The dark night of the soul is a mirror of your deepest fears
Any of those things that you perceive as being “done to you”, is something that you were doing to yourself.
Any of those things that you perceive as being “done to you”, is something that you were doing to yourself.
The person – and we mean this in the nicest possible way – is irrelevant. You’re just using them as your excuse to lineup or not lineup.
Why must we come into an incarnation and lose memory, conscious memory of what we want to do and then hope to act in a way that we intended? Ra: If we see all the poker-hands, it’s of no interest to play.
Aurelio Mejia from Colombia is a popular hypnotherapist in Spanish speaking countries, that found that all those under his hypnosis share the same message. It’s very interesting and something to ponder. Here is some of the “english” text sourced from his website about the 16 commonalities obtained from his regressions
Any action that is unfulfilled as per your expectation, due to either an inner hindrance or outer hindrance, is incompletion
Rrandom notes from Alba Weinman QHHT session videos
Everything that happens causes you to offer a clear vibration of improvement and expansion, everything that you don’t want – offers a contrasting preference of what you do want. The non-physical part of you has benefited from your life experience and has expanded as a result of it. It is through your exposure to life experiences that your expansion is born.
Is our life orchestrated prior to being born?
Bitching about being too tired to go to work and what I hate about the van… then van broke down and instead of a 5 hour work shift, spent 4 hours on the side of the road.
Strategy for controlling the world ramble