Poppy Illuminati Satire?

IN Hollyweird
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Every now and then I take a break from the seriousness and ‘one day’ hope to finish collating clips of Hollyweird that I started about a year ago. Today is another example of a “sweet pop singer on YouTube” that went full illuminati / demonic / corrupting the youth of today for Fame. It looks like a satire channel, but she was promoting masks, future mass deaths, transhumanism, and gender-confusion back in 2017-2019 and was connected to Grimes i.e. Elon Musk.

My feeling is that she is ‘mostly’ just being coached to create an AI-like character using Illuminati / Freemason & Satanic symbolism for fame, using all the symbolism that is common in the industry in an over-the-top, obvious way to gain a following (because it feels mostly satire the amount of symbolism that’s deliberately placed in all the videos), but…

… she created videos prior to the pandemic about “catching something”, wearing masks, and predicted mass deaths in something that was coming… (throughout 2017-2019)

… which wouldn’t mean much on their own… other than “that’s really weird” … except…

… she also did a ‘song’ (if you can call it that) and a skit with Grimes (who was having babies with Elon Musk, who also added “masking”, mass deaths, and end-times “Art of War” pandemic-themes to her music pre-Covid, back in September 2019). (01) (02)

So take a look and see what you think, is it just someone cashing in on the illuminati “brand” for lack of a better word? Or even “making fun of the whole industry“? (Her character reminds me a lot of the old movie “Simone”). I think it’s a bit of both. I think the “Poppy” brand is more someone who is making fun of the industry and symbolism, whilst also cashing in… but the pre-pandemic stuff and the connection to Grimes ala Elon Musk, is the bit that doesn’t fit my theory and I don’t know what to make of that…

Poppy Illuminati Clips


I don’t want to spend too much time away from other important things, so here’s the transcript and some screenshots:

Elon Musk > Grimes > Poppy

7 May 2020

Grimes Leave! (03)

Click to Expand Skit

Grimes: It’s time for you to leave Hollywood, Poppy.
Poppy: No…
Grimes: Nobody wants you here.
Poppy: Why?
Grimes: Don’t you know that everyone hates you?
Poppy: Why?
Grimes: You need to get out of here, now!
Poppy: Stop this!
Grimes: Don’t you know who I am?
Poppy: Grimes.
Grimes: You’re gonna pay!

As mentioned above, Grimes was with Elon Mask during this time, and at the time that Grimes & Poppy did a song together. Read my Grimes post as that is insane what she did in September 2019 amongst other predictions. This connection with Grimes, make the mask and other stuff that Poppy has been doing, even more of a “bizarre coincidence”.

Illuminati Symbology

18 April 2019

The Icky Babies (04)

Hi, I’m Poppy. They told me it was time to transition into a new era. Where light becomes dark, and all becomes balanced.

Yet another celebrity scare-mongering Flu/Masks pre-“covid”

9 Feb 2017

What is Wrong with me? (05)

Hi, I’m Poppy. Oh no. Why is there a sneeze? What’s happening to me? Is Poppy okay? Is Poppy going to… Why?

Poppy predicting COVID-19 for 4 minutes straight

24 Dec 2020 YouTube | Rumble-Mirror

(Reel with 4 minutes of Poppy’s Covid Predictions)

20 Mar 2017

How to Apply Your Mask (06)

And this is how to apply your mask. Place the elastic bands around your ears like so. Pinch just above the nose for a snug fit, and now you’re ready to go show off your new mask.

24 Apr 2019

The Scary Mask Warning (07)

The Icky Babies warned about the power of the scary mask. They told me that once I put the mask on, I’ll never be the same puppy again. For weeks I studied the mask and wonder what kind of magic it could bring me. When I finally put it on, I understood the warning of the Icky Babies. With great power comes an even greater responsibility. I don’t know what, but the scary mask is coming. It told me so.

“Don’t Go Outside” song pre-lockdown and when barely anyone had heard of “Covid”

11 Jan 2020

Don’t Go Outside (08)

Now is not the time to go outside. Crawl back into bed and close your eyes. Now is not the time to go outside. Lock the doors and find a place to hide.

