[Random] Philosophical & Channelled Messages 2020
I’ve created separate posts for the larger channelled messages, see:
[Karen A Dahlman] Ouija Readings 2020
[Cassiopaea] Ouija Readings 2020
[Paul Selig] Messages 2020 (March & April)
This page includes philosophical and channelled messages from random sources (Tobias/Adamus, Eckhart Tolle, Gregg Braden, Tom Campbell, Jürgen Ziewe, Paul Selig, Matt Kahn, Bentinho Massaro, Abraham Hicks, Pamela Aaralyn)
The Crimson Circle Channel Tobias & Adamus
25 Mar 2020 Convergence – A historic message for Shaumbra
This is it. It’s why you’re here. This is the time of the great change that you will ever experience on this planet.
Eckhart Tolle Spiritual Teacher
21 Mar 2020 Staying Conscious in the Face of Adversity
In this present moment, there is nothing to fear. Time of great opportunity. When the ego weeps for what it has lost, the spirit rejoices for what it has found.
Gregg Braden Connecting Science & Cosmology / Spirituality & Healing
30 Mar 2020 The Fake News About Coronavirus: What The World Needs To Know About Covid-19
There’s a place where science, spirituality, and human potential come together in a really beautiful way. As a scientist, I recognize the mechanisms and facts; however, we are more than molecules and DNA, viruses and vaccines; we are delicate, vulnerable, resilient, powerful, mysterious beings from an origin that is so uncertain at this point — we have theories, but we really don’t know where we came from, and what I believe this pandemic is ultimately inviting all of us to ask is: do we love ourselves enough to give our bodies what they need? Do we love ourselves enough to honour ourselves.
Is this the wake-up call we needed to realize that we’re all in this together, and that our connection as a kind of one species is ultimately more important than we realize?
I think it can be. I think it has the potential the question is will we allow it to serve us in this way.
The world is currently in pandemic mode, with over a billion people confined to their homes to prevent the spread of the deadly coronavirus. Economic recession is all but certain, and personal anxiety and panic are running very high. Gregg, you are known as a pioneer in bridging modern science, ancient wisdom, and human potential who’s been invited to speak in front of the United Nations, Fortune 500 companies, and the US military. Your books include The God Code, The Divine Matrix, The New Human Story, and your most recent, The Science of Self-Empowerment.
You know I’m a scientist. I am NOT a biologist. I have a degree in earth science — a geologist — but I have a very strong background in the life sciences. Many people don’t realize that before I was a geologist, I was a marine biologist, and I went from marine biology to marine geology to terrestrial geology, so I have a strong background in molecular biology and genetics.
I am a realist and I am optimistic. Brian, and the reason I think we have good reason to be optimistic is that we are literally—this isn’t my theory, it’s not my hypothesis, it’s not a metaphor—made for times just like this. We are wired not just to survive but to thrive in change; we’re wired to adapt.
There’s peer-reviewed science that tells us that we are not the product of a random process of mutations. in the past, as the theory of evolution would suggest.
As a geologist. I’ve seen evolution in the fossil record; it’s a fact, and I support that theory, so I want to be very clear that I’m not denying that evolution exists. The theory breaks down when it comes to us, and the reason it breaks down is what gives me so much hope for our time right now, because we are the product of genetic mutations that occurred 200,000 years ago in a way that cannot be explained by nature alone and that gives us everything we need, to not only adapt but to thrive when life brings something to our doorstep, like it has right now.
So we are made for this, our bodies are so smart – our bodies’ intelligence – our bodies know exactly what to do, and this is what I want to say to our viewers right now: You were made for times like this; your body knows what to do. Our job is to support the intelligence of our bodies by giving them all the things that we know they need, by honouring our bodies and the gift of our lives through all the things that we already know. Nutrition, movement, and exercise.
If we lived in an ideal world, we would get all of our nutrients from food; however, we all know that is not possible because our soil is so depleted. So supplements are important. I followed the scientific papers. I’m also a member of Triple A, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the bulletin boards, which are message boards where scientists can converse informally with one another; a lot of good information comes from those message boards.
One of the things I’ve found is that the scientific and medical communities, in the past, have not been very supportive of supplements; it’s typically not part of their model. So they’re saying “the supplements don’t kill the virus, so why bother with the supplements”—this is what they’re saying back and forth in the boards, and I take a little exception to that, because while it’s true that supplements don’t kill the virus, they do give our bodies the strength they need to survive the battle of fighting off an unknown contagion.
