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The world is a reflection of your beliefs

Everything you are experiencing is an agreed set of guidelines, beliefs and rules that you believe in. If you don’t have that little open space to also believe in something beyond these set of agreements, then you stay inside that illusion. None of it is real except in your agreement that it is.

Life Choose See

Life is a game of illusion – Let’s Play!

Your job, as an infinite being – having been assigned this particular character is still to try and win the game. You came here to experience your creation through this character, and you want this character to experience all the bonus levels and joy you created for it to experience!

Dan Hardy

Everything coming to the surface now – it’s time to deal!

With great pain comes big changes. Speak your truth, let go, have faith and behold your unfolding. This is a massive shift and even those who are not aware of it are feeling it’s effects. They are seeing the signs and symbols and getting the insights. The ego is going through it’s own little death-throes trying to hold onto your old identity that no longer serves you.


Today I woke up sad, insecure, overwhelmed.

Today Im caught up on thoughts that do not serve me. I dont know how long I have left, but whether its hours, days, months or years.. I want to live my truth. I choose to love fully. I choose to speak from a loving place. I choose to care deeply. I choose to be myself. I choose for people to know the real me not the mask that I wore all my life. That however long I have left in this experience, I choose to share who I really am, to be me.


Waking Up the Sleepwalkers

The sleepwalkers of the world are unaware of who they really are. They are unaware of the powers they possess and have chosen to follow a path that relates to the events and experiences of life from a damage-control point of view. The key is to go inside and establish the highest thought about yourself. Then imagine the person you would ‘be’ if you lived that thought every day.

Waking Sleepwalkers