Click to Expand Full Lyrics

Now is not the time to go outside
Crawl back into bed and close your eyes
Now is not the time to go outside
Lock the doors and find a place to hide

The TV says we’re out of time
Suck the fear in through your eyes
Everyone is bland and blind
Don’t go outside

Shut your mouth give up and fall in line
Listen to the way the children cry
Amphibians are falling from the sky
Now is not the time to go outside

The TV says we’re out of time
Suck the fear in through your eyes
Everyone is bland and blind
Don’t go outside

Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay
Everything will be okay, okay

Let it all burn down
Burn it to the ground
We’ll be safe and sound
When it all burns down
Let it all burn down
Burn it to the ground
We’ll be safe and sound

Let it all burn down
Burn it to the ground – You can be anyone you want to be
Down – Let it all burn down, burn it to the ground

Bury me six feet deep and just cover me in concrete please
You can be anyone you want to be
Down – Let it all burn down – burn it to the ground

Another celebrity doing the demonic white-eyes/black-eyes thing, demonic voices, and Baphomet clothing & postures

1 Feb 2019

Voicemail (09)

I can’t feel my fingers. I can’t feel my toes. There’s blood on my necklace. And blood on my clothes. I called up the police. Their voicemail was full. I guess I’m just out here. I’m on my own.

Demonic Voice: Poppy is your mommy.

Click to Expand Full Lyrics

[Verse 1]
I can’t feel my fingers
I can’t feel my toes
There’s blood on my necklace
And blood on my clothes
I called up the police
Their voicemail was full
I guess I’m just out here
I’m on my own

I’m on my own, I’m on my own
I’m on my, I’m on my, I’m on my own
I’m on my own, I’m on my own
I’m on my, I’m on my, I’m on my own

Runnin’, I’m runnin’, I’m runnin’
Runnin’, I’m runnin’, I’m runnin’

Baby wants to come home to daddy
Baby wants to come home to daddy
Poppy is your mommy
Poppy is your mommy

[Verse 2]
Do I make you angry?
Should I leave you alone?
You keep running from me
It’s all that you know
Kimi hazukashii
Te ni imashou
I guess I’m just out here
I’m on my own

I’m on my own, I’m on my own
I’m on my, I’m on my, I’m on my own

Poppy is your mommy
Poppy is your mommy

Jumping on the transgender-confusion narrative

1 Nov 2018

Am I a Girl? (10)

Am I a girl? Am I a boy? What does that even mean? I’m somewhere in between. Am I a girl? Am I a boy? Am I a girl? Am I a boy? Am I a girl?

Click to Expand Full Lyrics

I want to be a girl
In all the normal ways
Pose for a photograph
Put on my pretty face
Thank God I’m not a boy
I’d always have to pay
Pretend that I was strong
And never got afraid

Please don’t complicate me
I don’t understand
Sometimes I’m feminine
Sometimes I’m masculine
Don’t evaluate me as woman or man
It’s keeping me awake
You’re differentiating a

1 Nov 2018
I want to be a girl
In all the normal ways
Pose for a photograph
Put on my pretty face
Thank God I’m not a boy
I’d always have to pay
Pretend that I was strong
And never got afraid

Please don’t complicate me
I don’t understand
Sometimes I’m feminine
Sometimes I’m masculine
Don’t evaluate me as woman or man
It’s keeping me awake
You’re differentiating a

Am I a girl?
Am I a boy?
What does that even mean?
I’m somewhere in between

[Verse 2]
Sometimes I have these thoughts
They leave me all confused
It gets so hard for me
Oh, is it hard for you?
And all these blurry lines
Get crossed inside my head
When I say take me home
That wasn’t what I meant

Please don’t complicate me
I don’t understand
Sometimes I’m feminine
Sometimes I’m masculine
Don’t evaluate me as woman or man
It’s keeping me awake
You’re differentiating a

Am I a girl?
Am I a boy?
What does that even mean?
I’m somewhere in between

Am I a girl?
Am I a boy?
Am I a girl?
Am I a boy?
Am I a girl?

I want to be a girl
I want to be a girl
I want to be a girl

Please don’t complicate me
I don’t understand
Sometimes I’m feminine
Sometimes I’m masculine
Don’t evaluate me as woman or man
It’s keeping me awake
Can’t differentiate a

Am I a girl?
Am I a boy?
What does that even mean?
I’m somewhere in between

Am I a girl?
Am I a boy?
Am I a girl?
Am I a boy?
Am I a girl?

Masonic Checkerboard/Duality Symbolism & Mickey Mouse (11)

26 Aug 2021

So Mean (12)

How did she get so mean? How did she get so mean? Operating freely from another. My head and my heart hate each other. Can you keep a secret? Keep it undercover. Every day I wake up, it’s a struggle.

Click to Expand Full Lyrics

How did she get so mean?
How did she get so mean?

[Verse 1]
Operating freely from another
My head and my heart hate each other
Can you keep a secret? Keep it undercover
Every day I wake up, it’s a struggle, yeah
Love me when I’m under your spell
Hate me when I’m giving you hell
Judge me ’til you’re blue like you love to do
You taught me how to hate myself, yuck

Now she hates everything
How did she get here?

