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Meanwhile…”Psychosis” in Canada [Police]

Police in Canada have gone full-psychosis this week as they obediently follow unlawful orders from globalist tyrants and steal (“confiscate”) fuel, trucks and vehicles, freeze bank accounts and crowd-funding, illegally arrest, bash, and abuse their fellow humans, and ride horses through crowds. They’re either complicate prostitutes who have sold their soul and will do anything for money or are they completely clueless to what this is actually about and are under the same sickness; this mind-control / mass-psychosis that has overcome a lot of the people in the world.


Meanwhile…”Psychosis” in Australia [Police]

Compliance & Slavery, Not Health – VIC Police on Saturday Fully-Masked, but on Sunday Unmasked & Mingling, and ACT police using sonic weapons on Australian families for asking for some common sense and logic to enter the medial mafia debate – these mandates make NO sense and our government has sold us out to globalism and you’re complying to the wrong side of history! Wow. Sigh. What a disgrace.
