on the weekly email training) = keep refreshing
“I wish we had time… so I could explain exactly how it works.. ”
I wish I had time right now to go through how to … but if you sign
Call Time-line
- Introduction (0-5 minutes)
- Your “Hook” (5 Minute Mark)
- Secret #1 (5-10 minutes)
- Secret #2 (repeat)
- Reveal “Hook” (50 Minute Mark)
- Close (60 minute point)
1. Introduction (0-5 minutes)
// get them re-excited, what is it that they just purchased.. // Why they purchased it // Re-capture their attention.
“You just purchased this cd, how to overcome over-eating, and on this .. we’re going to show you the exact step-by-step products.. and im here with my special guest, Penny Butler, and she’s the guru of the call today”
2. Your “Hook” (5 Minute Mark)
Now, before we get started, I want to let all you guys know that at the end of this call, I’ve got something very, very important that I wanna tell you about. This is not something that anybody else can get access to, just people who listen to this cd.
“Hey, before I get to the training on this call, I wanna tell you that I got a very important secret – I’ve got 7 secrets to share, but I actually figured out, just recently, an 8th secret, which is completely different and nobody else knows about, in fact I just got it on just in time to share it on this cd, but I’m not going to be able to share it until the end, so make sure you stay on for the entire thing so I can share with you the 8th secret (or 13th secret.. etc)”
3. Secret #1 (5-10 minutes)
Have somebody ask you a question and you just respond to it.
Easiest to do with an interview.
– “I wish I had time.. to show you exactly how to, but I don’t, but the good news for you is that you are a part of my weekly training program. You’re going to get audio emails from me each week, showing you the “how” that I know you really need for you to be successful at this”
4. Secret #2 (repeat) #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
5. Reveal “Hook” (50 Minute Mark)
At the beginning of the call, I told you about something that was going to be really special, and I’m going to tell you about this right now.
“look, before we go on, at the beginning of the call I told you that I was going to give you this really cool thing, now if you’re sitting down make sure.. or if you are not, make sure you are sitting down and taking notes because this is the most powerful thing I want to show you.”
Reveal your secret, your link to a special pdf.. or anything you want.
Something good that they went through the whole process
6. Close (60 minute point) // Your Backend Product “Home Study Course”
Look, a lot of you guys benefited from this, I wanna let you know that I have a lot more, I’ve got a weekly training that you’re already a part of and I’ve also got something that a lot of you are going to want. It’s my new home-study course …
(If you don’t have a backend product like a home-study course, then don’t sell anything)
Your “Micro” Content
– Should be 10-20 Minutes Long
(Audio, Video, or 5-6 Pages PDF)
– Teaching the “HOW”
– Zeigarnik Effect
— “The Zeigarnik effect states that people remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks better than completed ones” – wikipedia
“I want to tell you about the most powerful thing ever.. but before I do that, I want to talk about this.. “ you get an uneasy feeling in your gut that you want the secret.. use this every single week.
“Next week you get the next step”.. and so on..
How to get a LOT of content
– Take your Outline (of your 7-10 “Secrets”)
– Break out Each of these secrets into 2-3 “Steps”
Every One of your secrets, you can break-down into 2-3 or more Steps, and you teach one “step” per week.
ie. if you have 10 secrets, 3 steps for each secret, now you have a 30 week program. (6 months).. 4 steps (40 weeks) 5 steps (12 months)
This is secret #1, this secret’s got 5 steps, this is step #1, this is the one that you wanna go out and implement today, im going to teach you about it – go and implement it and next week I’ll talk about step #2, now step #2 is going to teach you “this”.
“Here is step 1 of secret of secret number 1, here is step 2 of secret number 1”.
For each step – Find:
– Resources
– Tools
– Examples
– Case Studies
1.) Record your “Free CD” offer (Teach WHY)
// 60 min interview or you talking
2.) Break down your “Secrets” into “Steps”
3.) Record a 10-20 minute audio for each “Step” (Teach HOW)
4.) Submit the Name of your CD and the Names of your “Steps” into the members area
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