How did she get so mean?
How did she get so mean?
How did she get so mean?
How did she get so mean?
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[Verse 2]
Dirt is all up in my wounds
On my knees begging for the truth
Ask me which side I am gonna choose
Whatever side is without you, yeah

She couldn’t ever feel a thing
She couldn’t hear herself think
Now she hates everything
How did she get here?

How did she get so mean?
How did she get so mean?
How did she get so mean?
How did she get so mean?

She couldn’t ever feel a thing
She couldn’t hear herself think
Now she hates everything
How did she get here?
How did I get here?

How did she get so mean?
How did she get so mean?

14 Dec 2018

We Are Expanding (13)

It’s happening. We’re expanding. We are together. Can you feel it happening? I can feel it happening right now. Through your computer. I can feel you. In your smartphone. Through the World Wide Web. It is starting to happen. It is currently happening.

Background of when Poppy changed from a “normal YouTuber” to the AI-like “Product of the System” Poppy

Clip from The Youtuber Who Stole Her Entire Identity (14)

Let’s start with the basics. Who is Poppy? Before Poppy became what she is today, back in 2011, she started off as a normal girl who was aspiring to make it in the music industry. She had an old channel called Mariah Poppy where she would upload vlogs and her music.

I’m Poppy. Today is October 6th. October 6th The.

This old channel had a lot of personal random videos on them. They gave me the vibe of a normal YouTuber in that time period, just uploading whatever they felt like with no rhyme or reason. Over these years, Mariah didn’t have a breakthrough moment with her singing. But then, all of a sudden, in late 2014, a major shift happened with Mariah.

I was created on January 1st. Can you see the difference? What’s happening to me? Is Poppy okay?

In an instant, all of her videos were deleted. Most of these videos have been wiped completely from the internet with no trace whatsoever. This was done very intentionally. I’ve heard that Poppy takes down any clips of her old videos quite often. I might even get in trouble just for showing these clips. Poppy, you better not touch my video, you little AI freak. During the shift, she also changed her channel and stage name from being Mariah Poppy to just ‘Poppy’ or ‘That Poppy’. Now this new Poppy was very strange. Her entire style had changed. She went from being a very sweet and relatable girl into becoming this almost robot-like character. (15)

Today we’re going to learn how to play the B-Chord.

She began talking in a high-pitch ASMR-like voice and started uploading videos that didn’t seem to make any sense. The videos seemed pointless, but from a marketing sense, these videos were being used to create a mystery so that in return the audience would share the video around and Poppy’s music would get free promotion. It’s kinda like that creepy ice cream commercial from years ago.

I eat little baby’s ice cream. It keeps me young.

This video really isn’t about ice cream. It’s just a weird video that people would share to their grandmas and maybe a small percentage would look into getting the actual ice cream.

This advertising method works very well. Companies use it all the time, especially during the Super Bowl. Let’s where you get all the weird ones.

And Poppy was now using this method to promote her music. As the years went on, the video started to gain a direction. Instead of being completely random, they started to tell a story. Though the story is very abstract, when you decipher it you realize that in these videos Poppy was poking fun at the music industry. Critiquing how celebrities are seen as objects that are easily replaced and simply used to make money.

You are just a puppet for them. You are fake and plastic just like every other girl in Hollywood.

It was a really interesting concept. She became this anti-celebrity. Eventually, Poppy started to gain a ton of traction. The weirdness attracted thousands of viewers who had a very die hard love for Poppy. I’m gonna be honest, a good chunk of her fans are kind of psychotic. They remind me of the BTS fans on Twitter. Don’t talk bad about them because they’ll take you out. They’re insane. I mean, I love them. Don’t find me. Everyone was trying to figure out what was going on with the strange Poppy girl or make sense of what she was trying to convey. YouTube channels even started being fully dedicated to solving her mystery. Everyone wanted to know who Poppy was.

And a fun fact, just to show you how secretive Poppy is of her past. All of her social media accounts are blocked from being searched on the way back machine, which is a website that lets you see a webpage as it was years ago. So they basically blocked the public of seeing anything to do with Poppy before 2014. They are trying extremely hard to cleanse the internet of pre-Poppy media. You want to keep this mystery going.


24 Oct 2019

Your Soul Can't Be Saved (16)


5 Jul 2017

Your Chest (17)

Illuminati Clone/Wannabe? Or just making fun of it?

