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Dr Robert Malone on who controls the world

Transcription of one of Robert Malone’s newest interviews that covers a whole range of topics, including the list of players who have functional control of the world, humanity vs. transhumanism, UN/WHO/WEF, One World Government, Great Reset, Depopulation, Wuhan, EcoHealth, DTRA, CCP, Central Banks, Prince Charles, Covid-propaganda & censorship, Gates, WEF, CDC, CEPI, Mass-formation psychosis, Wikipedia, Amazon, being attacked as Controlled Opposition, Podcasting and alt media to bypass centralized information-control, his DoD clearance, Twitter is a weapon, Mainstream media dying, Pirate radio, pharmaceutical industry is predatory and knows no moral bounds, vilifying of early treatment, and more – BIS, CIA, Climate, DARPA, DTRA, Musk, Kissinger, Rogan, Flynn, Pottinger, Callahan, NSC, Baric, Rockefeller, BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard, Bank of America, CCP…


[NWO Food] UN wants to ban more than one bite of meat a day (& Lab-made Food Alternatives)

UN wants to ban more than one bite of meat a day & eliminate global food chains. Do you like eating bugs, 3d-printed steak, or genetically-engineered lab-created frankenfoods? The UN is now officially calling on replacing beef with processed bugs. The United Nations is demonising our farmers and trying to send our society back to the stone age by taking 2.4 billion kilos of protein off of the market. The UN is the single most destructive force on planet earth, working as the trojan horse behind the globalist New World Order.
