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1 minute Spike-Protein Antidote (Dandelion)

(… a spike-protein antidote that starts working within 30 seconds)
Nature wants to cure us, whilst the NWO wants to kill us. Find out how Dandelion & Milk Thistle could be the two antidotes growing right in your yard that can fight back against the cabal.


Honduras went from 70% Covid Mortality to Zero Deaths at a National Level

With only 125 critical care beds for a population of 9 million people, Honduras was getting slaughtered by Covid and had a 70% mortality rate – they had to think outside of the box to get on top of things, and with early treatment and public messaging, they were able to conquer Covid. Hear first-hand what happens when doctors are listened to by their governments and when the media isn’t bought off by pharma and actually advocate for their frontline doctors.


COVID-19 Stages/Targets (Downloads)

This is a living document of me collecting research on the phases of COVID-19 and the therapeutic options for each phase and viral target. This particular post focuses on the Viral Replication phase.
