The dark night of the soul is a mirror of your deepest fears
Any of those things that you perceive as being “done to you”, is something that you were doing to yourself.
Any of those things that you perceive as being “done to you”, is something that you were doing to yourself.
The person – and we mean this in the nicest possible way – is irrelevant. You’re just using them as your excuse to lineup or not lineup.
According to Ra, it is an illusion carefully engineered in order to give the Creator the opportunity to know Itself. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.
Any action that is unfulfilled as per your expectation, due to either an inner hindrance or outer hindrance, is incompletion
Rrandom notes from Alba Weinman QHHT session videos
Everything that happens causes you to offer a clear vibration of improvement and expansion, everything that you don’t want – offers a contrasting preference of what you do want. The non-physical part of you has benefited from your life experience and has expanded as a result of it. It is through your exposure to life experiences that your expansion is born.
When you feel bad, your thinking is wrong. When you feel great, your thinking is correct. Simple.
You have to trust yourself enough to know that if it happens to you again, that a different choice will be part of your base-reaction/foundation/who you are, to not react the same way you did before because you didn’t like the outcome.
Seth encourages us to think outside the box about the nature of our reality as well as the collective reality. He teaches us how the conscious mind directs unconscious activity and is in control of the inner self. He also provides examples how you may apply these teaching to every day life.
Stop putting disease-badges on yourself. Because when you label yourself as a disease – you’re walking around life with these labels “I am sick” and you are keeping yourself sick, small and limited, and you are telling your body that you will never change.