Life wants to create & experience itself
Life wants to explore itself, it wants to experience what it has created. We are life, exploring itself. Life inevitably wants to ENJOY exploring itself. Ultimately Life wants the best for life.
Channelling, Intuitive Downloads
Life wants to explore itself, it wants to experience what it has created. We are life, exploring itself. Life inevitably wants to ENJOY exploring itself. Ultimately Life wants the best for life.
What occurs in your unconscious mind is extremely relevant to your life, to who you are and to what you are doing in life. The way your life looks right now, however it looks to you, is largely the result of your unconscious mind. Our mind is our greatest asset or our greatest enemy.
Previously private video is now being published for exploration of the craziness that goes on in my head sometimes
My purpose is just to love, to be an example of unconditional love and compassion. That will either be the beacon of light or the seed that is planted that people don’t “need” to suffer. To show them that they have a choice. Red pill. Blue pill. And accept whatever journey they have come here to experience, in whatever way fits best for their own evolution. Because they are me, and I am them. Their perspective/perception and experience is just as valid and part of this whole thing as any. I am here to help those who “want” to experience it without suffering because that’s my super-power to share, that’s what I came here to learn, and that’s what I share as I learn. xo
Pick a wardrobe that has the layers of vibration you want to wear more often.
Everything you are experiencing is an agreed set of guidelines, beliefs and rules that you believe in. If you don’t have that little open space to also believe in something beyond these set of agreements, then you stay inside that illusion. None of it is real except in your agreement that it is.
A huge part of your healing journey is to confront your shadow aspect, all versions of you that you have created through time & space, take back your power, your life-force energy, and expand your freedom and choices available to you.
Your job, as an infinite being – having been assigned this particular character is still to try and win the game. You came here to experience your creation through this character, and you want this character to experience all the bonus levels and joy you created for it to experience!
You’ve already experienced everything before. If you want to experience anything in this dimension, you just pull/receive/download that energy into “this” you. Receive it and step into it, naturally, appreciate it, intend it, focus on it, receive it into existence, open your heart to receive it, this is the way you bring things into this creation, this is how you create it, you become aware of it.
You choose which “you” to experience in any timeline, in any world, in any dimension, in any place. All possibilities have already been created. You choose what your purpose is from the ‘you’ that you have stepped into. You choose which roadblocks and lessons to experience. You choose the level of suffering or triumph. Your imagination, intent and will is your time-machine and teleportation device. You choose which part of any creation you want to experience. You are the master builder of your own game, and the pawn to go in and experience what you created.