As a scientist, I’ve been fascinated by this, since I was a kid when I began studying biology, so there are a lot of questions and misperceptions about what germs are. There are germs or protozoans, fungi, bacteria, and viruses; these are the four classifications of germs, three fit a biological definition of life. A virus does not even meet the biological definition of life.
People ask, “If it’s not alive, how can we kill it?” We can’t kill it; it’s not something you can kill. What we’re trying to do is deactivate it. You can think of it as information. All a virus is is genetic information—DNA—very simple DNA, wrapped in a lipid protein shell that protects it.
Simple things like washing our hands actually break down that outer shell so that the information
and that virus is no longer viable.
Some of the supplements I’ve mentioned in other programs, such as mushrooms, are antiviral supplements, and there have been peer-reviewed studies on mushrooms. Very specific kinds of mushrooms agaric on is an antiviral mushroom, turkey tail an antiviral mushroom, reishi has some antiviral as well as anti bacterial effects, and the reason they work, is because this virus is a
spherical virus with protrusions on the outside; some people call them spikes, but when I look at them under the microscope, they look more like protrusions; they don’t look like sharp, pointy spikes; those protrusions are looking for places on the outside of ourselves called receptors where they can dock, like a Space Shuttle docks to the space station. Viruses are looking for a place to dock.
Antiviral supplements such as mushrooms, and some traditional Chinese medicines; Yin Chao for example, what they do is they blunt those protrusions, or deactivate those proteins, so that even though they may find a human cell, they cannot communicate with that cell, so they become meaningless; they cannot enter our cells.
Something so tiny that we cannot even see with the naked eye, it’s even hard to see with a microscope, something that’s not even alive, has just changed our planet forever.
It’s not the flu. As we know from archaeological remnants, the influenza virus has been around for over 2,000 years, so our bodies have had 2,000 years to know what to do and to develop antibodies to the many different variations of influenza, resulting in a mortality rate of less than 1% in the human population.
This is a new virus; we’ve never seen it before. It will take a season for our bodies to learn what to do, and how to develop the antibodies we will develop as a species. If you have a reasonably strong immune system, your chances of succumbing to and dying from this virus are extremely low.
The difficulty is that many people have compromised immune systems but are unaware of them, and this is where the problems start. As a scientist, I find it fascinating that the CDC and the World Health Organization have identified several risk factors for immune system compromise, some of which are surprising to people. These risk factors include smoking, diabetes, obesity, and other conditions like asthma or heart disease, as well as those we might suspect, such as recent chemotherapy or cancer treatment.
This is the vulnerable population that we really have to take care of and help now as we go through what we’re going through.
We are literally designed to meet these kinds of challenges. If we give our bodies what they need, they know exactly what to do. So our body knows when that virus is in our body, and it begins an attack from our white blood cells that will identify it. They will attack it, and it will start creating antibodies. In the process of doing that, our body will create a fever to raise our core temperature and make us inhospitable to a foreign virus. This virus attacks the receptors; those little protrusions are specific for receptors on the cells in the lung, in the human lung, and particularly in the lower lungs, so this is a little bit different than the, you know, upper bronchial kinds of infection that are deep in the lungs.
So our job is to give our bodies what they need to keep us strong so that we can sustain ourselves in that battle and ultimately be successful if our body is given what it needs.
So this is for us personally now, and scientists are trying to develop chemicals that will do this for us pharmaceutically, and they’re approaching it from two different angles: one is prophylactically—they’re trying to develop a vaccine to prevent people from contracting the virus, and what that vaccine does is it prepares our body, introduces very small amounts of the virus that are diluted to the point where we don’t get sick. They’re also developing medications for those who are already infected.
In times of crisis, medication is pushed by technology. It happens during war and during pandemics, and our science is now being pushed to develop medications that deal directly at the level of the DNA — we’ve never done this before, where the medication intercepts the virus’s DNA and renders it less viable in the human body.
So there are two different ways that we’re going about doing this. Our body is also fighting what is is
developing what will eventually become what is known as “herd immunity,” so whether that herd immunity comes from our natural defenses, a year from now when some of these medications become available, or a combination of those.
At some point we will have that immunity, but because this is new, it’s going to take some time.
So I know you’ve had on this program a dear friend and colleague of mine dr. Bruce Lipton who
speaks very eloquently of this, and I can’t do better than what he’s said, and what he describes very clearly that you don’t often hear in the literature is that we have a system that teaches our bodies—we have an information-gathering system in the tonsils, and that’s why, when we’re young as babies, we’re always putting things into our mouths—we’re training our bodies.