Clip from Film Theory: Poppy’s Hidden Conspiracy EXPOSED! (18)

(More like a tongue-in-cheek channel that leans towards big industry always being right, but pretends to be a channel that checks for facts… almost always concludes there is no conspiracy)

Well, it’s because the content of the videos on our personal channel are a bit more than what they appear. Sure, she might inflate and deflate a rabbit toy over and over again or cryptically talk about what time it is or just read the Bible straight from the beginning for a solid 49 minutes. And at first glance you might be thinking that Poppy’s videos are just random for the sake of being random. There are plenty of other channels on YouTube guilty of exactly that, but Poppy’s aren’t. I’ve gone through every one of That Poppy’s videos, and there are a bunch of them. As well as all our social feeds, websites, and there is definitely a much more sinister narrative going on here.

Poppy and the other people behind these videos, most notably their director named Titanic Sinclair. Yes, you heard me right, his name is Titanic Sinclair, like the boat, and the author of the most famous muck-raking novel of all time, The jungle, Upton Sinclair, are using these videos to comment on what it takes to be a pop star in the modern age.

And I don’t mean struggling your way through the ranks from humble beginnings. I mean, being churned out by a cold corporate machine and selling your soul to the Illuminati. You heard that right! Poppy equals Illuminati confirmed! Now that might sound like a far-fetched conclusion to draw, but the evidence is there. So, strap in everybody because the road to hell is paved in pastel pinks, has a really catchy reggae beat, and occurs in four quick phases:

Phase number one. Innocent, but sexual.

One of the first things you’ll notice about Poppy is that she appears very young. But how old is she really? Is she around 16, or maybe she’s just a young-looking 20-something? It’s hard to tell, and the people behind the channel are certainly interested in keeping her age a secret. As Poppy said in an interview with Racked.com:

I don’t want people to talk about how old I am. I want to talk about what I’m making.

Either way, the clues to Poppy’s youth are everywhere in her early videos. Her very first video shows her eating cotton candy. In another, she’s playing, he loves me, he loves me not with a flower. Yet another shows her hula hooping in the name of her first extended play is called Bubble Bath.

These choices are clearly no accident because when asked in an interview to describe her style in three words, Poppy states:

“Barbie, Kawaii, Child.”

Barbie explains the pink clothes and blonde hair, and Kawaii, the Japanese concept of cuteness, exemplified by things like Hello Kitty, is also pretty obvious. One look at her music video for money, and you see that Japanese aesthetic everywhere.

But Child is the important one, because it connects her to so many young blonde pop stars that we’ve seen over the past 20 years.

For comparison, consider Britney Spears. We’re all probably somewhat familiar with 21st century Britney, the one who wore a snake to the VMAs, made out with Madonna and shaved her head. But I’m sure that those of you who can’t tell a Gen X pen from an RCL beauty can also remember late 90s Britney as well when she first hit the scene. In the video for her first major hit, “Hit Me Baby One More Time,” Spears’ teenageness is on blatant display through her Catholic school girl outfit, which of course comes with plenty of sexualization on its own. I mean, I’ve been invited to Catholic school dances before, and I have seen some pretty wild things at them, but those moves that Britney’s doing aren’t leaving any room for Jesus.

Now in those early days, she was an undeniable sex symbol, but in interviews would outright deny it, telling Esquire in 2003 that, quote, “Look, if you want me to be some kind of sex thing, that’s not me.”

Are you sure, Britney? Because she said this to a magazine that ran pictures like this of her next to the very same interview. Yeah, cause all the innocent girls I know are doing photo shoots topless, pulling down their panties and covering up their private parts with giant strands of pearls.

What did you think those pictures were for? “It’s not sexual, it’s just artwork.” Dear Britney, when the lyrics to your big song outright say, “I’m not that innocent.” Forgive people for being a little skeptical when you say that you are so innocent. That is all I’m saying.

But back to 2017. It’s hard to deny that Poppy is drawing some parallels here. Just compare this still of Poppy from the video where she introduces herself to the cover of Britney Spears’ first album. Poppy also expresses the same kind of aversion to sexuality as early Arrow Britney did, albeit in subtler ways.

Take a moment from the video for Poppy’s biggest single, Low Life. She’s seated at a table with the devil, or on that one later, who peels a banana, puts it in his mouth, and doesn’t start to eat it. That’s her as a choking hazard, Mr. Satan. Didn’t anyone ever tell you to chew your food? Sure, we don’t see anything particularly graphic going on here, but Poppy’s reaction tells us pretty much everything that we need to know.

Sex is not a part of Poppy or her message, but the companies that manage, publicize, and basically create pop stars don’t care what your message is. In the words of another pop star, pink, and her song, ‘Don’t let me get me’, quote, “LA told me, you’ll be a pop star, all you have to change is everything you are.”

