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My Pandemic Timeline

I’ve been keeping a random timeline of points of interest to me throughout the pandemic. I find it interesting and hope you do too. (Constant work-in-progress)


More Ivermectin Research (Videos)

Here are 4 videos that I think are great for discussing Ivermectin. The first released yesterday interviews a doctor who has been prescribing it, the second talks about the many ‘interests’ that are getting in the way of Ivermectin reaching doctors, the 3rd goes through the data – the evidence – the meta analysis – the proof. The 4th gives a good overview and answers audience Q&As.


Is Ivermectin Safe if Pregnant? (Notes)

Just want somewhere to record my findings on Ivermectin’s use on pregnant women since I’m seeing the questions arise in social media, and of course there are a lot of pregnant women that wish to know whether it’s safe or not.