There are different kinds of vaccines. There are some that are injected into the body, and some that are taken orally. When we inject the vaccine, we’re bypassing that information system in the body and our body suddenly sees something inside us that it doesn’t recognize because it was bypassed by the information system.
As you mentioned, the accelerated timeframe for vaccines is also accelerating delivery methods, and there are oral vaccines for COVID-19 that are being investigated and developed right now. If they were going to introduce something into the population, then I think that out of the two methods, oral would be the preferable one.
Statistics are showing there’s a direct correlation between age and morbidity—historically,, the older we are, the more vulnerable we become. The thinking has been that as people age, they have more underlying illnesses—more underlying diseases—and their immune system weakens. That may be true statistically when looking at statistics from a large general population. But your audience, which I believe is exceptional, is aware of nutrition, and how to care for their bodies, so there’s a good probability that there is a portion of our population that doesn’t fit those statistics. Just because they’re in their 50s, 60s, or 70s, they can still have a very robust immune response, and because they’ve taken care of themselves, they don’t have those underlying factors due to their choices and lifestyle.
So, audience, you know yourself better than anyone else. You know if you’ve taken care of your body over the years; and if you haven’t, this is an opportunity to change that. We’ve got some time now because we’re in lockdown. This is an invitation to maybe be a little more aware of your nutrition—what is it you’re putting into your body? Is it the best that you have? Is it live food or is it processed? Movement is medicine. The opportunity to do some kind of movement every day, whether it’s indoors with yoga or floor exercises, outdoors with walking or running, or whatever it is, all of these things contribute to a strong and healthy immune response.
I am optimistic about the future. I believe we’ll be better people and have a better world as a result of what we’ve just gone through—because it exposed the cracks in the foundation of society, the cracks in the foundation of our systems that we rely on, what’s sustainable and what isn’t, what works and what doesn’t work, which is why I’m optimistic. My realism comes from knowing where we are right now and that we’ve got to acknowledge and embrace this in a healthy way.
We like to live in a world of certainty, but the reality is that we have an uncertain future because we’re creating it now. We’re creating it based on what we know, so as we go into it, we can begin talking about the world that’s emerging. It’s going to be a very different world, socially and economically. It’s going to be a different world.
In terms of the way we go about our daily lives; when we talk about economy, a lot of people think economy means money. Economy can involve money, we can have money in economies, we certainly know that, but ultimately economies are about people not about money. They’re about people, and the way people share the vital resources that they need to sustain them. Every day in their lives–food water medicine energy–those kinds of things.
I have been with indigenous communities that have very viable economies where there is no money, and those economies are very successful. I’ve seen this in southern Peru, and I’ve seen it with the indigenous people in Bolivia, as well as other places.
So we’re conditioned to think about economy in terms of money, and I think money will change, and I want to talk about that, but when it comes to economies, I think one of the biggest changes we’re going to see is the world was moving towards globalized kinds of economies, and I think we’re going to see a return to localized ways of living. Localized ways of living are more sustainable than a globalized way of living, so what I mean by that localized economies – localized sources of food, business and trade.
I think we already saw the foundations of this being developed through some very forward-thinking communities that are trying to be more self-sufficient and I’m not saying we all become survivalist, I’m saying I think we’re going to find that we want to rely less on the things that are important to us every day, coming through a supply chain that begins on the other side of the planet, which relies on numerous modes of transportation, and many forms of handling before it reaches us. We’re now seeing how vulnerable those are to us. So I think this is one of the things that we’re going to see.
I just want to talk about the value of of global companies in general. What is called the value of the market. What we’re experiencing right now, is the value of the market is greater than the value of the GDP for most nations, so in the United States: the United States stock market is greater than the companies are valued at more than our GDP. That is a dangerous territory to be in, and when that happens, we generally see a pretty significant drawdown where those market numbers affect everybody’s 401ks –everybody’s retirement–and all of those things.
19 Mar 2020 Truth and Fiction Coronavirus
Helps you understand the catalyst for this global event: what it is; what it means for you and your family; why you are “wired” for times like these; and what you can expect in the weeks to come.
Understand virus and how it works.
Vic C, Zinc, Elderberry, Antiviral Mushrooms (Reishi, Agarikon), TCM
(deleted from Youtube)
Tom Campbell Physics Experiments with Consciousness
22 Mar 2020 Tom Campbell: Fireside Chat Covid-19 crisis
Here to learn, to grow-up, to let go of fear, to let go of self-centeredness. Global citizens. What happens in one place, affects another place.
The world provides us with the lessons that we most need to learn. Everybody is doing best they can to evolve their consciousness.
Fearful = biochemistry goes into Fight/Flight mode. Takes energy away from immune-system. Makes you more susceptible to catching viruses.