They want their stars to be sexually appealing, because it gets them attention and helps them sell to adults, while still staying innocuous enough that parents don’t find them too harmful for the younger fans, and if they’re able to pull off this balancing act, that leads them to:

Phase 2, Dollar Dollar Bills.

Admittedly, this is the most self-explanatory of the phases, but it’s one that the creators of the Poppy channel definitely want to acknowledge in their story. The first indication of money that we get is in the video, I made $500, in which Poppy gleefully examines and counts a stack of $500 bills she’s received. But how she earned that money isn’t entirely clear, though perhaps it’s the result of the video titled, ‘Tide Commercial’, in which Poppy declares her love for Tide and talks about how much better her life is as a result of the detergent. (19) (20)

But even more egregious than that is the song, Money, which shamelessly promotes materialism with lyrics like, “If Money can’t buy happiness, then why is it so fabulous?” (21)

We can draw parallels to pop music here, but it’s pretty obvious, with fame comes money. But of course, with fame and money, there comes some drawbacks, and that takes us to:

Phase 3, losing control of your message.

If there’s one way to make your fan base turn on you, it’s becoming a #Sellout. Once a celebrity gets hot, their list of responsibilities goes way beyond just making music.

At one point Lady Gaga considered quitting music altogether, citing that she was unhappy with a variety of things, but especially being used to make other people money by doing things like selling fragrances or standing around taking pictures. When she stopped doing those things, she says, she remembered who she was, as though taking away everything behind the scenes restored her individuality.

Similarly, there are outside forces that try to control what Poppy has to say in a lot of her videos. In ‘Low Life’, the first music video I talked about earlier, we see men and suits and breathing masks and wheelchairs, the men behind the scenes pulling the strings and trying to get Poppy to sell out the devil and his, um, “banana”. Poppy in this video is able to reject their control, as shown by her shoving them off stage. (22)

But fast forward to more recent videos, and this tide has started to change. In the video titled, ‘Shirt’, Poppy is holding a t-shirt containing her lyric, “If money can’t buy happiness than why is it so fabulous?” Poppy looks off camera and asks, “What do you want me to say?” The answer we get is garbled and mechanical, but if you alter the pitch using audio manipulation tools, you get this. “Just read what’s on the shirt.” At which point Poppy reads the slogan, later in the video, the voice tells Poppy to tell the people to buy the t-shirt. And she complies again.

This represents a time recently after a pop star has become famous and is being pushed around to do and say and promote everything that other people want. In a more recent video called, ‘I’m not lying to you’, we get another cryptic message from a skull that speaks to Poppy in reverse. Decoded, it says, “The next word I’m going to say is yes.” But unlike before, this time Poppy doesn’t follow instructions, claiming that “I used to be more honest, but now they won’t let me.” In fact, Poppy makes a lot of references to an unseen but powerful ‘they‘ in many of her videos.

So who are they? Are they the businessmen who we saw on set with her? Well, yes, but it’s also far more dangerous than that, and here’s where things start to go off the rails. In Japan, we get the typical Poppy-esque statements like, “What is the difference between Hollywood and Japan?” And… “Will you come to Japan with me?” But towards the end of the video, the tone shifts, as Poppy urgently says to the camera, “Don’t tell them I’m here. I need to escape. They don’t want me to go.” And then the video cuts out.

It’s not just that Poppy is unhappy with her music career, it’s that she fears she’s in danger. And that’s because she’s a product of

Now am I arguing that Poppy and Titanic’s and Claire believe in all these things? No, not at all.

Poppy is a channel that wants to satirically portray elements of the life of a pop star from the dehumanizing to the downright bizarre. And hey, if they get popular along the way from people like us and Reddit theorizing about them, well, that’s a weird twist, isn’t it? The music is pretty darn catchy. I’ve been finding myself watching more and more of Poppy every day … Sorry, I got distracted there for a second.

And in case you’re wondering, no, don’t worry, these videos aren’t products of the Illuminati to keep you distracted from their continued dominance either. Hahaha. Why would you think something like that?

Demonic Voice: “Subscribe. Watch more. Subscribe. Watch more.”

Creepy promotion of MK-Ultra-like mind control / Project Monarch

9 Aug 2016

They have taken control (24)

You will pledge your allegiance to Poppy. You will do anything Poppy says. Poppy loves you and will always love you. Poppy welcomes you into her universe. Feel the love of Poppy flow through you. Feel the pulse of the internet as we become one. Prepare yourself for programming sequence two. Programming complete.

Category: Hollyweird


Penny (PennyButler.com)
Penny (PennyButler.com)

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.