CERN Australia

IN Taboo / Divergent
  • Updated:12 months ago
  • Reading Time:12Minutes
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Today’s curiosity is CERN in Australia:


Stawell, Victoria


More than 5500 scientists from 245 institutes in 42 countries work on the ATLAS experiment (March 2022).


A system for developing and testing particle accelerators has arrived at the University from CERN in Switzerland. The MelBOX is now settling in.


Half of a CERN high-gradient test facility embarks on a new life at the University of Melbourne


Lucas Heights, Sydney, New South Wales

Aussie experts ‘unlocking’ COVID-19 cure / ANSTO’s COVID-19 research support


CERN sent the equipment as part of an agreement coordinated by Professor Geoffrey Taylor in 2019. This continues the University’s longstanding relationship with CERN.


Melbourne hosted the 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference in 2019 (IPAC 2019).


The Rosebery mine could hold darker secrets than anyone suspected


2016 Physics Lecture – Professor Elisabetta Barberio


Australian scientists helping to unlock mysteries of the universe at CERN


The Australian National University joined the nTOF collaboration at CERN in 2014.


Particle-physics fever in Melbourne

Sara Bolognesi of Johns Hopkins University presented some interesting preliminary work based on a recently published study in which helicity amplitudes are used to reveal the spin and parity of the new boson.



Australia and the largest hadron collider


Clayton, Melbourne, Victoria

ANSTO’s Australian Synchrotron is a 3 GeV national synchrotron radiation facility located in Clayton, in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria, which opened in 2007.


Videos & Theories

CERN From Different Perspectives [Videos]
Jumping around looking at the various perspectives of CERN today, having no formed-opinion of it myself, only that “We don’t know much about it, and apparently, neither do the physicists that work there,” and yet it generates billions of dollars for itself and convinces governments around the world to throw millions at it, and it’s setup all over the world, including Australia.

So why do some physicists say it’s all a bunch of hooey and those that work there think it’s worth the billions funnelled into it? Why do some say it’s already messing with our reality and causing the “Mandela effect”? How are people connecting CERN with the Great Reset? What about Bible prophecies? What do the guys at CERN say? What’s with the weird dance rituals and symbology? I’m jumping around today and having a look at the various theories and perspectives in connection with CERN.

View the post with the Video clips I made out of really long lectures, interviews, and sifting through boring courses and documentaries to just grab the CERN-related stuff.

Unsorted and maybe random or unrelated links found along the way

Posts tagged: CERN

Penny (
Penny (

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.