Jürgen Ziewe: Base-level of reality, every cell in body, everything that exists is pure intelligence. Reset button. Intelligent virus that doesn’t affect young kids at this stage.
Creates consciousness that affects all of us to act in a collective for the first time in history. Air is clear, pollution-clearing. Water is clearing. By end of year, we’ll see the regeneration of nature and other affects.
Incredible opportunity for people/countries to come together for survival. Social life changing. Have to become content with own-company & family & confronted with having to deal with our problems.
Paul Selig Channel
19 Mar 2020 Balance in a Storm
You are not fearful until you agree to fear. Lift to the upper-room from a neutral perspective.
Time to claim anew & see world through new eyes. Great opportunity for man to realize itself outside of separation.
Teal Swan Spiritual Teacher / Shadow work
15 Mar 2020 Covid-19 (A Manifestation of Narcissism)
The human race is becoming more and more aloof by the day. We live as strangers. The Covid-19 outbreak is just the “cherry on the cake”.
What those of us who see the pain of this ‘boiling water of separation’ can do is to become that warmth… To be the one to speak first. To be the one to smile. To be the one to act in a manner that relieves the tension of other people’s fear. To act in the best interests of nature itself.
Today the world is boiling in the water of fear. The Covid-19 outbreak has become the tipping point for the human psyche with regards to this fear.
There is nothing insane, paranoid or kooky about the understanding that money is the root of most every decision made in the world today.
When people are afraid, people become narcissistic. It is not that people are ‘bad’ for doing this. It is simply that the focus naturally shifts to self-preservation. It is a knee jerk reaction… One that is biologically wired into us.
The real problem with Covid-19 will prove to be the reaction to it. The reaction to it has the potential to kill more people and ruin more lives than the “organic virus” ever would. The many conflicts that will arise as a result of the reaction to it are the biggest threat of all in this situation.
Most people will not be facing how to respond to a virus, but instead how to respond to government action and the reaction that companies and citizens have relative to those government actions. Each and every one of you has the power relative to how you respond to the situation. Are we going to respond by making the world a safer place on a physical, mental and emotional level? Or will we make it more unsafe in the delusion that we are taking steps to ensure safety? In the name of safety, people have the capacity to destroy life as they know it.
When we are in fear and thus in self-preservation mode, this is precisely what we are not doing. And so, by definition we, ourselves become unsafe to others. This causes other people to go into self-preservation mode relative to us.
Fear is neither good or bad. It is information. Information about a potential or a reality that is deeply unwanted. To love is the opposite of to fear. We make very different decisions out of love than out of fear.
Fear has a way of convincing a person that the most important thing in existence is survival. It isn’t. It is quality of life. Quality of life is what humanity must stand for.
Matt Kahn Spiritual Teacher
24 Mar 2020 Thy Will Be Done
2 Mar 2020 Facing Uncertainty
Bentinho Massaro Spiritual Teacher
26 Mar 2020 How To Remain Undistracted In Disturbing Times
20 Mar 2020 Consider Your Life — Become Conscious Again
18 Mar 2020 Initial Thoughts on Corona Situation
Abraham Hicks Channel / Law of Attraction
22 Mar 2020 Before coming to Earth, you said…
Pamela Aaralyn Channel / extra-sensory
Daily Updates Doing Daily Updates on COVID-19
Others whom you may get more spiritual & philosophical perspectives from:
- A Course in Miracles
- Aboriginal Leaders / Dreamtime (no links yet)
- Alba Weinman QHHT for Spiritual Awakening
- Barbara Hand Clow Pleiadian Agenda
- Bashar Channel
- Bruce Lipton Bridging Science & Spirituality
- Byron Katie Self-Enquiry
- Corey Goode Whistle Blower / Cosmic disclosure
- Dalai Lama Spiritual Leader
- Dr Joe Dispenza Quantum physics researcher
- Eceti Australia UFO & Paranormal sightings and retreats in Australia
- Edgar Cayce Trance Channel (Deceased)
- Gigi Young Intuitive readings
- James Gilliland
- Jamie Butler Medium
- Law of One (Ra Material) Channelled information
- Michael Tellinger Ancient Civilizations, Self-Sufficiency, Ubuntu, Humanitarian
- Mooji Yogi
- Osho The pilgrimage itself is the goal
- Ram Dass Spiritual Teacher
- Regina Meredith Gaia Talk Show host
- The Global Coherence Initiative To unite millions of people to shift global consciousness to balance & cooperation
- Thich Nhat Hanh Living with Compassion

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