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Electroculture is the ancient practice of increasing yields utilizing certain materials to harvest the earth’s atmospheric energy. Using basic materials like copper wire (and/or magnets) to vitalize the soil and increase yields by 100% – 300%. It also eliminates the need for fertilizer and pesticides.


[RANT] MTBE – THIS is CRAZY! Poisoned by Policy…

With the stroke of a pen, the US government rewrote the formula for gasoline and “accidentally” contaminated the drinking water of America and other countries.
Dr. Goldstein, Toxicologist “If I wanted to to be sure that I poisoned as many as possible, I’d put something in gasoline. That’s what we’re all exposed to…”


Big Oil Lie (Origins of Oil: falsely defined in 1892?)

Colonel Fletcher Prouty (1917–2001) served as Chief of Special Operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff under President John F. Kennedy. He explains how oil was falsely classified a ”fossil fuel” in 1892 and how that deception was advanced further in the 70’s by Kissinger and Rockefeller.

“There’s a dollar sign behind almost everything.”

“They call it fossil fuel to raise the price and as a form of monopoly and control—to make people believe it is an asset that is depleting.”
