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WEF want us dead

Larry Alex Taunton cuts through the World Economic Forum’s noble slogans to explain the history of this sinister organization and the anti-human ideas driving it. He went undercover at the WEF’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, as a kind of spy to mingle with the attendees, and explains how their thinking has been infected by the ludicrous need to remove 6 billion people from the earth, “in a humane way” and how only a one world government with a “nice dictatorship” can achieve this end.


Atrazine | Making Men more ‘Feminine’ (via Rain?)

Bioweapon/Herbicide: Chemical Castration & “Feminization” and complete sex-reversal in frogs. CCP-Owned and one of the most widely used herbicides in both the United States and Australia, found in our drinking water via rainfall. Ties to Novartis, BioNtech, Pfizer, Janssen, & AstraZeneca. Can’t make this up.


[Q’uo] Elite enslavement of Humanity

I’m going to do a couple of posts on what Q’uo and Ra channellings have said in relation to the “elite” to broaden my perspective for other possible reasons the world is becoming more dystopic. This post is from January 2023 asking Q’uo if there is anything we can do about those pushing for digital id’s, tracking, eating bugs, and “owning nothing” and what is the influence behind it.
