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Spiritual-Energetic changes in the Jabbed

I was just listening to David Icke‘s new audiobook, ‘The Trap‘, where he covered this topic of personality changes from a spiritual and energetic level – from the perspective of energy healers, a Rudolf Steiner lecture (on a future soul-removal vaccine), and from a Gnostic perspective of Archons…


[ICIC] The Science behind the Personality Changes in the Jabbed

Many have spoken about how their loved ones, especially right after injections, can seem intellectually rigid, emotionally cold, or altered in their thinking. People have become angrier and less able to modulate their emotions, becoming more primal in their reactions; those who were always affectionate, warm, and loving have become cold, distant, and cut off their relationships. And the bizarre behaviour towards the unvaccinated—to deny them groceries, to deny them medical care—this closing down of compassion; the kinds of things that make us human—can these injections shut down people’s compassion or critical thinking? Can it make them stop considering the next generation? “We don’t know; this is a mass experiment on the human race, and the human heart”…


Former DARPA/DoD Scientist on Neuro-AI Mind-Control & Virus Weapons on ‘Ignorant Humanity’ [2019]

Dr. Robert Duncan, a former DARPA, Department of Defense, CIA, NATO, and Harvard scientist (in neural networks, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and EEG controlled robotics), enthusiastically presented a remote-lecture titled “The Ethics of Neuroweapons and Neuro-Technologies,” which went through neurotechnology advances that he’s excited about and then switches the lecture to a warning of the dark side of these advances: neuroweapons and advanced mind-control technology that totalitarian governments (US, Britain, China, and Russia) are using to mind-control societies, armies, and other governments right now.


Dr Robert Malone on who controls the world

Transcription of one of Robert Malone’s newest interviews that covers a whole range of topics, including the list of players who have functional control of the world, humanity vs. transhumanism, UN/WHO/WEF, One World Government, Great Reset, Depopulation, Wuhan, EcoHealth, DTRA, CCP, Central Banks, Prince Charles, Covid-propaganda & censorship, Gates, WEF, CDC, CEPI, Mass-formation psychosis, Wikipedia, Amazon, being attacked as Controlled Opposition, Podcasting and alt media to bypass centralized information-control, his DoD clearance, Twitter is a weapon, Mainstream media dying, Pirate radio, pharmaceutical industry is predatory and knows no moral bounds, vilifying of early treatment, and more – BIS, CIA, Climate, DARPA, DTRA, Musk, Kissinger, Rogan, Flynn, Pottinger, Callahan, NSC, Baric, Rockefeller, BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard, Bank of America, CCP…


[1985] CNN: Electromagnetic Mind Control Weapons

In 1985, CNN (CIA) did a piece on Electromagnetic Mind Control weapons interviewing a few of the CIA scientists that I’ll be featuring in another post I’m doing exposing on how long they’ve been able to mind-control the population and how the controllers have always been obsessed with mind-control.


The REAL Anthony Fauci with Robert Kennedy, Jr.

The general public has been kept in the dark about the real Anthony Fauci, and the Corporate-Media is trying to convince them that Robert Kennedy Jr. is the “bad guy” and that Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates are the “good guys”. We are truly in an inverse world here – where evil has the mega-phone and the real “good guys” are getting decimated by the “bad guys”. This post contains lots of extracts from his book and a couple of videos where he goes through what you will find in the book.
