How to add $35k/mo – Part 1

How To Add $35,316 A Month To Your Online Business (Session 1 Notes)
How To Add $35,316 A Month To Your Online Business – Mark Sumpter
Grab the complete WSO here (3rd Feb, 2013):
Success mindset = Focus on the positive
3 Step Action Plan
- Determine what you want.
- Decide how to get it.
- Do what it takes to make it happen.
Model Successful People
- Find a mentor to fast-track your success.
- They have a recipe/roadmap for where you want to go.
- They know what works and what doesn’t.
Once you’ve found your mentor, it’s time to Learn & Do
E = Education
A = Apply the knowledge
T = Test (find out what works for you)
To survive and thrive as an Entrepreneur
1.) Persistence – never give up.
– Make mistakes, learn from them, move on
2.) Consistence – constant action
– Do one thing to move you forward daily.
– Each step builds on the next.
– Success becomes a habit.
Start NOW.
Do not wait until you are ‘ready’ or ‘qualified’.
Ignore what you lack and focus on what you have.
Take Action.
Set Your Goals
Taking the Next Step
The Power of Focus vs the Myth of Multi-Tasking
The Fastest Route to Success
The more focused you are, the more successful you will become
Concentrate on One idea/passion/business at a time
Turn off email – limit checks to 3 a day
- Before lunch (11am)
- After lunch (1pm)
- Near end of day (4pm)
Think Continuity (Recurring revenue)
i.e Gyms, Pro-Active, DoubleDay Book Club, Mobile Phone plans, Dan Kennedy Insiders Circle
I prefer the 4 Hour Work Week way which is checking emails only 3 times a week (Mon/Tues and Thurs) and just having that in your email signature so that your customers know when you check your email and can sms me if something is important
(Tim Ferris has his emails with an autoresponder back to the sender to let them know but I think that will annoy customers more than the email signature – what is your opinion?)
Focus and Succeed
- Stop Multi-Tasking
- Concentrate on one task a time
- Focus on the work that makes you money (ignore/outsource rest)
- Always keep your end goal in mind
Key to maintaining your focus and achieving your goals is having a clear vision of:
- What you want
- Why you want it
- How you will get it
I Know That
The 3 words that can kill your chance of success faster than anything: “I know that”
You get 6 Sessions including video instructions & action plans when with the complete WSO, so please purchase to get the full details, this is just a note-form version of Session 1 & 2.
Session 2 is “How to Quickly Create High Value Products including your Irresistible Front-End Offer”
- How to build a list of BUYERS
- Creating your IRRESISTABLE offer
- Product creation and development

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