Dandelion Root
Rich source of beta-carotene (which we convert into vitamin A), rich in Vitamin C, fibre, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus. Contains B-complex vitamins, trace minerals, organic sodium, and Vitamin D. More protein than spinach.
Helps kidney’s clear out waste, salt & excess water. Inhibits microbial growth in urinary system. Stimulates appetite, balances beneficial bacteria in intestines. Improves liver function by removing toxins, reestablishing hydration & electrolyte balance.
Rich in antioxidants. Phyonutrients. Regulate blood sugar & insulin levels. Increases urination which lowers & regulates blood pressure. Lowers cholesterol levels. Increases bile production. Reduces inflammation. Boosts immune function, fights off microbes & fungi.
Not a weed – it’s nature’s medicine!

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