Victoria Introduces New Pandemic Bill which is ‘The End’
New Pandemic Legislation – End of Democracy for Victorians
New Pandemic Legislation – End of Democracy for Victorians
There are hundreds of thousands of testimonials, health professionals speaking out about how they are blocked from giving working treatments, and legal actions taking place. How many more people have to die?
Sara Cunial, the Member of Parliament for Rome denounced Bill Gates as a “vaccine criminal” and urged the Italian President to hand him over to the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.
Mayor of NZ embarrasses mainstream media journalist. Stands up for medical freedom and speaks out against tyranny.
Our problem is we think it would’ve been on the news if it was something we needed to know – introduction to the NWO Australia.
Bill Proposed & a Couple of Hearings trying to prevent vaccine discrimination and vaccine passports in Australia.
Just want to keep up-to-date whenever Ivermectin is mentioned in parliament hearings.