Browsing Tag


CovID-19 (Certificate of Vaccination—ID—2019) is the largest operation to date. It includes rounding up the slaves, which are as easy to manipulate as rats, and mass tagging, experimenting, weaponizing, culling, fencing, and “playing God with” the entire human-slave-force to be controllable from a central location.

COVID Vaccine Victims Silenced

I want every individual to make their own informed decision about what goes into their bodies – you decide what’s best for you – I will never try and stand in your way. I’m just dismayed that there is all this censorship to what is working, the alternatives, and to people being aware of what to look-out for if they happen to get one of these ‘side-effects’.


My Pandemic Timeline

I’ve been keeping a random timeline of points of interest to me throughout the pandemic. I find it interesting and hope you do too. (Constant work-in-progress)
